Thursday, February 29, 2024

What - Me worry ??

 This used to be - and is probably still is MAD Magazine's words for Alfred E Newman ..

After reading - Thom Hartman's column on the impending strategy to steal an  election - YES - I am now more worried than ever.  My yhought on this is that the GOP and trump  - learned the last time what kep them from overturning  the  2020 election - from Attorney Generals  in the states hat they need the Electoral votes from  - to making fake claims that carry till this day  about voter fraud - where they have lost 61 court cases - many in front of Judges that trump appointed - but that even those Judges sides with the Truth - to Mike Pence , the Then Vice President that refused to nullify the Vote of the People , to the fact that they did not hold the Majority in the House of Representatives....  

I will tag Mr Hartman and encourage you to follow his blog later in this post.  But I will attempt to summarize what he wrote about....

1st - the GOP has gerrymandered districts in several states - so they have a better chance of winning seats in the House. They have passed laws in several states that give those Attorneys General more power than they had before to simply throw out the votes in their state and send to the House of Representatives any damn slate of electors that they want - totally disregarding the  popular vote . 

2nd - they maneuvered to get a Speaker of the House that would be very sympathetic to their cause , and 100% devoted to the Cult leader , taking his cue directly from trump  - we see that with funding for Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, and his stone walling the bi-partisan bill on immigration that recently came from the Senate- giving the GOP everything they asked for- but that it would give Biden a WIN and trump wants to campagain  on the Border - instead of fixing anything. 

Now - let's fast- forward to the election - IF , and I doubt that happens ,  trump wins. Ok - all bets are off and the GOP can go about  usurping the Law and going about dismantling the Democracy from the inside out. ensuring that trump or not there will never be another Election in this country.  BUT   - IF and More likely when trump loses - they are ready to go into action -   

- They 1st need to ensure that they have the Majority on the House - this is either done  by the Elections that they orchestrated as described above - or  If the Democrats win the House - Mike Johnson - will not swear in the the Newly elected Representatives...  He - Johnson - needs that Majority in House to undo Democracy.  He held up swearing in Souzzi - the newly elected Rep from NY that took Santos  place because Johnson needed to maintain his small edge in the House for the impeachment vote of Mayoriks. He will do this by claiming there are irregularities in the elections in those districts that the GOP lost (sound Familiar ?) 

- That will keep "Moscow Mike " in charge in the Hosue where can refuse to accept the Electoral votes from the certain states that they lost. Again claiming Election "problems", Remember that it was Johnson that rallied 138 Republicans to NOT certify Biden's election.   Others in the GOP have already said  or not said if they would vote for or against a Democrat winning the White house in 2024.... 

Then  - this is direct quote from Hartman - " regardless of how many votes Biden won by, electoral or popular, the House simply refuses to certify the electoral college votes of enough states that the minimum of 270 isn’t reached. Under the 12th Amendment, like with the election of 1876, that throws the election to the House, where each state has one vote." 

and no matter the popular vote by state or Nationwide-  - see Democracy in the Dictionary - the house would invoke the 12th amendment - where each State gets one vote - there are more what we call RED states than Blue states  (remember population has nothing to do with this)  - and that my friends is how the Republic ENDS ........   

a few notes - the MAGA , Fucking crazy ass -  "Putin/Trump caucus in the House — led by Speaker Johnson — has largely given up on democracy when elections don’t give them power. As outrageous as this scenario sounds, they justify it to themselves as being essential to “save America” from “woke” Democrats."

and Johnson has said that he has been appointed and anointed by GOD for a Greater 
good and I think that he believes that stealing an election would be the Greater good. 

And if you think the Supreme Court would step in and stop this miscarriage of Justice and preserve the Union - think again. The Court has ruled they have have no say in Political issues and that part of the Constitution needs to be resolved by Congress - not the Court. 

"Rightwing billionaires and neofascists within the GOP are salivating at this prospect. 
In one fell swoop they’ll “take back” the government, putting an end to that pesky problem of democracy and voters...."
new Newly  "installed " President issues a new Schedule F executive order and  20,000 or so of the top management of every federal agency find themselves out of a job,  replaced by conservative ideologues who are being vetted by Heritage and other conservative think tanks as you’re reading these words.

and Mark these words - once they get their hands on the Power to do this - THEY WILL.

