Where the heck are we headed ??
There has never been such division in this country,,,, while always having differences of opinion - the proliferation of lies seems overwhelming,,, each side believing that it is 100% correct and that there is no room for the others opinion... Bold face Lies from the former POTUS is what I believe is fueling this. Social media lets the rumor mill and the Conspiracy theorists run wild. With those people on the Edges of each party looking to grasp onto anything they think is Truth... Vaccines causing magnetism in a human body, a microchip in the vaccine, the former POTUS on flags that show Jesus with light beams coming down on him and supports saying that he is chosen by GOD to lead the country, People chanting USA USA while carrying a Confederate battle flag, some wondering why Obama did nothing on 9/11 - that he was maybe golfing or vacationing (Obama was not the POTUS on 9/11), the Dems/Far Left/ANTIFA/BLM rigging tan election across many states, counties in the US, China hacking into voting machines, dropping ballots by Airplane into Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan,,, I have seen a Dump and JFK Jr. Flag,,, while listening to this person say that JFK JR was gonna run with Dump as his VP in 2024. That JFK jr faked his death in 1999 and has been working in the background helping Dump since then and will reveal himself alive to run as VP candidate. Supporters at his rallies wearing Dump Hats, and shirts saying that China is taking over the Country while wearing those hats and shirts MADE IN CHINA - they ain't smart enough to know that the tag in their hat that says PRC means "Peoples Republic of China" , I could go on and on.... with the My Pillow guy, Rudy Guliani, Q-Anon ,,, et al.... If we cannot agree on what is TRUE and what is NOT - we as a Democracy, and free society - are doomed.
When think of this I get so depressed..... I cannot think of the country in the coming years with Dump back as Prez... I truly believe that if this happens the Democracy is over. The Rule of Law - OVER. He will run rough shod over all parts of the Government, look at the people he installed as part of his administration - that they were indicted in criminal activity (yup that he pardoned in some cases)
This after 2 years in office,,, and think that some of this may have been in check so that he could get reelected ,,,, that will run AMOK when he can't run again - but I would not put it beyond thought that he would look to change the constitution so he can remain in office.
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