I see no path forward.
This country is so divided Politically, Philosophically, Medically, .....
Now not all things apply to all people - that would be too wide brush to paint with... BUT
I continue to read that Biden has nothing to slow or stop this pandemic. And I see this from Entertainment agencies (FOX) and read this from Right wing conservatives that Refused to believe the Pandemic is Real - but Blame China for it, They do not believe data on Hospitalizations, Deaths or Infections from Covid but 100% buy into the numbers of people that have died from the Vaccine. They give Dump all the credit in the world for developing a vaccine so quickly but refuse to take it because (wait for it) It was developed TOO Quickly. Won't wear a simple mask , Social distance, because they have freedom !! No vaccine, but it's the POTUS's fault that he can't stop the Pandemic. The Governor or Texas has discounted the disease all along, refused Mask wearing mandates, poo-poo'd the Vaccine,,, and now that his state is overrun with the Virus , that his hospitals are overflowing with patients in he ER's that are mostly unvaccinated. He has asked that the federal government HELP ! Here is part of his statement.
"Detecting COVID-19 and preventing COVID-related hospitalizations are critical to our fight against this virus," said Abbott in a prepared statement. "Testing sites, additional medical staff, and continued shipments of therapeutics from the federal government will help us continue to save lives and mitigate the spread of COVID-19."
And while I believe that Biden should and absolutely will help them. I also think he should call Abbot and tell him FUCK YOU! And just so you know - one of the things that the Biden Admin has done is work to ensure that testing supplies, and therapeutics are equally distributed among states based on Population of course. Because they found that 7 states - SEVEN STATES - were hoarding 70% of these supplies, and YOU Guessed it. Two of the States on that List ARE TEXAS and FLORIDA...
Politicians have figured out that playing to their bases fears and blaming the Left is far more important that telling the truth or Walking the Talk. Assholes like MTG or Lauren Boebert , Ron Desantis, and Greg Abbot - I think they know exactly what they are doing.... and if they do not know what they are saying is a LIE - that is even worse.
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