Friday, March 12, 2021

Best Role in Life

 SO the best role by far in this life is a Grand-Parent !  yea yea - you gotta be a parent 1st, and that i a huge responsibility that I bet each one of us has thought that we failed in some way - that we could have , should have done better or different in some way ...   

the Grand Parent role is wonderful - you kinda get all the "fun" out of your Grand children. While you don;t need to be a huge disciplinarian... you can laugh when they do crazy shit ! You can play with them, hold them, hug them, kiss them,,, and then when they have a melt down,,,, Whoops - Back to the Parents !!

If you are a Grand Parent - I ain't telling you nothing that you don't already know !!

We have been extreemly fortunate in the last month just over 2 weeks really - that our Grandchildren have increased from 4 to 6  !!  Ronan (8lb 4 oz)  born last month and Lena (9lb 2oz) just yesterday !!!  OH - - one down side,,,the license plate frames on or vehicles that have the Kids names - well they now need to be replaced to add the Other 2 names !!

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