— End gay marriage and criminalize being trans.
— Outlaw abortion and most forms of birth control.
— End the teaching of Black history.
— Outlaw DEI and affirmative action of any sort.
— Shut down most functions of the EPA so the fossil fuel and chemical industries can do whatever they want to our air and water.
— End enforcement of our anti-monopoly laws.
— Fire thousands of IRS investigators to make America safe for morbidly rich tax cheats.
— Shut down all “green” initiatives and instead “drill, baby drill.”
— Sell off public lands and parks to the highest bidders.
— Privatize Social Security and end traditional Medicare.
— End federal funding for public schools and colleges.
— Outlaw unions.

So - This scheme has been written about in several publications, and by Mr. Thom Hartman.  These are legal - although barely so .  The GOP fascists have figured out this plan to gain and keep power regardless of consequence and that they have a way to STEAL  the election that is so much easier than trying to WIN the Election. 

Maybe the only was to stop this is to publicize it to the point that that is would be seen as such an Outrage that they could not pull it off....    Maybe - maybe - there is that slim chance to save the Republic,,,  I have quoted Benjamin Franklin several times about his response to Elizabeth Willing Powel's question: "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?"  and his answer - "A Republic - If you can keep it" - I guess we will see........

Here is Thom Hartman's Article - in full ..

Thursday, February 22, 2024

We and us

 What is sorta terrifying about listening to broadcasts like FOX Entertainment is that when they are talking about the GOP the Republican party and the former President - they refer to things as WE and US. That is not even close to Journalism.  You cannot appear as a guest speaker at a CPAC event.  You do interviews where they don;t even attempt to push back on outlandish claims, and Outright Lies. They serve up softball questions, like they were given the questions to ask by the Interviewee. 

These people are pushing the right wing agenda - spreading lies and half truths, they were fined 3/4 of a Billions dollars for doing just that. 

Now the CNN's of the world do not show trump in a good light,, but they don't identify with or tout them selves as associated with the Democrats or Democratic agenda.... that's the difference. 


The GOP in the Senate and House have been screaming about the Biden's and the money that they took from Ukraine.  

What you need to know here is that the Russians and Putin got exactly what they wanted from the From the former FBI informant - Smirnov . For over a decade he fed the FBI false infomation and was cited as doing so many times. He broadcasted info to them  that the GOP then took and ran with - even though they - the FBI - could not conform the info Smirnov gave them thru any other source- in fact just the opposite was true . Those close to this knew and said he was lying - but did that stop the GOP from releasing all that fake info - NOPE !  And they started an Impeachment inquiry into Biden because of it.  and evn now that Snirnov has been arrested by the FBI for lying to them = the so called leaders of the GOP - Comer, Jordan etc - cannot bring them selves to say that they were duped. That the FBI's 1023 form was false and there whole inquiry just went into the toilet. 

To continue the embarrassment  the Presidents brother just testified in front of the Committee for several hours and he repeated over and over again that his Brother - now president -  had nothing to do with his business dealings.  Poof - another nothing burger - but will that stop them - I think not.  With the Democracy teetering on the cliff of destruction the GOP with trump are  looking to push it over the edge.


i was delighted to see that MTG - the Congresswoman from Georgia that is so far up trumps ass she can see daylight from the other end - was fined $100, 000 dollars for refusing to abide by the House rule of wearing a Mask to help stem the spread of Covid,,, and let's remember that she did this at a time when 10's of thousands of Americans were dying of the virus. 


Lastly today The Big Truck Boycott on NYC -  Now if you are an independent trucker - you most certainly have the right o accept or deny ANY shipment to or from anywhere that you don't want to go. And I would be supportive of their Right to peacefully protest - what ever they think is wrong

and with me admit-tingly knowing little about this - I bet that there are hundreds of truckers and trucking companies that will gladly pick the slack caused by any Independents not taking loads of whatever to NYC.

