Thursday, October 27, 2016

I would agree to disagree

We have lost the ability oto respectfully disagree with each other,,,  It used to be that you would listen to others statement and arguments, and agree to disagree... Not anymore,, and I am not sure when this started but it has reached an Apex of Epic proportion..

I listened the other night to 4 people on with Don Lemon  on CNN all talking at once, no one listening to the other,  nope just talking right over each other,, this is a learned skill, try it some time,,, and see if you don't find your self stopping talking,, but not these trained professionals. Of Course it was political,,, but it was angry  these folks were angry with each other or at least with the opposite siders.....  Guarantee no one is changing anyone s mind ...  I think it probably similar to should we Declare Independance from England ? or NOT... Can the Nation survive 1/2 slave and 1/2 free ??
Roe V Wade.. Creationists .vs Evolution ? Jews .vs Christians .vs Muslims ,  Democrat vs  Republican....   you get my point. some things seem so clear this many years later. I wonder if we  will have the advantage of looking back and seeing what might have been and what was,,,

I am more concerns today as to the outcome of the election... not the outcome per Se,,, I think Hillary will win.  What will the backlash be ? will Rump concede the election ?? Will his rhetoric be that of violence, and  uprisings ? Will that be the tone post election day? this is guy who is not used to losing,,, even in Losing billions he WINS,, everyone laughs at his jokes  - he is the Boss after all,,,What will this embarassment be - on a National scale none the less..  We see and hear his rhetoric when someone challenges  him,,, how will he react when its for real - he loses to Hillary ,,,  and has to admit he was beaten...  I said months ago I could not see one conceding to the other..  Less than two weeks will tell..

i will relate a study in human behavior that came from my recent Jury Duty,,, but this i noting to do with the Case,,,

Friday afternoon we the prospective Jurors show up in the JURY pre room at 1:15,,, I am a few minutes early - I walk in ,, there are 4 folks or so at the chairs and each has a clip board and form that they are filling out,,, no one looks up... hey i can follow the lead,,, I take a clip board from the table - oh BTW - there is no one at the Desks that are spose to be there telling us what the heck to do,,,, each is now doing it on his or her own.... as each new person walks in they look around,, no one says a word to them,, but each - some quickly  - some not so much - but each has a clip board and a form filled out,,,, without being told to do anything,,,, or knowing any thing.   the Juror lady shows up,,, at 1:30 - starts to give us the JUROR talk ,,,, and then notices that we all have these clipboards and Forms,,, she says,,, umm,,,  "has everyone filled out these forms ?""  YES we all chime,,, ahem,,, well of the 30 of you 12 are going to the CIVIL trial and 18 to the Criminal Trial.....   in the Civil trial  the attorneys will use the Form to help select the Jury ,,, but in the Criminal trial - No forms,,, in fact ,, I am take them all from you before you walk into the Court room,,, and VIOLA - that is exactly what happened.. 18 of us played follow the leader for nothing,,, but a very interesting study in human behavior,,, no one wanted to be the one without a completed form !!  TOO Funny,,,

Let us end here - and good bye for now - with a  video - Ill give you Heaven ,,,

Saturday, October 22, 2016


Do you think it's possible that Rump  is TRYING to lose the election ???

Let's look at this sorta seriously a minute,,,

- Coming out of the GOP convention it was at worst an even race between Rump and Hillary... and many polls showed Rump with an edge in many of what were the "Batttle-Ground" states...

Since then,,, and in no particular Chronological Order..

Rump has arguably LOST 3 debates,,, did not prepare for the 1st one as a person that is a Big League narcissist would do ,   Was Ok in the 2nd Debate  but after an even start to the 3rd and Final time he will have the head to head opportunity to debate Hillary,,, he takes the bait again,,,  interrupting her,,, with WRONG,, and when she says he's a puppet for Putin,, he chimes in No puppet,,, you are the puppet (Hello =Peewee Herman - I know you are but what am I defense) and then in the Bombshell of the night says that he will let us Know if he will accept the out come of the election,,, Keep us in suspense I think was the quote,,, this from a question he had to know was coming, !!  and hell - he lies and bullshits about everything,, why not say YES .. I will accept , like this campaign manager and VP candidate said that very day,,,even if he did not mean it !!  

