Friday, October 24, 2014

Show me wherre it hurts

How do other folks do it,, now I dont wanna come off as a whiney wimp... but some of this actually hurts,

My hip that went from just bothering me when I walked or jogged,, now hurts all the time, and a new twist, no pun intended, is that when I turn or twist the right /wrong way there is a snap in joint,, and weakness,,   that can't be good.  The Middle and ring finger of my right hand are numb most of the time,, when they are not they hurt like of the hell,,, and the pain times goes right up my arm to the shoulder.

How about some good stuff,,, 10 weeks till the Mouse,, can't wait for that ,,,,

Saw John Hiatt at the Egg in Albany,,, excelletn show, more and more impressed by artists that come out and play for 2 + hours,,, this was about 2:15 - he had 2 guitars and a harmonica.. and no guitar tech ever came out to tune the guitar  - John did it,..
he started with Open Road,,, you know .
Shrunken head and Mardi Gras beads
Hanging on a rearview mirror that bleeds
Keepin' her eyes on the open road
No tellin' where that son-a bitch goes

ended with Drive South, Have a little Faith in me, and then two encores of "Crossin Muddy Waters, and Cry Love... a treat of Icy Blue heart, Buffalo River home, Paper Thin, Long Time Comin (my new fav song)  all included in the 2 hour and 15 minute set.


We have tickets to see Joe Bonamassa at the Palace in Albany in January,... I will report back on that show,,, 

Recent wedding was very nice, Not that I am a big dancer , cause I aint,,, but would have liked a few more songs that I could dance with my Wife, daughter, Daughter in laws , etc,,,, very nice any way,,, you want to see some pix... ?? ok,,,

if you have not heard,, as of some date in 2015,,,I along with many others will no longer be IBM'ers,,, IBM sold us and the Microelectronic division to Global Foundries so I will retire from IBM and go work for GF, IF they offer me a job !!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The light at the end of the Tunnel

A popular phrase,,,, normally menaing that the you are moving from the darkness toward the light,,, things are imporving,,, that you should try to move toward the light,,, Well what if the light at the other end of the tunnel is a train headed in your direction ??   The deal of when a door closes that another one opens.  Well..... I'm waiting, and I don;t even see any doors...loet alone ones that are opening.

Can the Baseball season just end Already.

Not sure about what to say,,,
 ..I'll post up some of the photos from the lastest project , that started with replacing 4 Skylights, and now ,,,,,,,,,, it's 2  more HUGE  3 foot x 5 foot lights,  , its six  5 foot by 4 foot windows,, a new Sliding door,, 2 smaller windows.. reframing 40 feet of Exterior wall ,,, Probalby 10 new lights,,, a 1/2 doz outlets, a water spigot,  NEw Brick facing for  a 40 ft x 3 ft wall,,, 150 sqft of Tougne and groove Interior siding ,,,ya,,, maybe by Thanksgiving,,,

We saw this guy on Palladia a few weeks ago,,, thought I would give you a taste.,
With a Tom Waitts song,,

Jockey Full of Bourbon

Sunday, July 27, 2014

There is an APP for that !

Where have you been, and what have you been doing,?  Guess you could ask me the same questions,, as it;s been a little while,,, and its either nothing much has changed,, or nothing that I want to tell you has changed.  don;t take that personally,,  I just might not wanna share everything thats going on...