And I saw a video - of this :The earliest proponents of a trucker boycott of New York City in retaliation against former President trumps civil fraud penalty has backed down on his earlier statements, deleting posts and sharing a retraction. So there's that.  and Wait a second - I thought all the Truckers were at the Southern Border protecting that ?!?!?

and here is a pix of the BQE - thats the Brooklyn Queens expressway - umm yea I see No trucks in that photo...

and can I just say that - New York city is a PORT City -with goods coming in by Ship !


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The hypocrisy just rolls on............

 -  So now - those that are yelling about hugh prices on Groceries, Gas, And just about any consumable - and shouting that no one - well probably not the person shouting  - but everyone else cannot afford to live - the Biden economy is killing middle and lower class America - suddenly have money to spend on Sneakers, Perfume, and Cologne that is hawked gt the Grifter in Chief. Come on folks - let's at least be consistent in the messaging,,, 

- And then the Speaker of the House- the Puppet of Trump -  Mike Johnson says that the report that was issued by Robert Hur needs to be investigated... and that Biden Mishandled documents and "Broke the Law" but will not be prosecuted. Of Course - the Broke the LAW part is a Fucking LIE ! How do  know this - I must be very smart to know something like that.... Ummmm  no - READ THE FUCKING REPORT !!

"We conclude that no criminal charges are warranted in this matter. "  and it goes on...."for the reasons summarized below, we conclude that the evidence does not establish Mr. Biden's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Prosecution of Mr. Biden is also unwarranted based on our consideration of the aggravating and mitigating factors set forth in the Department of Justice's Principles of Federal Prosecution. For these reasons, we decline prosecution of Mr. Biden." 

But - you can count on the MAGA crowd to only listen to the Fox entertainment part - the words of the Speaker of the House.  WE are doomed. 

- There is  - on Social media - a word of a Truckers strike - that they - "they" are ot going to carry goods into or out of New York in response to the Judgements against Trump in the NY court - that of nearly $400 million dollars . OK  - let's put aside for  a minute that the guy that was kinda from and center - a trucker that went by - like Chicago Bob - or something like that has already backed down from that claim. he deleted the Social media posts that promoted the Strike - and has since said that he is not a leader to any movement ... That aside -  It would be my belief that there are many many many - trucking agencies and businesses that would love to pick up that slack - that would be front and center in taking the business of moving whatever it is into NYC. That they - the independent truckers - that are what I will call threatening this Strike - need to proceed with caution - that when they soften their rhetoric - and want / need that business back - tha tis just might have been taken over by others.. and now they will be the ones that are S.O.L.     

Sunday, February 18, 2024

.... and we Doubt the LAW

 We doubt ourselves, 

we doubt our beliefs. 

We doubt our institutions. 

And we doubt the law.... 

From Frank Galvins summation in the movie The Verdict

What is the underlying theme to the 91 Felony indictments (this across several Jurisdictions and counts of trying to overturn the elecion, the Classified documents, the Hush Money payments he made to a Porn Star)   ,, and the Civil liability of the former POTUS that has he has been found liable for  once on Sexual assault and twice on the defamatory statements he made against her, a Civil trial on Fraud charges that he has just been ordered to pay $355 Million dollars and not able to hold a position in company in NY, and not do business in NY for 3 years, and his sons - Eric and (cocaine) Don Jr have to pay $4 million each for their part in the Fraud case..      

Now - balance that with the polling that in Iowa the site of a recent primary and Caucus , and other polls across the nation that  nearing  50% Do not care that he is libel for Sexual assault,  and that they would still vote for him even of he was convicted of a Felony .  In my mind it is a report card on the doubt that people have in our Justice System.  You hear things from politicians about a "Trump" Judge or an  "Obama" judge - that by saying that believe that that judge would rule for or against something simply because that Judge was appointed to their seat by that politician - no Matter the LAW.  We have what many - my self included - say is a corrupt Supreme court - we have Justices (Thomas and Alito)  that took gifts in the form of Extravagant vacations , and trips, and the supporter buying their home that they could not sell, and then that person or persons company having business before the court and they refuse to recuse themselves - and Congress fails to hold them accountable. .  We have justices voting along party lines in many cases,,, we have justices that Lied to Congress about important issues like abortion and a women's right to choose saying it was the Law of the land for decades and there was no reason to think that they would even take up the case, and then voting to overturn Rowe .v Wade the 1st chance they got.   We have a Judge Aileen Cannon that has been overturned on her ruling by an appellate court - as she ruled in Trumps favor time and time again.

