Thursday, February 29, 2024

What - Me worry ??

 This used to be - and is probably still is MAD Magazine's words for Alfred E Newman ..

After reading - Thom Hartman's column on the impending strategy to steal an  election - YES - I am now more worried than ever.  My yhought on this is that the GOP and trump  - learned the last time what kep them from overturning  the  2020 election - from Attorney Generals  in the states hat they need the Electoral votes from  - to making fake claims that carry till this day  about voter fraud - where they have lost 61 court cases - many in front of Judges that trump appointed - but that even those Judges sides with the Truth - to Mike Pence , the Then Vice President that refused to nullify the Vote of the People , to the fact that they did not hold the Majority in the House of Representatives....  

I will tag Mr Hartman and encourage you to follow his blog later in this post.  But I will attempt to summarize what he wrote about....

1st - the GOP has gerrymandered districts in several states - so they have a better chance of winning seats in the House. They have passed laws in several states that give those Attorneys General more power than they had before to simply throw out the votes in their state and send to the House of Representatives any damn slate of electors that they want - totally disregarding the  popular vote . 

2nd - they maneuvered to get a Speaker of the House that would be very sympathetic to their cause , and 100% devoted to the Cult leader , taking his cue directly from trump  - we see that with funding for Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, and his stone walling the bi-partisan bill on immigration that recently came from the Senate- giving the GOP everything they asked for- but that it would give Biden a WIN and trump wants to campagain  on the Border - instead of fixing anything. 

Now - let's fast- forward to the election - IF , and I doubt that happens ,  trump wins. Ok - all bets are off and the GOP can go about  usurping the Law and going about dismantling the Democracy from the inside out. ensuring that trump or not there will never be another Election in this country.  BUT   - IF and More likely when trump loses - they are ready to go into action -   

- They 1st need to ensure that they have the Majority on the House - this is either done  by the Elections that they orchestrated as described above - or  If the Democrats win the House - Mike Johnson - will not swear in the the Newly elected Representatives...  He - Johnson - needs that Majority in House to undo Democracy.  He held up swearing in Souzzi - the newly elected Rep from NY that took Santos  place because Johnson needed to maintain his small edge in the House for the impeachment vote of Mayoriks. He will do this by claiming there are irregularities in the elections in those districts that the GOP lost (sound Familiar ?) 

- That will keep "Moscow Mike " in charge in the Hosue where can refuse to accept the Electoral votes from the certain states that they lost. Again claiming Election "problems", Remember that it was Johnson that rallied 138 Republicans to NOT certify Biden's election.   Others in the GOP have already said  or not said if they would vote for or against a Democrat winning the White house in 2024.... 

Then  - this is direct quote from Hartman - " regardless of how many votes Biden won by, electoral or popular, the House simply refuses to certify the electoral college votes of enough states that the minimum of 270 isn’t reached. Under the 12th Amendment, like with the election of 1876, that throws the election to the House, where each state has one vote." 

and no matter the popular vote by state or Nationwide-  - see Democracy in the Dictionary - the house would invoke the 12th amendment - where each State gets one vote - there are more what we call RED states than Blue states  (remember population has nothing to do with this)  - and that my friends is how the Republic ENDS ........   

a few notes - the MAGA , Fucking crazy ass -  "Putin/Trump caucus in the House — led by Speaker Johnson — has largely given up on democracy when elections don’t give them power. As outrageous as this scenario sounds, they justify it to themselves as being essential to “save America” from “woke” Democrats."

and Johnson has said that he has been appointed and anointed by GOD for a Greater 
good and I think that he believes that stealing an election would be the Greater good. 

And if you think the Supreme Court would step in and stop this miscarriage of Justice and preserve the Union - think again. The Court has ruled they have have no say in Political issues and that part of the Constitution needs to be resolved by Congress - not the Court. 

"Rightwing billionaires and neofascists within the GOP are salivating at this prospect. 
In one fell swoop they’ll “take back” the government, putting an end to that pesky problem of democracy and voters...."
new Newly  "installed " President issues a new Schedule F executive order and  20,000 or so of the top management of every federal agency find themselves out of a job,  replaced by conservative ideologues who are being vetted by Heritage and other conservative think tanks as you’re reading these words.

and Mark these words - once they get their hands on the Power to do this - THEY WILL.

— End gay marriage and criminalize being trans.
— Outlaw abortion and most forms of birth control.
— End the teaching of Black history.
— Outlaw DEI and affirmative action of any sort.
— Shut down most functions of the EPA so the fossil fuel and chemical industries can do whatever they want to our air and water.
— End enforcement of our anti-monopoly laws.
— Fire thousands of IRS investigators to make America safe for morbidly rich tax cheats.
— Shut down all “green” initiatives and instead “drill, baby drill.”
— Sell off public lands and parks to the highest bidders.
— Privatize Social Security and end traditional Medicare.
— End federal funding for public schools and colleges.
— Outlaw unions.

So - This scheme has been written about in several publications, and by Mr. Thom Hartman.  These are legal - although barely so .  The GOP fascists have figured out this plan to gain and keep power regardless of consequence and that they have a way to STEAL  the election that is so much easier than trying to WIN the Election. 

Maybe the only was to stop this is to publicize it to the point that that is would be seen as such an Outrage that they could not pull it off....    Maybe - maybe - there is that slim chance to save the Republic,,,  I have quoted Benjamin Franklin several times about his response to Elizabeth Willing Powel's question: "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?"  and his answer - "A Republic - If you can keep it" - I guess we will see........

Here is Thom Hartman's Article - in full ..

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