Saturday, August 14, 2021

WIFI connected HOME !!

 I have heard of the Modern Homes that are all WIFI / Bluetooth Connected...  

That all the Appliances  / electrical items can talk to each other......      

We are finally there...

It started with the Dryer - no drying,,, a new Thermistor ( $20) (heat Regulator) improved the issue... so I bit the bullet and ordered - and subsequently installed - a New Heating element ($150) What I was unaware of is the the Dryer was having secret communications with other things in the House as I was repairing the dryer.  It was talking to the Dishwasher - that Totally Quit - the error code says it's an electrical issue in the Wiring Harness and or the Motor itself that "burned out"  so there's that.    My Wife then tells me that she hears water dripping behind the Bathroom Vanity - so the Dryer has  been chatting with the plumbing...   sure enough - I squeeze myself into the Vanity and can just reach and see a drip for them hot water pipe that feeds the shower,...  and it's either remove the Vanity (OUCH) or Cut a hole thru the wall behind the Vanity  that fortunately is on my Closet - so yup - cut that out and removed sheet rock to get to it,,, 2 Shark Bites and piece of PEX and WHOOSH - Fixed - took longer to make Plumbing door that covers the hole in the Closet - Just in case- than it did to fix the Plumbing....  think we are done ??? not a chance - lets start up the Traeger and grill up some Burgers for Dinner !! NOPE ! the Dryer have talked to the GRILL - the Pellets go into the Firebox,, but the "hotrod" that ignites Them - or is suppose to !! does not - 15 minutes on the Phone with Traeger and they are sending me a new HOTROD for the grill,,, glad I was not getting ready for a big ole Family barbecue    cause we would have been SOL ! 

And Just when you think it over  - that dryer that I put the Heating element in Will not HEAT !!  - Take it all apart again - to find that one of the old wires that connects the heater is BROKEN ! Guess taking it on and off like 6 times was not good,.... took the part from the old heater to install on the new one and WHOOSH - now we are Drying .......  

I'm Ascared to think of what  is next !!

I don't Get it

 So the Delta variant of the COVID - 19 Virus is essentially Raging across the US...and no surprise that the States that are hardest hit are the states with the Lowest vaccination rate.  The difference seems to be in this surge is that the Virus that hit the Elderly and those with pre existing conditions is now attacking younger and younger victims.  Pediatric ICU beds are non existent across many states = now I hope that there were not many to begin with,,   I saw this from Texas Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations are surging and in Dallas County, Texas, there are "zero ICU beds left for children," county judge Clay Jenkins said in a news conference Friday morning. "That means if your child's in a car wreck, if your child has a congenital heart defect or something and needs an ICU bed, or more likely if they have Covid and need an ICU bed, we don't have one. Your child will wait for another child to die,"  How's that for Horrific !  and remember this the US not some 3rd world country. 

But Still - people have all their  - what I see as Idiotic  - excuses for not getting the Vaccine .

Ain't putting that in my Body ! who knows whats in it,,, and then they back up that excuse by saying that the List of Ingredients has been altered or falsely reported by the Drug Companies,,, now I am betting some per cent of those folks are college educated.... and I know for a FACT at least with mine that Colleges Require Vaccines to be enrolled - Vaccines that you received when you were a child or had to receive BEFORE they let you into College. Some others are just - I don't know  what -  probably stuffing Mcdonald's Burgers in their face - like they have investigated all the ingredients in that stuff. "It's Not approved by the FDA" yea thats another one....... So when it is - then you are going to get it.   They point to Q news et al reporting thousands of Deaths from the Vaccine - when there have been zero.    I guess what I don;t get is the people that don't trust the doctors and Hospitals and Pham companies  about the Vaccine that could save their life or the Life of someone near you - will be the 1st to run to the Hospital and Doctors when they are sick from the RONA and then ,,, then they want those same people, using drugs,  to save their life...  Seems like we could come up with a protocol that if as an adult you go to the hospital with COVID ,, and were not vaccinated by your Choice  (yes except for those who medically Cannot get it) that you are at the back of the line,  NO Bed,,, No drug treatment, no Ventilator, no ICU, NO Doctors and Nurses risking their health to treat you,,,, go sit in that tent outside with all your Friends and hope you get better - here is a MY PILLOW - hug that and see if it helps ... Seems cruel - but listen YOU are a free American you chose this...   Do you lock the Seat Belt behind you when you drive ?? That Seatbelt is a Government  mandated device meant to save your Life ! But Fuck that- lock it behind you - Do you put your Children in Car Seat??  WHY - they are government required to save their life , but fuck them - These are my Kids ,,, I'll do as I please...  And stop stopping at stop signs , red lights,,,, they are just trying to control you.... in many areas there is never a car coming the other way any how.. and the survival rate for slower speed accident is nearly 100% ,,, DON'T Stop anymore.... The sad part is that I doubt anything will change the mond of the NON vaxx person, I just hope it's not you or your love one that have to pay the price for your Ignorance, you lack of caring for yourself and those around you ,,,  hoping that no one in your family is affected by needing an ICU or Hospital bed and there are none to be had,,, or the Doctors and Nurses are spread so thin caring for Covid patients that they don't get to you - 

