Tuesday, April 9, 2024



A few excerpts from how to spot Fascism....  and how it all relates to what we saw in the past - and in the present.

 - A romantic idealization of a fictional past  (the Make America Great again) 
— Clear definition of an enemy within that is not quite human but an “other” (“vermin,” “rats,” “animals,” all phrases Trump has used just in past weeks to describe immigrants and employees of our criminal justice system)
— Vilification of the media (Enemy of the state and Fake news) 
— Repeated attacks on minorities and immigrants as a rallying point for followers See point #2) 
— Disparagement of elections and the rule of law - Stolen elections, and no regard for the Law
— Glorification of political violence and martyrdom (Fight like Hell) 
— Hostility to academia and science leading to the elevation of Joe Sixpack’s ability to “do his own research” (only believe what Dump says) 
— Embrace of fundamentalist religion and the moral codes associated with it (Christian nationalism) 
— Rejection of the rights of women and members of the queer community as part of the celebration of toxic masculinity (ummm Every law that they want to control Women with and try to legislate the LGBTQ community) 
— Constant lies, even about seemingly inconsequential matters (Hannah Arendt noted in 1978: “If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer.”) See also:  Everything trump says..
— Performative patriotism that replaces the true obligations of citizenship (like voting and staying informed) with jingoistic slogans, logos, and mass events: faux populism= (defines the MAGA movement) 
— Collaboration with oligarchs while claiming to celebrate the average person ( if they can come after me they will come after you,,,, and the tax cuts for the ultra rich , while making sure to increase tax on the middle class) 

If that Pice of Shit that is Donald Trump is re-eleected - it will be no holes barred, and full out assault on Democracy and the Constitution .. and when many of his supporters realize what he is doing - it will be TOO LATE ....

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