Friday, January 20, 2023

And the Inmates are running the asylum

 Took the GOP 15 ballots to elect a Speaker of the House - McCarthy made every concession to the FAR right Crazies - that's Gaetz, Bobo, Margerine , Gozar, etc,,,   You can fully expect they will not have any ideas of what to do,,,  What they will do is fight - even between each other....  The GOP holds this small majority on the House - Just 4 votes, that they will be able to actually accomplish - Nothing -  you watch what I think is true...

You - there will be investigations - of every ilk,,, and yup - it's in their right to do that... There may be impeachment hearings... There has already beed what some of them think is the DEfunding of those 67,000 - they said 87,000 IRS agents - hummm  do they all understand that the legislation to do that -- and the that is those people hires over the next 10 Years to replace those lost duing the Pandemic and thru normal attrition - that the Senate that they - the GOP do not hold a majority in,, and oh BTW - the POTUS has to sign hat bill - NOT F-ing happening ...  I do not think many understand that... 

Now - so they fooled you into thinking these agents were coming for your taxes.... NOT ... they make you think that GUN control legislation - is coming for your guns - NOT ... that Critical Race Theory is what they are banning in Elementary Schools - NOT - was never taught in anything but College ....    There will be issue after issue that they will build up to say they are accomplishing -- IT will amount to nothing,,, 

And let's not forget that idiot in Florida that is proving more and more that he is a racist.   Forget that Critical Race Theory was never taught in any elementary school  or schools lower than college  for  the most part  He had you believing that it was,, and that is Bad ! Idiots ... NOW Desantis wants to block and AP level course in High schools  African American studies...  Listen Asshole - African American history  IS fucking American History - even though you would like to white wash it and pretend things never happened,,, how do our children learn the truth about history  - the ACTUAL truth - not one mans version of that history ??  and ok - If you don't want White kids learning black history ,, how about black kids don't need to learn White history ???   And if he was not enough of a jerk - there are AP classes on Spanish history,  French History, German,    but let's ban African American History.... then cll others the CANCEL CULTURE - come on - only the Stupidest people would believe this crap.


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