We live in a dangerous time. 

I won't live to see it play out ,,,, but history will look back and see that it was this doubt of the LAW  that destroyed the country , that ended Democracy,  That then  re-wrote the Constitution. That watched Christian Nationalists take over, that watched as small majority of literarily stupid politicians take over the Government (we see the glimpse of that now)  - IF the country reelects Trump - the downfall of the Country will begin quickly - it will start and even those of this own party that lean politically toward the center will not be able to stop it .      It can begin as soon as 336 days from today  January 20th 2025. 

You can vote for a Democrat to be reelected, and then debate the issues over the next 4 years or  IF you vote from Trump - you never have to worry about voting again. 


Thursday, February 15, 2024

And the Beat Goes on.............

 1 Dead - the DJ at the event if I understand correctly.- Lisa Lopez-Galvan, a Kansas City-area radio DJ, died after being shot at the Chiefs victory rally, according to a post shared by her employer, KKFI radio 90.1 FM...  and 21 more wounded. Children are among the ones that were  shot.  3 people are in custody as the shooters... 

This is from one news outlet:

"Three people were detained as officers converged on the scene, according to Kansas City Police Chief Stacey Graves, who added that guns were recovered at the scene but didn’t specify how many. No charges had been announced as of Wednesday night and no suspects had been named.

As the investigation gets underway, several unanswered questions remain: how many people opened fire during the event, how many shots were fired and what motivated the violence that turned a day of celebration into a tragedy.“We do not have a motive, but we are asking those who may potentially have any kind of information, a witness or video, to contact police,” the police chief said at a Wednesday news conference.

The shooting marked the latest setting where Americans saw a sense of safety punctured by gun violence, following shootings at churchesschoolsgrocery stores, outlet malls and other locations. The violence Wednesday was at least the 48th mass shooting in the United States so far this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive, which like CNN defines a mass shooting as one in which four or more people are shot, not including the shooter."

We are not safe anywhere.  It is a matter of statistics that a shooting of this nature may or may not involve you or your loved ones....  and Be Prepared to hear the same Nonsense Bull Shit about any kind or Control on the Weapons used in this attack,.. In Fact this is the Missouri gun law  - 

So - you can buy and possess a gun of any type , and caliber with no training, no background check , no nothing,,, and then go shoot up a public gathering ... yea  - so let's not pretend that they = - and missouri is only the latest place - give a Shit about the public, the children. This in a state wher ethe y care so much about children that any - ANY abortion is banned and they have what is considered the MOST Restrictive abortion laws in the Country.  SO - Do NOT fucking tell me you care about the Children - it has nothing to do with the Children you assholes ! 

The Mass Shooting data from 2023 is this - and Mass Shooting is 4 or more.

By the numbers: There were 656 mass shootings in 2023.

  • That's up from 647 mass shootings in 2022 but down from a record 689 in 2021, data from the research group shows.
  • 2023 saw an 8-10% overall decrease in deaths and injuries from gun violence, per GVA. There were 42,987 gun violence deaths last year.
  • That's down from 47,430 the previous year.

Meanwhile, there were 36,366 injuries in 2023, down from 38,578 injuries in 2022.

 And we are off to banner year in 2024 -  with 46 mass shootings,  98 dead and 121 wounded,,, and this is only the 15th of February !!  

The NRA has a choke hold on the Politicians in this country and NOTHING will change as long as they - and every other Lobby Group is allowed to contribute massive amounts of Money to political campaigns in this country. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The GOP does not exist

 The Republican party no longer exists.. 

What remains is a group that has no direction, no ideas, no nothing. They exist solely for the purpose of serving their Cult Leader the Orange Jesus. They have sold their souls and lives to serving that loser. 

