Sunday, August 21, 2016

OMG I cannot stand to look at it

Its like that flipping horror movie that you can't watch but just cant look away.

Now get this - Donny (ASSHOLE) maybe changing his tune on deportation of Illegals

Trump campaign manager: A deportation force TBD

 and you can bet he will be doing an about face on several other issues,,, as he and his team realize that they are not winning  now, nor will they in November.  I love the photo of that ass handing out food and stuff to flood victims in Louisiana,,,, i have to say I never understood that,,, Million aires that are gettin back on a luxury Jet and flying to another city in Air conditioning to be picked up by a limo and taken to stay over at a 5 star luxury HOTEL Suite - handing out food and blankets to a poor person whos home just fingn floated away in the rains !  Maybe send them some MONEY and help them that way ,,, or DO NOT get your God Damn picture taken doing this so called Charitable work.


I think I am gonna PUKE !

This F'ing guy and his supporters make me more sick EVERY F'ing Day !

- Insult his rivals in GOP party,, call them and their Wives names, and post extremely unflattering pictues of them on your Twitter Account. and say the Very Presidential - "He Started IT " !
- discuss the Size of his  "HANDS" in a political debate
- Insult minorities
- Insult Mexicans, Hispanics, Muslims,
- Insult female reporters
- Praises the Soviet Premier and Praise Sadam
- Insults and doubles down on the insult of the Parents that lost a son defending out country
- Strike a Veiled Violent Threat at his opponent, and then says - Are you kidding me ?
- Tell the African American members of your Audience "hey - what do you have to lose" to get their votes, thats the Strategy ??  What do I have to lose,,, that's what got our Great leaders of the past elected?

AND NOW - NOW - the Donny-ette's that were not fucking insulted and embarrassed to be his supporters after all that, - are Very insulted and call into question what the rest of the World will think of our political process as they see Naked statues of the Donny on American street corners,  GIVE ME A F'ING BREAK !! You are supporting a MAd man.... someone that now realizes that he is going to lose the Election,,, and going down the very dangerous road of calling into question our election process,,,,  claiming IF I don't WIN -  then they cheated..   how far will the asshole take this,, what if after the election,, he goes about saying that the process is rigged,,, hey I lost , so the electoral process is no good,, and corrupt,,,  I think the Asshole should think about what that say about america,,,

Ok,, I gotta go puke now,

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Nothing more to see here,,,, Move along

Is there nothing that this F ing asshole won;t say,,,??

And then brush it away ,, GIVE Me a Break,,,, give us a break,,

Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the 2nd Amendment,” Trump told the crowd in Wilmington, N.C. “By the way, and if she gets to pick if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks. Although the 2nd Amendment people, maybe there is. I don’t know.”

 Funny ,,, I posted the Quote on FB and said it was stated by Hillary towards Trump ... the one response I  got from a Donny supporter said that it sounded like Threat,,,, then a few hours later,,, and I'll bet my trumpettte supporting friend heard it on the news,,, I said whoops i got that backwards  it was Donny saying that about Hillary ,,, guess the response ,, ???  IT was the MEDIA twisting Donny's statement....   the MEDIA ???  You said it was threatening when you thought the Next President said it !! Not the Media !!..

So a threat of  Violence against his rival

A statement to Russia about getting involved to find her missing Emails, (was just  KIDDING)
Compliment to Putin

Insults to a handicapped reporter

Insults to Female reporters

Insulted Mexicans, and hispanics, Muslims

Verbally insults parents of a soldier Killed in action defending US.
 and Again
and even again

Chides that the Media is unfair to him,

the election is rigged IF he loses,,, guess its just fine if  - god forbid - he wins

Says Sexual harassment in the eye of the beholder,,,

Global warming is a joke

Tweets photos of his Rivals wife and then explains it as "He Started it "  good for a 5 yr old,,

uses Lyin TED and Crooked Hillary as his Campaign , i guess to make us forget he has nothing else.

Seriously - what is next,,,   His own party is running for the hills,,, is there anything he can say or Do to put himself over the Edge,, he is proven Liar - or yes more accurately a Bullshitter -   but none of this matters - Holy shit,.. we can't be stupid enought to elect this asshole ! can we.


Saturday, August 6, 2016

Hello hello Hello is there anybody out there ?

Glad no one is out there,,

I am guessing that a phyc person doctor would say there is a positive to have a place to write stuff down that is just on some people's heads,, and is never seen by Any one,,,  SO I guess thats here...

Sleeping on the Floor is not good,,, head tucked in partly under the couch,,, or rolled off the couch and lay between the coffee table and the couch,,,,   the occasional Cat comes by to announce it might be time to eat, even if its no where near time to eat !....  the TV continues all night,,, hope the wife left it on a good channel otherwise,, I can never find the fucking clicker to change up. and I am watching some guy Selling knives or Male enhancement drugs,,, or who the hell knows what drama,,,,

I thought I had it down to what caused the Leg attacks,,, the Gabbs don;t really work - I don't have any more New P patches,,, so I ride out the Attack,, wandering the house and the Driveway at 1,2,3 in the morning,,,, Tell you what worked last night an extra Gabby,,, 2 "perfect sleep" tablets and 1/2 bottle of Smithwicks,,, say that as Schmitticks !  and about an hour ....   finally fell off bout 2am,,, and righ now its 4:30 , with the cats fed and coffee made and thi s written,, so it will be 15 hours of work, on 2 hours of Sleep,,,, ahh , but I am pretty used to that..

Ok,, on the Plus side,,,,,,,,,  hold on this might take a minute,,,,

OK,, Hillary is beating Donny in the poles,,, I can only hope we would not elect a madman to the presidency,,, and I would be the 1st to admit these are not good choices,,,, Donny would be a horrible choice.

one day close to Retirement  (HAHAHAHAHA) when ever that is,,, I can keep telling my self its 62 - thats like 20 month away , but I know it will never come.

I think I need to make  decision on this stuff,,, I keep looking at a 2nd house,, or selling this one and buying a home that will be the RETIREMENT (HAHAHA) home , and no I don't me an URN to sit on someones mantle or hiding in the closet with my ashes in it !!  I mean another house,,,,

HEY its 4:30 - I gotta got to work,,, I will talk to you (ya - there is no you ) I will talk to ME later, !

Friday, August 5, 2016

What could possibly go wrong ?

or Three Strikes and you are OUT

- Fan motor not working in the Car,,,
     Pulled out literally entire dash board - Passenger side glove box, and console, the Driver side under the Steering wheel panels, and the entire center , Radio, CD player, clock, Climate control - I get power tot eh Switch , bit no where else,,, and just to taunt me the fan comes on intermittently as I am working removing the center - Ordered new CLimate control block - better stinking work as I dont know where else to go

Lets do the Weed trimming and mow the lawn,,,,,   2nd pull on the trimmer the Cord Breaks and - poof. Take that all apart - only to find that the tensioner spring broke , and there is no way to feed the cord back into the trimmer,,,, GRRRRRR

Buy the Red oak for a small project of making a cabinet for my In Laws,,,, a) ok I forgot the Screws, and had to go back out to get them,,, then I decide to cut the top pieces of the cabinet at 45 degree angles and sand them down to where they need to be,,,, 2 minutes of sanding and the hand sander gives up in a small puff of Smoke and then stops all together ....

okk I can take a hint, - I'm done,,, at least for today !