Tuesday, March 24, 2020

I was wrong

I think those words are the hardest for us - any of us - to say....

If I hear one more news "reporter" and the ones on the  "F#$%@ and Friends " reporting network are not Reporters,  they are entertainers.  Do they not know that there is video of them saying that this is/was a Democrat Hoax - that its "like the FLU"  that it was another Impeachment attempt on the President. Now they wanna say - that they never said it. Lies then and More Lies now - ok , not that I usually like him, but that Tucker Carlson took it serious from the beginning,,, the others - NOPE !
Look - Just say - "I was wrong" . this is much more serious than I originally thought,  I did not take it serious enough,.  Now - was that so hard !

AND and - If I hear one more person compare this to the Fucking Flu - I will probably SCREAM !

Yes,,, it' s the Flu,,  A  Flu like in that both are viruses. thats it.... the Data taht I hear quoted is insane. You cannot talk about data unless you do it per capita - a Percentage. NOT just flat numbers. and BTW - IF you want to argue about if the Fatality Rate is 1.5 -2 or .75 %  THAT IS STILL HUGELY higher than the God Damn FLU !! the FLU has 22,000 deaths. over 36 million affected. ok, simple maths 22,000 divided by 36,000,000 then times 100 to get a Percentage ,,, thats .06111% so if the Covid is even .75 % thats 12 times HIGHER !!!  so do me a favor and shut the hell up about the GD FLU !!

and ok - if you are confused about what to do ???  Follow this chart ! You're Welcome..

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