And let's end the debate on IF an employer or Business can require you to get the Vaccine ..... the Answer is YES !  They Can - Just as you are Free to do as you please They are free to have requirements for a Job.  You don't have to work there - go find another Job that does not require it....  Go shop at another store, eat at another Restaurant... Shopping and Eating at a particular place is not a Guaranteed right ! And these places of employment and Businesses can set their own requirements. 

Now I have seen videos of What you might think are people who should know - Senators, congressmen, etc ,, when asked If they are vaccinated - they claim that is a HIPPA Violation. WRONG !!!  Any person can ask  another person about medial status....  It's the Medical Facilities that Cannot disclose information about one patient to another - NOT a news reporter asking a person about their status,... and seriously-  IF you are not - and are the ANTI Vaxxer , the Free American, The I ain't  putting no Government stuff in my Body - why are you too much of a pussy to answer the question,..??? I'll tell you why, cause you as that Senator that Legislator  - ARE Vaccinated - Just like Ex prez Dump and all his family - you ARE , but it's not politically advantageous to say it ! ASSHOLES ! 

And speaking of - I guess I missed yesterdays swearing in ceremony of DUMP in his reinstatement into office - How did it go ???  Yesterday was the Latest date - right - he was gonna fly in and Take over the Government ?!?!?  BULLSHIT !  wondering what the New date will be !??!?



Thursday, August 5, 2021

Stop it !

 All right - I keep hearing the Yankee Announcers talk about them going on a "run" and winning the AL East... I do Like Michael Kay  and Paul O'neill .... however... Let's get real and take a look at how that would have to happen.....

The Tampa Bay Rays are in 1st place they have a record of 65 and 44 or a .596 willing percentage.. 

the Yanks are in 3rd place  - 6 games behind them at 58 and 49 or .542 win percentage.. 

 the Rays have 53 games left to play... Let's say they play those game a little worse pace than the 4th place  Blue jays.. let's use .525 win percentage...  53 x .525 = 27.8 - we will round up to 28 wins and 25 losses...

That means  the Yankees would have to play 7 games better than that.

The Yanks have 55 games left... so while the Rays must only win 28 of it games the Yanks would have to win 35 and lose only 20 !! Thats a .640 winning percentage ......  

and let me remind you that the BEST TEAM right now in the Majors is the San Francisco Giants at 68 and 40 - that's .630 .....  SO - STOP IT !! the Yankees are NOT winning the American League East  ! 

 .... the AL looks like this 

Tamp Bay or Boston wins the AL east - the other team is the 1st Wild Card.

White Sox win the Central 

Astros win the West 

Oakland  / New York / Toronto / Seattle are all in it to win the 2nd Wild card. 

So that the Wild Card "Play in Game" would be Tampa or Boston hosting one of the other teams in a one game play-off to get to the Division series..