He has insulted and then doubled down on Hispanics - especially Mexicans- Insulted Women, Handicapped,  THE TAPE killed him,,, and then 10 - that's my count - women have come forward to say that they we assaulted by Rump...  ALL Liars,,, ??  really - and its the Democrats that are behind this "conspiracy"   one one hand they have no idea what they are doing - he uses horrible and on the other they have constructed this intricate conspiracy involving all these women and news media, and FBI,,,, come on can't have this both ways... 

Does not release the TAX return - leaves us to speculate what s there,, 

Suggests Hillary could have done something to prevent him from claiming a BILLION dollar loss in business that he utilizes over decades to pay no taxes - calling it SMART. Says Hillary in 30 years could have  stopped him from using Foreign Steel in his buildings, Undocumented workers in his Hotels,...   She could have??   not the past presidents, not the Full congress,, Hillary - Whoa,, did she have that much power at any time...

He has continued to Lie about things that we have seen video tape of him says ing exactly the opposite,, and seriously - he could have said, hey I changed my mind,,,  the circumstances changes and so did my opinion of them,,,, but NO,,, he continues to say that he never said these things, and we see and hear in past interviews that he DID say them,,

AND  lately - RIGGED - is his theme,,,,   Let;'s look at FACTS,,,,  from 2000 to 2012 - that's FOUP presidential elections,,, there have been 159 cases of proven Voter Fraud -  hummmm how many voters were cast in those 4 elections >???  Let's use 110 Million votes per election - 2000 was closer to 100 million, and 2012 120 million,,,  so 110 Million per Presidential election,,,  and I'll tell you what  Ill use the Rump number of 300 cases of Voter Fraud,,  so 110 x 4 elections,,, = 440 Million votes,,,, and 300 Were fraud, so 300 / 440,000,000 = .000068% - that's Wide Spread ??   I don' t think so,,, and  even if you believe that all 300 cases voted for the same candidate,,,, It's a laughable argument - RIGGED,,,,  it's sounds more like a  KID that loses a game and tries to convince them selves and the other 8 year olds that they must have cheated to WIN ! BULLSHIT ..... I am not that smart and I said from months ago that Rump would never concede the loss to Hillary,,, and how dangerous that is for our Country and the Democratic process,,,,,  Even in close elections,,, Nixon / Kennedy in 1960 - Nixon said that it was important the the country see a definitive transfer of Power and he conceded the election..  Even Gore - after the mandatory recount by FLorida law took place and the Challenge of BUSH (yea everyone forgets that) to the Supreme court  (GORE won the popular vote by ~500 thousand and Bush the Electoral College by 5 ) Gore told his Party to "StandDown" and conceded the Election to Bush,,,  But Rump says he will keep us in suspense, What a Jerk !

All this .. and I put to you that it is at the very least somewhat intentional,,,  you can't keep trying to win when you are dropping easy fly balls,,, getting picked off the bases and swings at pitches over your head......  

We  have 16 days and 18 hours left till election day,,, and very shortly after that Hillary will be know as the President Elect,, and word that has never been used will be ,,"Madam" President.  

as always I'll give you some unrelated Music to pass the time,,,, 

Have I used this one before ?

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Disgusting - and then you call yourself....

I have lost all faith in Humanity,,,  I now see Christians,,,  God Believers , those that are preaching to me,,, and yes at times making me feel bad like there is something wrong with me that I  don't have that kinda Faith. ,... yup ,those folks that should be finding Rump's treatment of Muslims, Mexicans, Women, the Handicapped,,and all others deplorable,,, those "Christians" are now swimmin in that shit with the RUMP. And Why you ask,,  ?  Because of one thing,,,  that a portion of the 14th Amendment  dealing with privacy covered a women's right to abortion....and that they think the next president will be appointing several Supreme court justices that will support Women's rights and that's  WHY  - THAT's WHY !

There is no good reason  - no reason - for Embracing a Monster .....  You cannot justify endorsing him and then citing that we need to pray for our country.   Give me a Break,....    We need to pray for the country , but we don't need this guy .  AND I continue to say that he is  danger to the country, he is a menace to women, His is an out and out BIGOT ,, he is a Bullshit artist.  and I am not even going into all those reasons again..

