Saturday, January 30, 2021

So - I'm Done

 i normally try to get other points of view on issues ,, specially political issue,, and mostly since DUMP became the POTUS... But I'm Done.  No more FOX news,,,,  no more FB friends with opinions that are no becoming insane and less and less in touch with reality...  I've either blocked the content or just not seeing their posts.  I will review here some of what I have read lately - and either these people are actually delusional  or so blinded by DUMP that they knwo nothing else - reminds me of Jim Jones and people's Temple mass murder-suicide of himself and his followers - 909 people took their lives and those of their children,...   How do these people survive in everyday life ???  What > looking for Bigfoot ?? and  Space Dragons flying here from Behind the Sun to "crack the Earth Like a nut " -  Do they read the Enquirer like it was real News ??!?!?!  That Elvis is pumping gas at a Sinclair Gas station outside of Las Vegas ?  I get that it maybe the fringe of DUMPS followers that belive this - but you saw what they could do - on January 6th at the US capital !   What if they found AOC or Nancy Pelosi or Mike Pence ?? Would we have witnessed murder on live TV in the name of the POTUS??   and Assholes like Matt Gaetz & Ted Cruz  et al - think it was Antifa posing like GOP supporters that did this - when the people arrested are known Proud Boys ,, and Known POTUs supporters. Ok Let's get to it,.........

- I see Posts about Biden not do anything to stop the Pandemic - that after 10 days in office - No Progress.. TEN DAYS !!!  Well at least you gave him time to implement a plan ! ASSHOLES. Biden Was Stopped from getting regular briefings  even after the Congress Certified the Election results,  so he had to essentialy start at ZERO ! and where was this keen eye for Action in the Last 10 months of DUMPS Admin - that saw 400,000 Dead and the Country's economy in shambles. ?!?!?! Again ASSHOLES !!

- Posts from people how their taxes have gone up and they are earning less under the Biden Administration because of his Budget ,.... That is the Budget PROPOSAL you fucking assholes ! He has not sent it to Congress YET and of course they have not approved it or Dis- approved it !!  So whatever the hell has happened to your paycheck in the last 2 weeks is a result of the DUMP admin - NOT BIDEN !! JERKS !

- I see several posts about how the Military turned their backs on  Biden's  Motorcade !  that showed disrespect to him.... UMMM  They were there to protect him ! Some looking one way and some the other ,,, so that no attack could come from any direction without them seeing it !!  ASSHOLES !!

- That Biden was not sworn in as POTUS - that it was movie set  !  A movie Set !  that it was staged. That it took place BEFORE NOON and that was not allowed by the Constitution - JERKS JERKS and Dare I say JERKS !!!  Only the Time and Day of power transfer is documented by Law - NOON on January 20th - the incoming POTUs can actually take the OATH of Office any time Before that Time and day,,, but I guess that was too much for these A- Holes to read  !! 

- In  conjunction with "if he was the POTUS Elect - why did DUMP fly Air-force 1 Florida but Biden took a private plane from Delaware to DC" ....  Because DUMP was still POTUS at that time,,,, and that was the LAST Trip on AF 1 - and the Shit-head he was - he would not Send a Plane to get Biden from Delaware =  so Joe had no choice but to fly his charter to DC.  and what a big man - he slithered away to Florida with his asshole sons and daughter ..... instead of being a MAN and going to inauguration. If this was a 10 year old on your sports team and would not shake hands with the other team...  you'd like to smack them ! But this is the GUY you and I presume you want your children to look up to !  God Help us....

- Nancy Pelosi was actually arrested  - as were most of the DEMS  - because (and they must have keen eye sight ) to see as they say the Barbed wire was pointing inward toward the Capital - so that the authorities did not want anyone to get out !  Oh and she and others are being escorted everywhere by Federal Marshalls (I guess "they" know Federal Marshals) that shows they are really under Arrest !! WTF !!

