Sunday, January 9, 2022

I call 'em the way i See 'em

 Ok - so I believe this , that as we go thru time ,, and 30 - 40 % of the population is unvaccinated, we will continue to live thru the nightmare that is COVID-19. The same goes for the unmasked, and the lack of - forget social distance - let's just say lack of what is to me common sense measure. 

Let's say this - the Vaccinated are wet Logs and sticks lying the Forrest and the unvaccinated are dry Sticks and logs...   Can the Wet Logs and sticks still start a fire ,,, sure ....  Can they still be destroyed by fire... Sure...   But the it's the DRY - unaxx'd that pose the highest risk to themselves and to the Wet - Vaxx'd-  wood.  It the Dry logs that will allow the Fire to start and to spread ......  Ok - goofy analogy but it's  all I could come up with at 6AM !! 

Ok - this analogy I "borrowed" - “It used to be that smoking was considered an individual decision, but people saw it differently when the science confirmed that secondhand smoke also kills people. We changed our behavior to protect everyone. Vaccination protects everyone, too — it protects the vaccinated person who is less likely to get sick, and it protects the whole community when more people are vaccinated because COVID will have less chance to spread.”  This from Berkley Medical. 

The folks that are saying that " we should just go about our lives and let "natural immunity" take its course are -  in My opinion -  disregarding those that will become extreemly ill or Die for m the virus -  to you is 1% or .1 % or .000001%. So someone else that number is  Mother , father,  son, daughter , grandparent, friend, that was vulnerable to the Virus ... more vulnerable than you. But - Fuck 'em!!  - hey "If they are to die , then let them die " and "decrease the surplus population" ....   Attached is a post by a very good friend of mine's wife on the maybe unseen impact of the Virus spread.  Her post reads a follows :

I'm tired of remaining quiet. To those who insist that it is your right to determine what goes into your body it is time to yield your self-centered, self-serving point of view and get vaccinated against Covid. Your resistance has held our nation hostage, and subjected us all to ongoing public health and safety concerns. You demand that it is your right to refuse a vaccine and you refuse to use a mask in public spaces, then you turn around and expect immediate access to our health care system: exhausting doctors and nurses, tying up hospital beds, and running up a huge health care tab. You actively spread the virus in our communities without thinking about the ramifications for others, all along exposing others to potential health complications. Wake up! If you want to "make America great again" do so by working with, not against others.

My husband was due to have surgery tomorrow. The surgery while not urgent, is necessary and time sensitive. All the preparations, both physical and mental, were in place. While vaccinated and boosted, we limited our holiday celebrations in order to ensure he would be Covid free and ready to go. Then, this afternoon we received a call canceling his procedure due to bed and staffing shortages and we are toId that, while he is a priority, it is likely to be several weeks before his surgery can be rescheduled. Guess where I lay the blame.

I also think that doctors and nurses are going to and - surely have - had to make gut wrenching decisions as to who get s treatment and who does not - who has the best chance for survival and who has low chance ,, and then go about saving the one(s) that have to best chance... Got Kids, Parents, Grandparents ??? Go ahead and make that choice ... even if just in your mind - who in that group of relatives has the highest rate of survival ??? If you are treating one and another comes for help - do you stop treatment on the 1st ,, because the 2nd has a better chance of survival ???

Now - the good news here is that MOST people will not die of the virus , but SOME will... and just cause it has not been someone you know - (side note - I personally know 2 of my friends moms that have died from Covid) Should not give the FREEDOM - the RIGHT - to endanger others..

NOW - Here is some of the Data over the past weeks .... and yes - if you are a FOX (no way this this is a news channel) viewer - you don't see this.... But maybe a guy who sells pillows for a living is better source than a nationwide data base...

Summary Unvaccinated 12-34 year-olds are • 2 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 12-34 year-olds. • 10 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 12-34 year olds.
Unvaccinated 35-64 year-olds are • 3 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 35-64 year-olds. • 14 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 35-64 year olds.

Unvaccinated 65+ year-olds are • 6 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year-olds. • 13 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year olds. • 15 times more likely to die of COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year-olds

I really do - sincerely hope that you and your family are NOT Infected / Affected to the point of Great illness or hospitalization from this virus....

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