We have 2 more games to attend - the Twins later this month and the last game of the Year against the Rays... yet to be seen of that game will mean anything to either team... but that last series might. The Red Sox have a MUCH easier last few games with 3 against Baltimore and 3 .vs The Nationals.... Tampa is at Houston and then NY for their last 6 ... NY finish at Toronto and then Host Tampa... 

Grace Potter

Eddie Vedder

Sunday, August 1, 2021

WE must be stupid

 SO what we have is a Pamnemic surge of the unvaccinated.   I have heard numbers of upwards of 90%of the Seriously sick in hospitals and ICU's this includes those that are intubated, are unvaccinated,, and over 97% of the dead in the past weeks across the country are also - unvaccinated...   you have to have noticed that the messaging from the anti Vax - or Previously anti vaxx media  - is now that you should get vaccinated,,  I guess the conservative media has figured out that people that are really sick or get really sick or DIE from the 'Delta "rona virus are far less likely to vote Republican ,, specially those that have died !! 

plus they are trying to give us an unapproved experimental drug  in that vaccine! Humm - would that be similar to the Unapproved treatments that YOUR Potus received when he got the Virus !??  Like that ??  and whats the end game there - those Stupid Democrats ! they can;' get any thing done ! Boy are they Dumb !  HEY - except they engineered a World Wide Pandemic that has killed hundreds of thousands, and  crippled the Medial facilities across the Country and the Globe ! Then they made the Former POTUS develop a vaccine that they now believe turns them magnetic !  and some even have microchips in the vaccine to control the Brain! 

This is all to say nothing of those Stupid DEMS - perpetrating an election fraud so wide spread across the country and so devious that many states (well just the ones that DUMP lost) do not even know it ! their GOP Governors and state legislators, and Lieutenant Gov's are tottally fooled  ! boy are those DEMS Dumb ! 

And the Anti Maskers -  You have to ASK WTF !? Whats the end game her,,, is the Democratic Party out to sell everyone Masks >??? What is the End game - OMG - you have to wear a cloth on your face ... SO Fucking what ! " Oh the DEMS are trying to control us" Control you to do what ! Wear a mask ?? DO you understand how stupid that sounds....   

And OH - Listen ,,I am a free American,, I Can do what I want in this country,,, Wear a Mask or not ,,, VAXX or not,, and the Government can't tell me what to do !  WE are FREE.... Well except for those people that own private businesses and say that to enter their business I have to wear a mask,  or be vaccinated - they are NOT free to tell me what to do ! Those free Americans can't do that ! 

No shirt - No Shoes = NO Service .  That is OK - but not no MASK !!  those restaurants and clubs that have dress codes,, Ties , collared shirts, Jackets and Dresses or Fancy Pants suits for the Women - that is ok - that is their right to do that ,, BUT MASKS - NO NO NO NO ....... THEY can't do THAT!

And we support the Police - 100% .... Back the BLUE ! all the Way... Except for those liars that testified before the Congress last week and said that the people that attacked the Capital tried to (and in some cases succeeded ) to kill them, assault them, MACE them with Bear Spray , beat them with Fire Extinguishers, Crush them in door ways, those Police officers are lying,,  but hey BACK the BLUE (not them though) 

And we respect the flag - except for the part of FLying it in the dark , dragging on the ground on the back of our truck, setting in on equal standing with other flags. and Defacing it by painting a face of a former POTUS on it .  Except for that - We respect the FLAG. 

and we support the Constitution - all the amendments - the 1st amendment gives us the right to say anything we want, protest how we want ....   we would up hold that Constitution - except where people disagree with us ! Those people do NOT have the right to do that ! They can't Kneel in protest,, they can't say things like that,, that's not Free Speech - unless they agree with US ! 

AND USA !! USA  !!- America 1st ! and Only - but not that US women'e soccer team - not that Men's basketball team,,  I was glad / Happy to see them LOSE ! America 1st  Always ! (except for them) 

OK - and one of the Tell Tale signs that the person you are discussing things with, or have disagreement with   - has not done their own investigation of how things work - the sign is when they say - DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH ! that tells ya - they are listening to FOX .... and Fucker Carlson and not doing their own research..... 


From the Ed Sullivan show - oh yea that is from '67!!