I heard an interview with a long time friend of Mitch McConnell - wish I remembered his name,, the Interview was done on the Show "The Circus: Inside the Greatest Political Show on Earth" - Showtime,,, It was done by Mark Mckinnon - and one of his points was about a Political party - in that case the GOP - had earned the Majority in the White House and the Senate - and they should use it ..... they were discussing the appointment of Federal Judges and a Supreme Court Justice - even though it was the last days of the Presidency. and McKinnon was making the point about McConnell not even giving Obama' s Nominee a hearing with 11 months to go in his presidency, but then confirming Amy Coney Barrett on October 26th - thats like two weeks before the election.... Anyway the Point was that When a Party has the Majority - has the Votes - they fought hard (pardon that expression) to get them - THEY SHOULD USE THEIR POWER, while they can,,,, SO all the Bitchin and Moaning the GOP is doing right now about what Biden and Dems are doing - is exactly what the GOP did in the last breaths of the Dump Presidency.
SO - Expect MORE of that !!
2nd Topic - I see and hear things about - "Where are all the Biden supporters - now that he has been elected ??" Folks - we support him,, hey we or many of us voted for him.... however,,, he is NOT the Lord and Savior !! He is not our Samurai War Lord, We don;t see him and Jim Jones (The Peoples Temple Leader) so are not awaiting the Kool-aid to drink !! We do not feel the need to fly flags with his name on them on our Trucks & Cars.... we do have Signs in our yards anymore with the Biden / Harris Name on them !! We Know the Election is over ,,, he was elected and Sworn in... As I expect that there will be more and more "normal" people coming to that conclusion,,, will those Dump supports be happy - NO - no more happy than we have been the last 4 years.
3rd topic - OMG - can we stop with the Conspiracy theories !!?!?!? - Dumpo is not in Florida amassing the military to come to DC and take back the Country. March 4th or 5th what ever it is ,, will come and go,, and he will not be sworn in as the POTUS on that Date - you are Delusional !
The latest I read was that Dump and Biden had face transplants - yea - face transplants - that it is really Dump in the WH ,, with Bidens face and Biden is living somewhere else with Dumps face !! Come on ! Who believes this shit !?!?!?
4th Topic - Funny how the insurrectionists that invaded the Capital now want clemency and seems to be actually surprised that they were arrested for being on and in that building ! What Assholes ! Did you really think you could invade the Capital building of the United States, threaten Senators and Representatives , smash windows, Steal Laptops, podiums, Personal & government Belonging, then just go back to East Armpit Illinois and continue your life - with no repercussions ??? Really - that's what you thought ! You did not know that the Government has very sophisticated means of tracking you down, Call phone Identification, Social media postings, Face Recognition, Etc etc,,, You must be a special kind of Stupid !
All right ,, let's do some Rock and Roll,....
Beth Hart and Joe Bonamassa - I probably posted this before
The Head and the Heart
Susan with ROCK ME RIGHT !!!
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