and BTW - you would think that this would be easy to find with all the news outlets and Media coverage, CDC etc ,, but it's not . Especially hospitalization numbers.
Let's look at Texas where the Cases of COVID 19 have really gone up sharply (or what ever other adjective you would like). What we hear is that - "This is a result of additional Testing" - True - Testing increased. from June 1 to June 25 per the Texas Department of Health , by 2x . WOW - no wonder there are more cases.... YUP - so you would expect cases to increase by 2X - BUT - they show an increase from 1500 avg cases per day to near 6000 ! That is an increase of 4X - double the increased testing rate ! And Hospitalizations??? Yup - they have increased at the SAME rate as the cases. To the point of the that the Texas Governor said he was closing bars and limiting restaurant capacity. With Houston hospitals near capacity, unfortunately inundated with patients and looking to increase ICU capacity. and Before you think it a Democrat Conspiracy - The Texas Governor is Republican.
We know what to do -
to stop the Spread of this virus -
WE just don't do it. and yes - I know what happened ....
Never the responsibility of the Current administration... For a man that "claims" to be responsible for so many accomplishments - and yes - he Lies about that too - taking credit for things from Past administrations. He distances himself from wrong doing, or responsibilities that might be seen as negative. And yes - this plays very well with his Base. Let me just say that I do not think that he could do any thing that the 40% of so of Americans who support him would tell you is just WRONG. Nope - the POTUS has made this all about loyalty to him - Bend the knee and kiss the ring. Saying things that oppose his point of view are seen as not falling into the Rump camp. His defenders are always quick to run to his defense. Does not matter what the subject - the latest is the "joke" that the White house and his own press secretary (thats the Joke) said he was kidding about slowing down testing - only to have the CDC come out and say NOPE ! we Are not slowing any testing,, and then he under Cut his own Press by saying he does not kid ! Yea - good Idea cause hundreds of thousands of sick people and 120,000 Deaths is probably not a subject for humor !
and as we are in the midst of racial strife in the Country - he chooses to use a racial slur "KUNG FLU" when describing the virus. and of course his base jumps right in.... reports os Asian decent citizens under attack, and asian doctors and nurses literally spit on ! right - is that what we are - are we that stupid ?? To think that any person of asian decent in this country had anything to do with the Covid -19 virus ? Are we that Stupid ??
Quickly on the November election..... Do not be fooled by political poles, - they were wrong last time - they are wrong this time. Biden is a flawed candidate. He certainly might beat Rump .. but don't bet on it. The Election is Months away. The White House is a great home field advantage. Only 9 out of 45 have lost. That's an 80% winning percentage, and if you look at some recent ones,,, Gerald Ford - doomed by his pardon of Nixon, Carter, nice guy - not really a great president and doomed by the Iran hostage Crisis. The last was George Bush Senior - beaten by Bill Clinton. So the incumbent has a great advantage. and don'e tell me about voting fraud, Mail in ballots as a HUGE Problem, Bull Shit - the Potus is lining up this as an excuse if and when he loses. These states already vote by Mail Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah and Washington - what are those folks going to do ??? And BTW - He - the POTUS and many in his administration VOTE by Mail !!
The Clearwater is Sailing today from Kingston - I hope to get a look at her !!
Look - Here is the Schedule for the Week, - although I have gotten to the point that I just try to get thru the DAY and not think about the Week ,,
in General - Let's try to do a bike ride and a walk on alternating days.
Monday - Bike
Tuesday - Walk
Wednesday - Bike
You get the Idea - right.....
I'm working at the Marina - hours that I am really starting to like - 2:30 - 8:30 Gig !!! Leaves me time to do the walking or the Biking and get something done around the house or purchase and some times - deliver - materials for the next job !! Oh yea that is the other working part ,,, we just finished a deck ,, well we are awaiting on the Owner to provide Stairs that the want so we can complete the Railing system.
Note on Meals - we got us one of the Smoker type grills & it's pretty Great !! Have done Chicken, Shish ka Bobs, ore there other kind of Shish's ??? than KA BOBS ?!?!? humm ok,, Chicken, Ka - Bobs, Salmon, Veggies,,, all came out terrific. I like that there are no "fires" in the grill when you cook,, no flame ups ! and I do not think you can actually burn anything,,, Next test is to do something with just Smoke .,, probably Pork,,,, that smoking cooks at a lower temp and a longer time....
Ok - that's it,,,, I am going to try to do more of these quick hits and not wait till I have a small book to write to put it in here...... I will chime in on the BLM movement, and Police Support in the next one or two entries..
HEY - Last year this time we were in Denali National Park - looking at Grizzly Bears and Taking plane rides to land on a Glacier !! Yea - Glad we went LAST YEAR !!
- It's been a while and I only have a few minutes before I run off to work - another of these 14 hour days,,, and yup that' s nuts ! I and hoping I only have two more left to do after today,,,, but for now it's a 7 - 8:30 , thats 7 AM to 8:30 PM !!! ugh..... so see ya at the Marina !
- Listen - I am not sure what to say about all this but I know , a few things to be true,,,
A) Black Lives Matter !! - thats's it , we need to be sure that those who don;t think so are not in positions of power,, or Law enforcement.
B) You can protest without violence. MLK taught us this years ago, and I for one would like to see our leaders say so,,, and I think the leaders of the BLM movement need to say so. Looting and Burning buildings - while I think is just emotion over flowing - needs to STOP. How does that advance the Cause??? Breaking windows and Stealing from merchants is what the Black community thinks we should be doing ?? That Will stop or Lessen racial injustices ??? and I Still cannot tak eAl Sharpton seriously, I understand it's been years... but he was hoodwinked by Tawana Brawley , put a community thru hell over a LIE ,, and has never admitted that he was fooled by her.
C) and Maybe this should be A , Police in Every city and every officer are important parts of that community. They need to be respected,,, They need to be supported ! I cannot imagine the Strain that they are under... and you are crazy if you think that you can work under these conditions and continue to make all rational decisions.. Imagine one of these officers after 10 days of 12 hour shifts in a demonstration situation,, you try it !
D) The protester that was pushed to the Ground by police and came on CNN the other night is exactly what makes peoples blood boil.... Yes she was assaulted by by that office when he pushed her, I am glad she was not more injured than she was - ... But why is she then on CNN with a LAWYER !?!? Chris Cuomo asked her about what would be justice,,, and the lawyer jumped in and said stuff about that it was hard to tell what justice would be in this case,,, "what if the office was fired and spent a year in jail.." Still answered that is was difficult to tell,,, I can read between the lines and I think - I think that this person started with with great intentions - to demonstrate against Social injustice,,, she was harmed - yes. But now I get the Idea that all that can go away with some Money from law suit against the officer and the City of NY... IF that's true - that what she is looking for is some DO-RE-Me- $$$$$ - that is pathetic.
E) 2020 is pretty well canceled and moved to 2021.
F) I gotta go to work.....
one by Bruce and the Drop Kick Murphy's
And Jackson Browne with a song Written by Steve Van Zandt - aka - Little Steven or Miami Steve