So let me get this straight.... A Single, a Homerun ,,, and then nothing,,, essentially shutout for nine innings,.,,, Hughes did his job,,,, one bad pitch costs him the game,,, cause these guys act like the Rays staff is a combination of Koufax, Drysdale, and Gibson ! Come on... only two hits (BOTH CANO) after the 1st inning,,,, Jesus Wept ....
Austin Kearns,,, good pick up... you knew this was coming,,,and by end of today the Puma will be in pinstripes also.... can't have Juan Miranda, and Colin Curtis as the Big threats off the bench !
ok,,, so it's Vazquez today .vs Garza,,, and CC .vs Shields tomorrow... NY will be lucky to leave Tampa in 1st place,,,,
RedSox note,,, although they want one team to sweep,,, they don't really care which at this point,,, however, while either NY,, or Tampa is losing,,, they have to win.....
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Broken Hearted

I know I have not kept up here in a while,,,, and I know that when I get done today, you will think what an Ass-hole,,,
Seems - for an unexplained reason - I am affected more than I would think by the death of our cat "Tigger" Two weeks ago ,,,,
"T" was a big personality cat,,, a 24 pound Orange Cat with what we call "weather stripes" on his head,,, could swear they got darker when the weather got worse,,, Talked all the time,,, meowd like crazy ,, mostly for food,,, but I think at times just to carry on a conversation with me,,,, He would go right on , every time I said "T" ! ... he meowed,,,, he would climb up with us on the couch,, and lay on your chest, pushing his head into your face,,, he slept on our pillows at night, He was just one big Mush,,,,
Abandoned by his family at 7 years old , cause they moved to a new house,,, what Idiots,,, they had him de-clawed,,, but did not want to bring him along to the new place,,, I saw him at the SPCA.. in a cage near the Dog Kennel.. scared as hell ,,, and took him home the next day (BTW - we got another orange boy from that same cage a week or so later - SNARF who is still at home....) we had him for what 8 years ..
It was quick,,, Tuesday night he was fine ,,Wednesday he did not come out for the morning Canned food he loved ,,, and by Thursday noon - he was gone,,,

Monday, July 12, 2010
Here it is,,,, the Goal of Spain.vs Netherlands...
You can see at the 16 seconds mark Iniesta is Clearly offsides... AKA he is past the last defender,,,, BUT,,, in 2 seconds,,,he gets back into a legall position,,, and it really the poor clearance of the Dutch player,,, and then the Very excellent feed from Fabregas - beating 3 Dutch Defenders that made this goal !
You can see at the 16 seconds mark Iniesta is Clearly offsides... AKA he is past the last defender,,,, BUT,,, in 2 seconds,,,he gets back into a legall position,,, and it really the poor clearance of the Dutch player,,, and then the Very excellent feed from Fabregas - beating 3 Dutch Defenders that made this goal !
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Ok ,, So I was was wrong
Saturday, July 10, 2010
All over the Map

- SWISH !! to the ALL Star Game ,,,, Glad that this guy got in ,, he is a Much better player than I ever thought,,, and I wish I had 1/2 his enthusiam and positive attitude,... I really believe that it's him, and Burnett, and Cano ,and maybe a few others that have turned the Corporate Guard of the Yankee Tradition around a bit, and reminded them that this is Spose to be FUN ! Seeing him Smile when he pulls up with a Double that scores two, or Robbie Cano's smile that he can;t hide after makina great fielding play,,, and for those that do not know,, and I only know what I read in the Papers,,, Swish is a terrific Person,, he (even on the Road - even in Boston) visits sick kids in the hospital, and does this several times a week,, Plus community work that he is VERY protective of anyone knowing or writing about,,, and Watch one Post game interview with him,,, YOU get the Idea,,, I can't wait to see IF he does the Swisher Salute to the Bleacher Fans at the All star Game....
Here is Taste of What Nick is all about,,, notice how much he talks about himself,,, most about AJ, and Tex,,,
I hope Cano does not hit ONE homerun,,, that contest has ruined hitters for a few years,,, Let's hope he goes out quick !
