WTF did we just watch ??? 5 em beat to death another man...
There are Millions of overworked , under appreciated police officers in this country,,, yes - A handful like the ones that did this,, but the far out vast majority of men and women deserve our thanks and gratitude for the job that they do every day in our communities...
And the ones - like these 5 . need to be weeded out of the departments, and/or put in Jail for the atrocities that that they do. And the Paramedics that stood around for what ? 20 minutes with out helping this man - they are near as responsible for his death as the ones that beat him to death.
We can only hope that they all get what they deserve. and to the news host wanting to knwo what this man was on.. waiting on his toxicology to see maybe that had a hand in his death . WTF is wrong with you... so if it is that he as high,,, or on Coke ,, or Alcohol... THAT is justification for what was done to him. That make sit ok to KICK him in the head repeatedly - to beat him like a dog with a nightstick ?? TO leave him lying the street to die... You can go to hell...
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