TOP 10 - really first ten,, I can think of why NOT to vote for RUMP.
1. Few Actual Policies - "Believe me" and Many people tell me" are NOT Policies 
2. Ignorance About Government - Can he even spell foreign policy ?
3. Inconsistency - Changes his mind on many issues
4. Overconfidence - ONLY I can fix America - F.U.
5. Loose With Facts-  Liar and Bullshitter
6. Bad Friends - praises Putin , refuses to denounce David Duke - he's the KKK guy if you dunno
7. Bigotry - Nuff said
8. Draft Dodger - Several  deferments, and Heel spurs that have disappeared with time,
9. Business Failures - Lost nearly a Billion dollars in one year 

10. Poor Example for Children - which of YOUR children do you want to grow up to be like him ?

BTW - Now he think Hillary is taking drugs ? seriously suggesting drug tests -WTF next ?? Hey Hillary ,,, tell Rump  - you releases those TAX returns,, and you can do all the dug tests ya want !  Oh and now what I said about him talking Rigged Elections (like we are some 3rd World  country) and Dishonest media is the reason that he will lose  - Not his behavior ,, or policies,,, Give me a f'ing break. and I will re-state in case you did not get it ,, this Rigged election talk is dangerous to our Democracy... 

Let me leave you with some humor - ICE -T at the Lemonade Stand...


Friday, October 14, 2016

And now ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,This

Just at a time when you thought that it could not get worse,,,, Or better depending on your particlar Brand of vodka,,, This happens.....

and let me say first how terrible all this must be to Women that have been actually Sexually assaulted, to have the whole issue displayed as if  in the Center ring in Barnum and Baily's circus

a Video of a prospective Commander and Chief talking about grabbing a Women's genitals, and being allowed to do that because as he is quoted is a star ....  he and his minions run around furiously saying this was years ago,,, he has promoted women to high positions in his companies and he he respects women,,, well as long as you are not one he has not publicly humiliated  fro gaining weight, not living up to his physical appearance standards, or called pigs, cows, etc,, he respects all of the other ones,,, as any good presidential candidate certainly world..

when pressed about the Tape by Anderson Cooper - he said  "no he had never done that" and it was Locker room talk,,,  despite many pro athletes coming out and saying that  they don't talk like that and have not heard that sort of talk in any locker room,,  and now several women after hearing his denial to AC... have come out with "stories " that they have been molested by Trump,,,   Geez - the nerve of these women , smearing what up to now has been a pristine record on the part of the GOP candidate,... he Should SUE them - especially the New York Times to retract the Story,,, with all those Lies in it,... he won't though,,, as that would open him up in a Court proceeding to Discovery on the Part of the NYT,,,, on what ever else they can find on him,,,, because BTW ,, these women brought the story to the TIMES not the other way around,,, and its all a conspiracy by the Democrats to  discredit him,.... Sure got them to forget that he still has not released that Tax return !!  AND AND these happened Decades ago,, so should be swept aside,,, not like that stunt before the last debate of Women - rightly or Wrongly - accusing Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct,,, that happened ,,, oh Wait - DECADES ago,,,,, and in case you missed the name - ITS HILLARY on the ticket Not Bill ! Dumb Ass..

Two quick points

- One Rump Apologist minion,,,, went down the road that Bill C settled several of these incidents - without any proceeding of Guilt - by paying off the Law suit, and that alone - according tot he Rump spokeman was admission of guilt,,, until I think it was Don Lemon as them if that meant that the discrimination lawsuits the rump settled by Paying them off was an admission of Guilt and hummm they could not come up with any answer ,,,,

- the other Rump spokesman - said that the Groping incident on the airplane could not have taken place because of the design of the Airplane seats in a DC 10 or L10 - 11 that they would have been flying,,,  Seriously - that's the Defense,,,a person that does not look old enough to remember DC10's let alone is now the EXPERT in air line Seat Arm rest design,,, and what could or could not be done,,,,

Silver Lining portion,,,,, Hillary now leads by nearly 10 points across the Country,,, and is leading in nearly every what they call Battle-gound state.....    I think - although easy won;t be the word - that she will win a decisive victory 26 days from now,,,, the next Debate should be very interesting,,,,  I think they will ask Hillary to Smile less,,, stick to the Issues,,, let the Moderator - Chris Wallace - ask the tough questions,,, and Let Rump did a hole for himself,,,,

I can't wait to see what happens next, !!!