Thursday, April 18, 2024

Will we survive this ??

 So when Fat Nixon - AKA the Orange Jesus-  was twice impeached - they called it a sham because it was mainly Democrats voting to Impeach- BUT it was NOT a SHAM when only Republicans voted in the Senate to not Convict Dump of his crimes.... 

They - the GOP - changed the rules - so that they did not need a 60% majority to pass thing in the Senate - just a simple Majority - and now they are outraged that the Democrats would dismiss the Impeachment charges against the Homeland Security Secretary using that Majority. 

You have Fat Nixon and his Knuckle dragging Gomers calling the many Indictments of Donald Dump a crime by the Biden administration ... mind you that it is Different Grand Juries in Different States that have found and subsequently voted to indite him .  That 2 State incitements- Fraud in NY - by covering up Payments to Stormy Daniels to but her silence so that it would not come out before the 2016 election, and Georgia - Where the Election interference case is bing brought. Then 2 Federal incitements - one on the Document case in Florida - thats 40 Felony counts, and then the DC Court for scheming to Interrupt the Transfer of Power on January 6th - inciting the Insurrection at the Capital.   NOW - those Knuckledraggers are saying he has presidential immunity for all Crimes -  BUT BUT - Joe Biden is committing a Crime by Weaponizing the Justice Department to indite him in these cases - so WHICH THE FUCK ONE IS IT ?!?!?!?  Is the President immune to committing crimes or NOT !!!  Pick a Lane Junior !!

The Latest is that the Judge in NY won't let him attend his son's Barron's Graduation - and of course FOX entertainment ran with that shit as soon as Orange Jesus Said it . However - the Judge did not at that time ,, and I am not sure has at this pint even ruled one way or the other - but indiucated he would not have an issue with a day or 2 recess for that purpose ... and Let's all be Clear here - Fat Nixon has not NOT attended the Highschool Graduation of ANY of his other Children - but I guess he has a specail place in his hear to for Barron - after all Melania was Pregnant with Barron at the time that Fat Nixonwas Screwing Stormy Daniels so maybe that has a Special meaning for him......

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