Friday, March 13, 2020

I try - I honestly do

So the news that I turn into is criticizing another news outlet for politicizing the COVID -19 Message.  That they - that other station - needs to be giving people helpful information and not be taking shots at the other news source.  And they say - she to be specific - says that the other news outlet has on several guests - and that they just use the Guests to Bash the Administration and the "other party" over the handling of the Crisis. AND THEN  - that person - she - brings on 2 guests that all they do is just that !! Bashes the other network.

I try to watch a little of Fox news to see what the Messaging is over there..  But I cannot watch Laura Ingram and her guests,,, as she launches into a Tirade into criticism of CNN and bring son guests to do what she just said CNN should not be Doing !! The worst of the Fox "news" - it's not news its GOP / POTUS news ... not real news. but the Worst is that she - and her guests - suggest - and to be fair the Guest Stated it and she did not challenge them - that the Democrats were happy that this was happening in America, that they enjoy watching the country in crisis that they like sporting events cancelled,  that they like the stock market to drop ,,, What type of Low life person suggests this !

I try - I honestly do - I just can't watch FOX and Keep down my dinner ..and no one should be surprised that there are Political rifts in Getting Americans the help and info that they need to handle the Virus - when all this POTUS does is separate the parties and the Country.

and let me say - I do not understand how you cannot read a teleprompter - and that the WH has to walk back MAJOR points in the address you made to the Nation, on Who can come to the US from Europe (US citizens can flay back home)  , and that he Halted goods into the US also (nope)  , that Great Britain is the only country that can travel to the US (nope), that Insurance companies shave agreed to pay for the COVID -19  treatment (nope - only for the testing) .   I mean Jesus ! Can we get it right in a prewritten speech  !?!?!

And - many many people pay attention to how the leader (HA HA) acts ,, does not matter of that person in the POTUS,  a Business manager, a Mayor, a CEO, - how do they act ? Are they walking the WALK ??  are they still shaking hands with people, are they acting concerned about contacting the Virus ?  As we can see - the Potus  is not ! Not worried that he has been in direct Contact with people who have tested positive ...

I do have one question - how is it that the Utah Jazz Basketball team has all been tested , but Mayors and Governors across the country say they cannot get enough tests ??  and Ok we - the CDC wanted to develop it's own test and Not use the German version - but should not we be catching up to the Demand  - even a little ??

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