Sunday, July 6, 2008

"Not for nothing "

A Phrase used in much of every day speech,, but what the heck does this mean .??

From the URBAN Dictionary.....
1. not for nothing

Phrase meaning "what I'm about to say is important." That is "I'm not saying this for my health".... Generally said as "Not f'nuthin', but...."
YC/East Coast slang of the Caucasian working class...

Ok,, so there is that ...,,it kinda means exactly the opposite of what I thought it meant,, any way,,,

What about the Ever Popular "I am just Saying" ???

1. "I am just saying"
A phrase used to indicate that we refuse to defend a claim we've made---in other words, that we refuse to offer reasons that what we've said is true
PERSON-A: "You shouldn't hang out with her anymore."
PERSON-B: "After all she's done to help me? Wouldn't that be pretty mean and selfish of me?"
PERSON-A: "I'm *just saying*, you should quit hanging out with her."

And then - the last piece of Language that I plan on a learnin you today is "Back in the day".... hummm what day,, when??? is that a long time ago,,, Long Past ??? or just my past ???

Back in the day
Completely meaningless phrase which has gained inexplicable global popularity. It's an incomplete thought: Back in what day? It's a redundant way of saying "Once, I..." or "I used to..." and adds words without adding any extra meaning. Similar to the equally pointless "at the end of the day..." popularised by English soccer stars.

Back in the day, I used to be younger.

The Video selections for today are the Library Blonde,,,, gotta love that smile of hers at the end !!!

And the "BirdCage" with Nathan Lane, Hank Azaria, & Robin Williams
Not even "our" show,,,,, "your" show.....

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