A rare treat,,,,, a glimpse of the Creatures,,,, oh and If you don't have time for all of this,,, FF out to 2:33 and Watch the Salute,,,,
No Cliff Lee ?? DAMN ,,,,,,, So who are you gonna go get,,, , Well "Cashman" has not called me yet,, but I have not checked my cell today,,,, I am thinking as he is , YOU can never have enough Pitching, !! and I betcha.. that they add a Big Bat,,,to come off the Bench,,, Ramiero Pena is fine but neither him nor Kevin Russo,,, or Collin Curtis are scaring anyone,,, look for a Guy like Erik Hinske that they got last year ....
AND you heard it here 1st ,,,, David Villa scores TWO goals, and Spain Wins the CUP 3-1 over the Netherlands,,,,
Monday, July 5, 2010
1/2 WAY to Home.,....
So , we ,, that is the Yankees are 1/2 way throught the season, obviously the others are close to 1/2 way - aka 81 games completed,,, franklly I do not have the friggin time to go count the all to see.... any way,,, Let's do a quick rundown, as to where the Players are at the 50% point,,, this used to be the AllStart break,, however the Yanks still have 6 games on the Left Coast to play - 3 .vs Oakland, and 3 .vs Seattle.
any way,,, I guess , I can't be too awful critical of the Best TEAM in baseball. right now after 81 games. at 50 wins, 31 losses,,, that's 19 games over .500 , (we can debate that "over 500" thing later) They have best Run differential at 96 ,,, the next team is Texas at 79,, - that is they scored 96 more runs than they have given up,,, the worst team are the Pirates at a Negative 182 !! They are tied with SanDiego with the most Road wins at 22,,, and only Atlanta, and texas have better home Records than the Yankees,,, Attahced here are the AL East Standing going into today - July 5th,,,,

Ok,,let'sgo quickly now,,, with the Grades,,,
Pitchers overALL a "B"- Sabathia, Hughes,and Pettitte have 10 wins. All are in the 10 top in the MLB in Wins, whiel NONE is for ERA (see the +92 run Differentail) The Team is 13th in ALL of MLb, and 6tth in the AL in Pitching,,, None are in the Top ten for WHIP or ERA,,, SO - let';s say the 3 guys get A's or Maybe A minus,,, while Burnett , and Vazquez get C minus,,,and more for Burnett, he wasspose to be the DEAL , but guess not ! The bullpen can get a B - Chamberlain has been shaky, Chan HO = D,,,Robetson - b minus,, you never know,,, BUT the Yanks have that ONE guy,, that everybody else wishes they HAD,, and all the WANNA BEES can line up again,,, Mariano is the best,,, check these stats,,, ERA .111 (he was at .830- he gave u a run yesterday - oh my) 32 GAMEs - 32 innings - 16 hits ! OMFG ! 32 Strike Outs - 6 Walks ! and WHIP of 0.68. 18 saves,,, and 2 Blown saves,,, Batters hitting under .200 - ENTER SANDMAN indeed !
Infield -
Tex - Fielding A+ - the guy misses nothing, and Saves errors,,, you can't get better,,, Hitting - "C" ok April is over time to get going,,, don't give me this Just get the RBI's thing that Sterling and Waldman have een talking up....
CANO = what to say = MVP year (so far) give 'em an "A"
Jeter - is Jeter - the Captain - he still swings at too many 1st pitches for a Lead off man,,, a B ,, Minus
Alex - "A" minus ,,, great fielding - Again,,, and take these 1/2 way stats and double 'em (I know ya can't do that - but I bet he os better in the 2nd half) He is hittin .276 - beet thats close to 300,,, .295 maybe. 12 Homers, and 62 RBI's - so thats 24 Homers - I bet cha it's closer to 30 than 20,,, and 125 RBI's , Nice,,, I hope A-rod gets Numero 600 at home,,, 5 to go....
Gardener - B - Good outfield, needs to steal more with that speed....