I'll give the most recent example...  Earlier this year the Speaker of the House traveled to the Southern border - to have a Media event. At that event he said that there could be no more aid to Ukraine that was not tied to funding for the Border . that any bill would be dead in the House of that was not the case. He - Mike Johnson - thought that would never happen ,,, 

..   The Senate took that to heart - they negotiated a bi -partisan deal - and the Democrats gave up - much of what they wanted in past negotiations - like DACA reform and a path to citizenship for "Dreamers"  those born in the US to immigrants,  so that they could get a deal - the bill that was brokered had aid to Ukraine, Israel, Aid to Gaza and a sweeping reform for the Southern border.  More Money for Agents , Judges,  Border patrol, etc - Essentially everything that the GOP wanted. 

What happens then ??? The Orange Jesus - The fake tan Mussolini - Tells Johnson, and makes statements that he does not want them to vote for ANY Border reform. He wants the Chaos that has existed , because it it really the only thing that he even his small brain believes there is left to Campaign on.  SO now Speaker Johnson - says that he won't even bring that Bill for a Vote in the House !  

What's left ???  The Economy is rolling - the Stock market closing at higher and higher numbers, Inflations is coming down - the Job reports have been better and Better each month surpassing expectations,  unemployment down. Gas prices down. the USA's energy numbers are up - way up.. and exceeding energy generation. so whats left ?? Immigration - and  I will admit there is more that could have been done earlier in the administration.. they are at a place now that to take actions,  but Donnie Two Scoops does not want that .

One day - Trump will be gone - the cult and cultist activity will go away immediately when he is gone... and what will be left will be those that put Personality above Party, and Party above country - their treason will remain and we need to never ever forget what they did in support of their Jim Jones, their David Koresh , their Charles Manson - the Orange Jesus Loser .... 

Friday, February 9, 2024

Double speak

 Upfront - some of this is content acquired from Others ...

ok - so - It took an hour for a justice to really ask Jonathan Mitchell, Donald Trump's attorney, whether what Trump did on Jan. 6 was an insurrection. Mitchell said that what happened was “a riot, not an insurrection,” an argument they have repeated in lower courts. This was quite literally the last question posed to Mitchell!

“This was a riot. It was not an insurrection. The events were shameful, criminal, violent — all of those things, but it did not qualify as insurrection as that term is used in Section 3.”

Trump lawyer Jonathan Mitchell

THEN on Later on the same day - Thursday - Feb 8th - Trump said this,,,
“I think it was an insurrection caused by Nancy Pelosi,” Trump said.

So - which is it - An Insurrection caused by Nancy Pelosi ?? 

as stated by Dump  


Not an insurrection as stated by his Lawyers 

It's Friday

 Yea - struggling a little bit - several things in play that I just wish were settled and won't be until next week - so OK -I can wait that long....  Just need to distract until then...

Can I ask why are we taking the word in an interview of a  muderous , Ex - KGB agent- that is currently waging an illegal war on it's neighbor, that everyone - EVERYONE agrees that IF he is successful in defeating Ukraine that he will not stop there.... anyone of several targets will be in his sights next,, Poland being the biggest Prize to be won,,,, and you can bet he is doign everything in his power to get his buddy  - the Orange Jesus reelected POTUS - so that Jesus will pull out of NATO - opening the way for Putin to do whatever the hell he wants in Europe. 

People that are comparing this interview to ones done  20 years ago are missing the point.. Would you think it ok to interview Hitler in 1939 after he invaded Poland ??  Interview Sadam Hussain in 1990 after  Iraq invaded Kuwait ?? No - it gives legitimacy to someone that should not be shown in that light.  It makes it appear that what they are saying is fact.... instead of what they are doing - which is promoting their own agenda ....

The fact that Tucker Carlson is seen in Russia as a Asset to the Kremlin..... that they granted him the interview at all should tell you all you need to know - when Europen Journalists and Some US Journalists have requested an interview- but none have been granted till NOW... Witht eh Kremlin saying they granted this one to Carlson, because ........  wait for it ..."he (Carlson)  has a position that is different from the rest” of Western media.  yea - you bet he does,,,,,

and how did the "Interview" go ???  and I put that in quotes because it was a 2 hours rambling speech by Putin with Carlson doing little more than sitting there...  he is a synopsis from a European media source....

