Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The GOP does not exist

 The Republican party no longer exists.. 

What remains is a group that has no direction, no ideas, no nothing. They exist solely for the purpose of serving their Cult Leader the Orange Jesus. They have sold their souls and lives to serving that loser. 

I'll give the most recent example...  Earlier this year the Speaker of the House traveled to the Southern border - to have a Media event. At that event he said that there could be no more aid to Ukraine that was not tied to funding for the Border . that any bill would be dead in the House of that was not the case. He - Mike Johnson - thought that would never happen ,,, 

..   The Senate took that to heart - they negotiated a bi -partisan deal - and the Democrats gave up - much of what they wanted in past negotiations - like DACA reform and a path to citizenship for "Dreamers"  those born in the US to immigrants,  so that they could get a deal - the bill that was brokered had aid to Ukraine, Israel, Aid to Gaza and a sweeping reform for the Southern border.  More Money for Agents , Judges,  Border patrol, etc - Essentially everything that the GOP wanted. 

What happens then ??? The Orange Jesus - The fake tan Mussolini - Tells Johnson, and makes statements that he does not want them to vote for ANY Border reform. He wants the Chaos that has existed , because it it really the only thing that he even his small brain believes there is left to Campaign on.  SO now Speaker Johnson - says that he won't even bring that Bill for a Vote in the House !  

What's left ???  The Economy is rolling - the Stock market closing at higher and higher numbers, Inflations is coming down - the Job reports have been better and Better each month surpassing expectations,  unemployment down. Gas prices down. the USA's energy numbers are up - way up.. and exceeding energy generation. so whats left ?? Immigration - and  I will admit there is more that could have been done earlier in the administration.. they are at a place now that to take actions,  but Donnie Two Scoops does not want that .

One day - Trump will be gone - the cult and cultist activity will go away immediately when he is gone... and what will be left will be those that put Personality above Party, and Party above country - their treason will remain and we need to never ever forget what they did in support of their Jim Jones, their David Koresh , their Charles Manson - the Orange Jesus Loser .... 

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