Granderson - VERY Steady - excdllent Outfielder - B minus
Swisher - A minus,,,, he gets added points cause he loves the Creatures, and we love him,,, Hope he makes the All Star TEAM,,, and can't wait to get the Next Swish Salute at Role Call,,,, He and I know this is outside the Scoring system, does some outstanding work in the community, and visists kids (even on the Road) in hospitals,,,
The bench Guys get a B , maybe B minus Just none there that worries me coming off the Bench,,
hey Catchers - Jorge - B , and Cervielle - A Minus,,, watch it Jorge , this kid can PLAY...
Coachs - Girardi - a B - WAY better than the last two years !!
Kevin Long seems like Genius as hitting coach at times,, and Eiland is clearly needed as the Pitching coach,,, Mick Kelleher at 1st - ah Waht does a 1st Base Coach do except get the hitting pads from the runners,,, and tell every body how many outs there are ??? Robbie Thompson,is gonn aget someone killed or lose critcal game by sending runners,,, yesterday prime example,, gets 3 guys tossed at the Plate, ! Jesus wept...
so thats it,,, a B over all, I think is fair,,, they should be farther ahead, but YOUR team can never be far enought Ahead, and This is the AL EAST , where you have 3 teams of PLayoff Caliber,,, and only TWO are gonna get Dance Cards,, the other is gonna get a plane ticket home ! ok 7 to go till allstar Break - NY . vs Oakland starts tonight, and no that A-Hole Braden (ok so he oitched a no hitter) is not getting a start .vs NY,,, let's watch to see if OUR A-ole runs across the mound,,,I am laying money HE DOES !
any way,,, I guess , I can't be too awful critical of the Best TEAM in baseball. right now after 81 games. at 50 wins, 31 losses,,, that's 19 games over .500 , (we can debate that "over 500" thing later) They have best Run differential at 96 ,,, the next team is Texas at 79,, - that is they scored 96 more runs than they have given up,,, the worst team are the Pirates at a Negative 182 !! They are tied with SanDiego with the most Road wins at 22,,, and only Atlanta, and texas have better home Records than the Yankees,,, Attahced here are the AL East Standing going into today - July 5th,,,,

Ok,,let'sgo quickly now,,, with the Grades,,,
Pitchers overALL a "B"- Sabathia, Hughes,and Pettitte have 10 wins. All are in the 10 top in the MLB in Wins, whiel NONE is for ERA (see the +92 run Differentail) The Team is 13th in ALL of MLb, and 6tth in the AL in Pitching,,, None are in the Top ten for WHIP or ERA,,, SO - let';s say the 3 guys get A's or Maybe A minus,,, while Burnett , and Vazquez get C minus,,,and more for Burnett, he wasspose to be the DEAL , but guess not ! The bullpen can get a B - Chamberlain has been shaky, Chan HO = D,,,Robetson - b minus,, you never know,,, BUT the Yanks have that ONE guy,, that everybody else wishes they HAD,, and all the WANNA BEES can line up again,,, Mariano is the best,,, check these stats,,, ERA .111 (he was at .830- he gave u a run yesterday - oh my) 32 GAMEs - 32 innings - 16 hits ! OMFG ! 32 Strike Outs - 6 Walks ! and WHIP of 0.68. 18 saves,,, and 2 Blown saves,,, Batters hitting under .200 - ENTER SANDMAN indeed !
Infield -
Tex - Fielding A+ - the guy misses nothing, and Saves errors,,, you can't get better,,, Hitting - "C" ok April is over time to get going,,, don't give me this Just get the RBI's thing that Sterling and Waldman have een talking up....
CANO = what to say = MVP year (so far) give 'em an "A"
Jeter - is Jeter - the Captain - he still swings at too many 1st pitches for a Lead off man,,, a B ,, Minus
Alex - "A" minus ,,, great fielding - Again,,, and take these 1/2 way stats and double 'em (I know ya can't do that - but I bet he os better in the 2nd half) He is hittin .276 - beet thats close to 300,,, .295 maybe. 12 Homers, and 62 RBI's - so thats 24 Homers - I bet cha it's closer to 30 than 20,,, and 125 RBI's , Nice,,, I hope A-rod gets Numero 600 at home,,, 5 to go....