I think there are about 1/2 million APPs for my I-phone, 1/2 of them are variations on Candy Crush, and If one more person sends me an invitation to play ,, I might just,.............  well I digress... yup there are games,, words with friends a kinda virtual scrabble and DRAW something, are the only ones I have..  Weather Apps ,,, Disney Apps,,,  Dewalt tool apps so I can calculate roof Angles and Valley Cuts, and volumes for Insulation and concrete,,,  Social Media,... is the Media social? or the people that use it for telling me,, "I am going to the Kitchen now " are they Social,,, so that's your Twitter, you might wanna check out Twittter, when you hear of the next Crisis - they have the 1st and best Photos and Video, from folks obviously right at the Scene,,,Facebook, Tumbler, and I think Stumble Upon and FlipBoard fit that catagory .. Waze is pretty cool travel app, shows you road and traffic issues, Around ME ,, quite useful if you dont wanna ask Siri to find you the closeset  Starbucks,,,  There is ESPN, (and it sends alerts for whatever sport) CNN , FOX NEWS, and NASCAR,,, Rolling Stone,,, and THE HVFCU,.their APP is better then the WEB site, all the financial stuff,,, Bloomberg ,,, Ameriprise, ... Pandora and Spotify for some Music, you can even look me up and listen to my public play lists,,,, You Tube if you wanna add Video to your Viewing, about 100 different Camera / Photo apps,, from Coolris to Instagram,  Dropbox, I-cam and FACE TIME and Healow for Health stuff, and Shazam (thats my fave) it can tell the song just by listening !  Sham-mazing !  I got Geico and Flashlights, and the Verizon stuff and the TV Apps,, the Fancy DirecTV ,,, and HBO GO and Showtime - any F-ing time, and the FIT BIT,,,, plus PAYPAL and PrintedON , and DIY Genius (thats me) and Souind Drop if ya just wanna screw around , , Stop and shop, and Wiki panion and Ebay ,, an alarm clock, and an app for my Alarm system to see if any one has screwed with your place, , Google, Google Plus, Google Maps,  and the Apple Store, so you get all these damn things downloaded,!! IF you can think up a new app and get someone to program it,,, or do that on your own, and hope people pay for a few,, there are about 500 million I phones,,, and over  50 billion apps downloaded,,,  so if you got  2 percent the IP owners to buy your app for a buck,,, you make ,,,,, wait theres a Math app for that,, OVER $12 million bucks ! Jesus Wept,, thats a lot of money. Now what app is it that you would gladly pay a buck for??  And if you are gonna tell me,,, .... "dude ,, all the good apps are taken" Bullshit,,, how friggin long did it take us to figure out that you could put wheels on Luggage !!  WHOOSH!  it Rolls,, don;t need to Carry it  !  so there are still many APPs out there yet to be discovered, programmed and sold !

Just can;t seem to get into Baseball this year,,, Been to  only one game....  I don't even watch the Yanks at night,,, but my favorite Baseball is gonna start on AUGUST 4th,,, the Tournament of the Little League World Series... its just great .. the kids show such emotion,, and the Coachs are the Best,, Not Screaming maniacs that you might think ,, but the Calmest guys ever,... the best was the Coach that went out to calm his pitcher, (clearly they were gonna lose the Game,, not Mercy rule maybe but lose none the less, he looks at the Scoreboard,,, he tells the kids,, Hey ,, today those boys are 6 hits and 5 runs better then us,,, but I would put this same team back on the field if we played the game again. and as the infielders start to walk away from the huddle on the mound,,, he calls 'em back,, and says " oh oh,,,   we have Ice Cream Sundaes for after the game !" and he walks away...  now that is putting things in perspective ! 

I cant end  without getting a few of the Grandson pasted in here,,,,

Later DUDE ! and Dude- ettes's

Hey,,, I dunno if I ever said this,,,,  have you seen LIVE from Daryl's House,,, the House is in Amenia NY,,,,, check the Videos,,,  and crank it up... and I always thought they did some electric something with Billy's voice on the start of this song,,,, but I guess not...

Live at Daryl's , with Matchbox Twenty's Rob Thomas

JOE Walsh

La Grange - Billy Gibbons

Sharp Dressed Man..

Thursday, May 22, 2014

It Can't be

The end of May is upon us,,, Memorial day  is Monday,,,,  whats the celebrration....  ???

I once had an employee tell me that we should not  have to work Memorial day as it was a National Holiday,,,, 
I asked "What is Memorial Day??"
Answer "That's the Day America Invaded Pearl Harbor"  

"that's exactly why YOU are working  ...."
Open Honest Sensitive  - whats the problem ?

Yankess are in 1st Place ,, just can't seem to get into Baseball this year..

I think the Grass seed  and the Green Mulch stuff  that I so carefully raked into my  front yard where the tree was... is now gently floating down the Street - so much for trying the grow  lawn over that spot. might as well throw the Benjamin right out into the Road !!!

you know what,, It's 6:45pm,,, I have been in the office since 4:02 AM,,,,  I think that 's  long enough for anyone to work,,  I m so tired I ' m near fallin asleep as I type,,,  I am out,,,,


Friday, May 2, 2014

Losing IT

There are days that I think I am Losing it...