Putin pontificated on everything from the war in Ukraine and relations with the United States, the case of imprisoned American reporter Evan Gershkovich, and even on artificial intelligence.

By the end of the conversation, it was clear that Putin had no intention of ending his brutal war against Ukraine. But Carlson, who was sacked from Fox last year, seemed ready to surrender. Putin offered to keep talking. Carlson, evidently exhausted by the Russian leader’s long-winded conspiracy theories and grievances against the West, thanked him and called it quits — far short of the media coup that he had been touting.

So - there it is, a Media person - Fired by FOX entertainment for spreading lies about the election and Dominion Voting machines getting an interview with one of the worlds leading - Dangerous - Dictators 

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Need more proof

 It is becoming very apparent that the GOP held House of Representatives cannot govern, cannot and has not passed any significant legislation.  

They are intent on impeaching Cabinet member - Secretary of Homeland Security - Mayorkas. 

The Speaker "thought" he had the Votes to do that but  -NOPE ! the vote failed... Now when Steve Scalise return s today - he probably will get the votes necessary .... but really - you know that for several years - Nancy Pelosi managed successfully with the same majority that the GOP has now - and the GOP are simply unable to get anything done.. This congressional session has been historically unproductive - you'll have to go look yourself if you are interested as it does not take kindly to embed here.. this is the link  
and read what the Legislation is.....

Then the party of LAW and ORDER - comes out in several statements after the Appeals Court unanimously rules that the POTUS is not immune from prosecution for crime she commits while in office,,,
A federal appeals court has unanimously ruled that Donald Trump can be put on trial for trying to stay in power after losing the 2020 election, rejecting Trump's sweeping claim of presidential immunity as dangerous and unsupported by the Constitution.

And the language in the ruling suggests that it is preposterous to even think that the President that is bound to uphold the LAW for the Rest of the Country would be immune from prosecution for violating those same laws...  I believe that the Trump Camp has a week to file an appeal - which they will surely do - with the Supreme count ,  and you can fully Expect that the Supreme court will take up the Case.. now the Appellate Court took 3+ weeks to issue this ruling , but I think - from I read  ( I'm no lawyer ) that this ruling is extreemly detailed. That the Supreme court will need to examine what they ruled on very Carefully.  Boy will that vote be interesting....

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Just more F-ing lies

 It's a Trigger for you MAGA snowflakes.... Oh "I'm gonna put tariffs on Chinese goods that they ( the Chinese)  are gonna pay" - Let me tell you something... 

This is what a Tariff is and what it Ain't. 

"A tariff is a tax imposed by the government of a country or by a supranational union on imports of goods. Besides being a source of revenue for the government, import duties can also be a form of regulation of foreign trade and policy that taxes foreign products to encourage or safeguard domestic industry.

So this does a few  things- It gets the Government that imposes the tax/tariff money in the form of that Import tax .... and it helps to balance the Trade between domestic businesses and imports by increasing the price of those imports. AND AND 100% of the TIME that price increase on the imported  goods are passed on to the Consumer . If it was not so - a few things would happen ....  The foreign business that is exporting its goods  would take a financial hit to it's income and if it was so high a Tariff that foreign company would stop exporting those goods ....   - and 2 - It would then NOT give the Financial advantage that the Tariff was meant to do !  WAKE THE HELL UP !- 

Look at the stuff you buy... and sure you can try to buy items not made in China - and try to buy American - good luck with that as many many goods are only manufactured in CHINA,.... or you are just gonna trade buying from China with buying from - Indonesia,  Thailand (or Thigh-land as the Orange Jesus pronounces it) , Vietnam , etc etc....

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Sunday Sunday -

 I read some stats for all you snowflakes that are triggered by Taylor Swift being shown on Camera at the Ravens - Chiefs game....

The tellcast was approx 3 hours long - a bit longer in actuality -   but let's say 180 minutes

Playing time of the Game - that is the time that a football play is taking place  - 18 minutes - yea thats all..