Gardener - B - Good outfield, needs to steal more with that speed....
Granderson - VERY Steady - excdllent Outfielder - B minus
Swisher - A minus,,,, he gets added points cause he loves the Creatures, and we love him,,, Hope he makes the All Star TEAM,,, and can't wait to get the Next Swish Salute at Role Call,,,, He and I know this is outside the Scoring system, does some outstanding work in the community, and visists kids (even on the Road) in hospitals,,,
The bench Guys get a B , maybe B minus Just none there that worries me coming off the Bench,,
hey Catchers - Jorge - B , and Cervielle - A Minus,,, watch it Jorge , this kid can PLAY...
Coachs - Girardi - a B - WAY better than the last two years !!
Kevin Long seems like Genius as hitting coach at times,, and Eiland is clearly needed as the Pitching coach,,, Mick Kelleher at 1st - ah Waht does a 1st Base Coach do except get the hitting pads from the runners,,, and tell every body how many outs there are ??? Robbie Thompson,is gonn aget someone killed or lose critcal game by sending runners,,, yesterday prime example,, gets 3 guys tossed at the Plate, ! Jesus wept...
so thats it,,, a B over all, I think is fair,,, they should be farther ahead, but YOUR team can never be far enought Ahead, and This is the AL EAST , where you have 3 teams of PLayoff Caliber,,, and only TWO are gonna get Dance Cards,, the other is gonna get a plane ticket home ! ok 7 to go till allstar Break - NY . vs Oakland starts tonight, and no that A-Hole Braden (ok so he oitched a no hitter) is not getting a start .vs NY,,, let's watch to see if OUR A-ole runs across the mound,,,I am laying money HE DOES !
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
July.. Summer time, and the Livin is ???
WHAT ?? Easy ??? I think NOT !!
1) I am F'ing sick to death of Chan HO Park ! And if you are gonna bring MR HO into the Game - Why are you waiting??? Get him in there ,, while its still tied, so that the fans do not need to wait around to see the end of the game,,, get 'em, out on the Degan 15 minutes sooner !! Good GOD ! another loss,,,, star this one,, as another game that you should have won, and LOST,.... Based Loaded no outs, and AROD , and CANO ROD,, decide ...humm better to swing for the Fences, then Just make contact and score a run !
2)Ghana - what can you say,,, A PK (that's Penalty Kick) in the 121st minute,,, as the time is Out and the Game is over,,, Just make the PK,.,, and Move on to face Netherlands .... And he Hits the Cross Bar ! - Pulled his head up,,,Watch the Replay.. watch his head he look sup at the last second,, and guuess what that means he struck the ball higher than he wanted to , and poof,,, YOU are now the GOAT !
3) The best 4th of July Movie Line,,,
5) we will Be at the Stormville Flea Market tomorrow, from 9am - 4pm.,.. around section T404... Just look for the MAU - and the SPCA signs,,,,
1) I am F'ing sick to death of Chan HO Park ! And if you are gonna bring MR HO into the Game - Why are you waiting??? Get him in there ,, while its still tied, so that the fans do not need to wait around to see the end of the game,,, get 'em, out on the Degan 15 minutes sooner !! Good GOD ! another loss,,,, star this one,, as another game that you should have won, and LOST,.... Based Loaded no outs, and AROD , and CANO ROD,, decide ...humm better to swing for the Fences, then Just make contact and score a run !
2)Ghana - what can you say,,, A PK (that's Penalty Kick) in the 121st minute,,, as the time is Out and the Game is over,,, Just make the PK,.,, and Move on to face Netherlands .... And he Hits the Cross Bar ! - Pulled his head up,,,Watch the Replay.. watch his head he look sup at the last second,, and guuess what that means he struck the ball higher than he wanted to , and poof,,, YOU are now the GOAT !
3) The best 4th of July Movie Line,,,
5) we will Be at the Stormville Flea Market tomorrow, from 9am - 4pm.,.. around section T404... Just look for the MAU - and the SPCA signs,,,,
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