I don't Sleep much,,, 3-4 hours per night,,, I have this RLS that although not a KILLER disease... it is to say the least very disturbing,,, that after a day of activity,,, 8 mile jog in the AM,, a full day of  work at the Yard sale to say nothing of Fertilizing the lawn,, fussing with the pond .. getting tables from the rental place,, I Cannot sit down, and just relax,,, watch TV what ever,,, I have to stand and walk around the house for an hour,... even that does not work...   ok, like I said there is far worse thing that could be happening ,, but .....................

I can;t run any more,,, 6-8 miles is torture on my hips,, burr-situs is what they say,,, all I know is that it hurts.I used to be in decent shape ,, not anymore...   I asked the girl that jogs by my house what she was training for,,, she said "Bikini Season"  ha I thought,,, me in a swim suit,,, no one would be looking to see that !

Know what that is with out Googling it !???  Ringing in my F ing ears.... yep all the time,... too many Rock shows back in the day,, I play my I pod way too loud,,, and Really like Loud music,, so I am putting up with the Ringing ,,,,,

Hey Hey,,, there are many many thing that I am surely Blessed with ,,, 3 great kids,,,I often wonder how they turned out so well.... Advanced Degrees from Colleges, Very good to Excellent Job opportunities/Careers.... they all seem to know what they want to do,,, where I never had a clue. All seem NOW in good relationships,,, hopefully they are happy....  Don;t see them half as often as I'd like, but they have their own lives to live ,...  My grandson,..  talk about not seeing him enough,,, I waited a while to have a grandchild,, so now I;d like to see him everyday,,, he is so smart fo so young,,, they are doing such a great job raising him !!  Funny that they don;t know it,,,
I can fix damn near everything.  Or build what ever,,, I enjoy the Challenge of making something with my hands, gives you a great feeling of accomplishment,,, that you made something out of Wood/wallboard/tile/ etc that did not exist ....and now does.

Might be time to retire from my current job and move to another,,, another where I work harder but enjoy it more.

Take solace that I can run/jog/bike and enjoy that more

Help others more.... volunteer more

I need another Tattoo !!

Go to WDW more,,,,can;t wait till the next trip,,, fast approaching but still months away.

Ok,, I will leave ya with a few songs that I can;t seem to hear enough right now...


Time to make a meat loaf  for tonight and go for a bike ride before Opening day at the Yard Sale!

Later DUDE

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The way of the Worlds

I do apologize for the analogy to a Hot dog. Maybe I feel differently about that down the road...

58,..  ugh...

 Big series,, probably not,,, Tanaka, Pineda and CC,,,, well Maybe,,

SO Round 1 definetly to the Yankees,,, I feel so bad for John Lester,,,, boo hoo.... glad they beat the hell outta him,, usually not the outcome ,, Lester is one of the Best in the game,..    Tanaka, was great ,.,.Again,,, thought the emotion of Boston might get to him,, pitching with a lead is helpful,,, but he was excellent - again,... have to say the off season additions,, Tanaka,, Ellsbury,, Beltran,,, have all made an impact on the Team.... Good Job Brian Cashman !

And Why are the Asshole Sox fans booing Ellsbury,,, do you know that Boston never made him an offer,, do you pay any attention to the sport  ???  I tell you what ,, he is doing FOR the Yanks exactly what he did TO them for years... and Shout out to Joe Girardi... I  don;t care who is on the DL... or who else is in or out of the line up,.. THIS guy was the lead off hitter on the World Champion team.. Please leave him in the Lead off spot !!!

Why living to 58 is special.... Maybe more so as I know my father never got to do this.... Can;t wait for Dec 14th !!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

seemingly a lot a to not talk about

Should be lots to discuss,,, but can get those words to pop ioutta my finger tips to this key board..  Baseball has begun,, and thought I 'd be more excited,,, I am not.

Still have my job,, and probably should not comment here,,, but I am wondering for how much longer,,,  and BTW,,, I am ready,,, maybe it's time to move on, I'd kinda like to do something else. I find it highly Ironic that recently my peers have taken to look to me for advice and counsel. I have heard,, hey you are the guy with all the experience, and knowledge,, and have been a manager forever,, so who better to ask about these things. I am now that old time , OLD manager, that I looked to others in past years for help... Its a good feeling.

Hope the weather warms soon,,, its been , and I have been cold long enough.  the fish want it to be warm,, and the grass is ready to break out,,, looks like my fertilizing of the Fall,, really worked,, but I will still have those bastard dandy- lions.

