Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Niners !!!!

 If you do not like football - I would suggest moving on... 

Dallas .vs Forty Niners...  

While not a conspiracy theorist .. I will say that the Officials gave Dallas EVERy chance and then some to Win this game...   there were a couple of odd sequences that were in and around the same play , and I am not talking about the last play.

4th Quarter, = Niners had like a 3rd and 4 or 5 - I think  - they threw a pass toward the sideline,,, and the receiver seemed to have gained the Line for the 1st down,,, They measured and sure enough - 1st down - essentially game over. As the Cowboys had no more timeouts to stop the clock, and the Niners with 4 more downs.... BUT - hold on... they  do a challenge on the play to see about the spot of the ball... then 2 things happen.

1) the ref says he is going to re-spot the ball based on the replay. But remember - he already knows where it needs to be spotted to give S.F. a 1st down (and really end the game) and where it will be spotted to be 4th down .  Low and behold .....  he spots it back just far enough to NOT give S.F. a 1st down.... they are short by two inches,...

2) they put 8 seconds back on the play clock.  Where did that come from  ?!?!?

Now - the Niners line up to go for it on 4th down,, and they make it except there is a Motion penalty on them , that moves the ball back 5 yards,,, and they end up punting to the Cowboys.   Ok - then the Cowboys move the ball down field - remember they need a touchdown and Extra point to win,,, a kicked field gaol will do them no good,,,,  they get to the Niners about 40 or so yards line, by running pass plays to the sidelines, so they can step out of bounds - they have no time outs ... Then - inexplicably - with 14 seconds left - Dak Prescott - the Cowboys quarterback runs the ball down the middle of the field for about 20 yards,,,, both teams run down to get the next play off BEFORE the 14 seconds expire,.. but Dak- instead of handing the ball to an official / the linesman - he hands the ball to the Center - Rule is that the ball MUST be Spotted by an official - AKA - NOT A PLAYER ! So the ref on a dead run from the spot of the last play actually has to push his way thru the Offense to get to the ball , and by then time expires .... GAME OVER...  Pretty exciting stuff.... unless you are a Cowboy fan.....

Special note - someone needs to talk to Tony Romo  (he was the tv announcer- and remember he is a former Dallas QB himself)  Tony - you can't be a cheerleader for your former team during these sequences...  all he did was talk about what the Cowboys were doing,, and what they should do,, and how great a comeback this was going to be !!!   Troy Aikman - also a former Dallas QB does a much better job at staying neutral when he is announcing the Cowboys games.... Romo - I am sure / I hope was given a talking to........

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