The time that Taylor Swift was on the Screen - 25 Seconds,.... Twenty Five Seconds - 

SO if Y'all are upset that a Billionaire Female Musician is at the Stadium Cheering on her Boyfriend and you have to see that for 25 Seconds out of what is over a 3 hour football game - then that is  YOU problem not a HER problem....   

Come on -we have so many issues in this country - this cannot be what triggers people into a Frenzy .


Let's move on.....  and sorry / Not Sorry - another football post - How are the Niners a Favorite over the Chiefs in the Super bowl ??  Now I have no idea about who actually wins the Game ,,, BUT - I explained in an earlier post that the Chiefs just won 3 games that NO ONE expected them to win ,...

Beat the Dolphins 26 to 7 - ok the Chiefs were favored by 4.5 

Beat the Bills (in Buffalo)  - 27 - 24 - Bills Favored by 3

Beat the Ravens  (in Baltimore)  - 17- 10 - Ravens favored by 4.5

So - yea - OK the Niners came from behind to beat the Packers - that was great win.

The Niners - in my opinion - lucked out as the Lions went for 4th down plays TWICE - when they should have kicked field  goals - that does no mean that they win - just that I think they left 6 points on the table - and lost by 3 points - poor tackling and drop passes added to the issues that the Lions demise...


I am seemingly feeling my age....  Yesterday I just felt like UGH - I built a garden in the back yard...  i opted for 4x6's instead of 6x6 Pressure treated...  good thing those that I bought were heavy as hell - yup 4x6x 12 feet long.... ended up really good - I thought.....  next step is about year of Soil - that I will need to get and then transfer from truck to wheelbarrow - to Garden... and I was kinda wiped out - , a bit fatigued and with a headache  - I dunno - maybe cause i did not play Pickleball  ?? I bet that was it !


Even though I am not a registered Democrat - I'm not a registed anything - so I did not vote in the South Carolina Democratic Primary - of course Biden Won getting 96% of the votes - the other 2 candidates got 2% each - the Republican primary is on February 24 -   hummmm I think something else happened on that date.....  It will be a BIG test for Nicki Haley - as this is her home state... and she has been campaigning like crazy down here....


Friday, February 2, 2024

I't's hard to keep up

 So the stupid (yea I said it) people in Congress are at it again ..... They - that is one that MTG is proposing that we need to stop the invasion of Terrorists at the Southern border.  she has very adamant in this - say that it is the #1 issue of the day - even thought she would vote against giving any money, hiring more agents, judges and installing courts to get migrants hearings much sooner.  But this terror threat is the biggest thing on her mind - and ok - she is from Georgia - and I don't think that there ar mnay migrants coming into the Southern Border of Georgia - but let's say this true.  What agency is tasked with Thwarting terrorist threats ???  One of the TOP responsibilities of the FBI - the Federal Bureau of Investigation - check their web Site.  

There ya go - that from the FBI Web Page -

And At the Same time - MTG is selling T-shirts and Hats that say "defund the FBI"on her WEB Site . 

I truly believe that these people are not serious about governing the USA - they are there for News clips and Views on their social Media Pages = and they just say whatever comes to mind. 

And ok yesterday she was reading a statement about the Impeachment of the Homeland Security Secretary - and she did not know the WORD "Indictable" that is Indite - able - she called in In-DICK-table ... damn - we need to stop electing Stupid people. 

Then the  speaker of the House said this "Trump has expressed opposition to any deal between Senate negotiators and the Biden administration.""President Trump is not wrong," Johnson told Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Wednesday night. "He and I have been talking about this pretty frequently. I talked to him the night before last about the same subject."

Johnson shortly after also appeared on CNN, where he told Kaitlan Collins that he speaks to Trump "every few days."  = So the Speaker of the House is essentially taking orders from the Orange Jesus  -  and then after the Backlash happened - by even members of the GOP - he walked back that he then wanted to see what was in the bill - then he would oppose it - so yea the problem is so huge that there is more value in having a Problem than working on a solution. My god - where are we headed ??