I wondered how great it was to have a Grandchild,,,and now ,,,I can tell ya if ya don;t know,, its unbelievably Great.  If you have one,, or more,,, you don't need to be told,, if you don't I cannot describe it.

I am not religious,,, spiritual maybe,, as I believe in some other God beings,, Just not a Religion ,, Its a wonderful story, which ever you believe. And I would not disparage anyone from their own belief,, I wish I was more that way , as I think it helps them in times of trouble to have that faith, I think the quote is "If you have faith , no explanation is necessary, If you don;t none is possible"

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

WHOO HOO and holy $hit !

Greetings,,,  As I write this I have just read an E-mail from the NYRRC,,.. to those who are unfamiliar that is the New York Road Runner Club,,, and although I knew early this morning when they charged my Visa card for the entrance fee,,,, It was good to see it Officially ... They have accepted my entrance to the 2014  NY City Marathon ....   really wanted to do the Same Marathon as my Daughter (her 1st,, my 9th  - will be the 3rd NYC,, but not there since 1996) - So Whoo hoo, and time to be way more serious about training,, and Paining,,,SEE Ya on the Verrazzano Narrows Bridge at 11am on November 2nd !

Lets turn to other matters,,, and remember Bas-e-bol is like a week away- so we will have plenty to write about then,,,, and the schedules put the Yanks and the Bosox right in the 1st weeks of the schedule,,,, nice..

Lets label this one "The un-Human condition" or Who the F do these people think they are??

So,, observe people,, look at the way they act and behave.

I am waiting at the Target' Checkout line,,, Target' - that's that new French store. any way there is a person in front of my buying some crayons,, and paper,, and markers,, scissors,,, a real craft fair....  OH and let me say that the NON express lines are packed ,,, 8 people deep - no lie,... so I am at one express line - with my TV WALL mount., behind the craft lady,,, the other express line has two people,,, with various items,,, not over the 12 max ,, but not one either...  Here comes FANCY SCHMANY lady,,, she is looking around,,,walks up to the other Xpress line,,, kinds counts the items,,,   looks at the sign,,,  comes over and looks at what we have,, craft lady and I ,..... back to the other register,,,, Now seriously looking like in a big hurry,,, looks at the other person in the other line,,, looks at me,,, LIKE I am gonna tell her to go 1st...  she starts with the Hurmph's ,,, more muttering to herself,,, Now exactly who is she ?? ,,,   while I think most of us want to be treated fairly,,, we don't want to kick the other guy to get ahead,,, we just want things to be fair,,,  If I am not next,, then let the person who is go next. (i have had verbal fights before over this)  and If I am next ,, then let me go next... But some of us think they are too good for that,,, too good to wait in line,, they drive up to the font of the store thinking that there will be a spot for them to park.  A table waiting for them in the diner, a doctor at their beckon call,... If they hurmph enough they will get their way,,, so she waited,,, behind me 1st,, then when I intentionally stalled the process by chatting the cashier over the Credit card or the Debit , and which should I use,... she moved to the other line,,, ...and as I left the store,, I bet you $1000 that it was her husband parked half in the lot half on the side walk - right in front of the store,,, BASTARD....   now I don't know where  we get these people ,, ut we never seems to run out of  'em.     If it's their Money ,,, their upbringing,,, their family,,, I don't know,,, but i hope that there is a special place in hell for these pricks that think they are better than the rest of us,

Have you seen my Grandson ??


Saturday, March 8, 2014

What Happened?!?!?!?!

I have no Idear,,,,,,  seems many of the Posts are GONE ,... Whoosh,

They up and vanished like a fart in the wind.

No clue,,, probably something I did,,, If I ran outta space or room,, you would think they would lop them off from the 1st ones,, not the latet ones... oh well,, some of my best work.  THE HORROR.

Not much to tell,

 I can't watch Spring Training Baseball - means nothing, Don;t anyone get hurt, and let;s get the Season going in about a month.

Can we please stop with the Clocks,,,  Daylight Savings,,, UGH...

Even Me,, who like the cold is now tired of the Cold, So can it war up so we can all start bitchin about how how hot it is.

If you HBO and are not watchin TRUE DETECTIVE,,, you are missing out.

I have had enough of Shameless,,, this was spose to be a Sorta Comedy,,, how is a Baby being poisoned by Cocaine, and a Guy dying of Liver Failure comedy. Enough . 

Is my grandson the Cutest Kid ?!?!?!? (the answer is YES!)