- That the US was actually disolved back in 2018.... and that DUMPO  is the Prez of the New Country - that Washington DC is not "really" in the United States and therfore - Biden is only the Prez of DC not the US ! 

- Oh  - There is Fence Around the White House and the Military and others are keeping Biden there under arrest.  They there are armed Guards on the roof of the WH since Bidens arrival.... um  - I can't even del with this amount of Stupidity.

- Everything that Joe has done has been done from a Hollywood Movie Set - not the White House or even Washington DC..... Guess they recreated all of Arlington Cemetery for the "movie" and Bush, Clinton, Obama , were What ??  Holograms ??  

- Kamala Harris did not use a Bible to take the Oath  ! TRUE - she used TWO BIBLES !! 

Not looking forward to 2021

 Well except that we are already here ......

Taking a step back from Politics for a minute ... and looking at the Possibilities for the Yankees pitching rotation ...  I think there are too many holes in the rotation,,, that is to say there is big upside and if you are a cup 1/2 full guy - there is a big downside,,, I can see filling in the 4th and 5th starter spot but ,, geez,,,

So here is what I see right now,,,

Gerrit Cole - Absolutely a #1 Starter, Top 5  pitcher in either league

Now it gets murky right away....

Corey Kluber - 2 time Cy Young award winner , coming off a Shoulder injury.  thrown less than 50 innings in the past two years,,,

James Taillon - was a #1 draft pick - coming off Tommy John surgery ..  has not pitched in the Majors in 2 years,,,,, 

Jordan Montgomery - the only lefty in the Rotation,,, and has also had Tommy John surgery,  I think of this guy like Phil Hughes,,, Has flashes of Brilliance, but not a full season of steady quality starts,,,

Deivi Garcia - Looked good in his  6 starts  - has the Arsenal to be good ,,, but let's see...............

Domingo German - Coming off a Suspension for Domestic Violence. Looked good in the past - but for me just another big question mark....

Then there are the other guys,,, that you will see in one game or another 

Luis Severiono -  don't Expect him back till June - and then they will be very careful with him - coming off Tommy John Surgery....

Loaisiga, Clarke Schmidt,  Michael King and Nick Nelson, and you have Brition, Chapman, Cessa, and Green in the Bullpen among others,,,   Too many question marks for me,,, even of they add James Paxton back to the Team, and they might not want to sign Paxton..  - as that would most likely push them over the Salary Cap and add million to the payroll....

Turning to the Position players,,,, I can see this as they opening day Starters...

1. DJ LeMahieu, 2B - no question ,,, can play multiple positions & a solid hitter 
2. Aaron Judge, RF - Let's see if he can stay on the Field for 140+ games...
3. Giancarlo Stanton, DH - Stuck with this guy, he could carry the team,,, let's see it 
4. Luke Voit, 1B - Solid hitter - good enough at 1st base  (not Mattingly or Teixiera) 
5. Gleyber Torres, SS - Solid fielder  - gotta increase his on Base Percentage.
6. Gio Urshela, 3B - Great fielder - and Solid hitter,,,
7. Aaron Hicks, CF - Can he stay healthy ??/ 
8. Clint Frazier, LF -  him or Tautman, a better hitter, adventure in the outfield
9. Kyle Higashioka, C - You get him or Sanchez - Sanchez has a great upside,,, but has to cut down on the Strike outs

Bench = Sanchez, Andujar, Tautman, Wade, Ford,,,, 

At this point I'd go for seeing some Games live at the Stadium,,,

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

 Yowza - 

Being alone is kinda a weird experiance .....   If this is the way it is after your Life partner leaves.... I don;t like it.... now this is temporary - couple of months I guess... so can easily do it.. Facetime helps  - so that you cannot only talk to be see the other person...  Work well with Grand children also - that they know what you look like even of you don;t see them,, and the grow so Quickly  - it's amazing... 

Anyway this alone time has me talking to the cats,, to the TV,,,, just talking out loud to no one - Don't think that a sign of Mental issues,, just not used to no one listening  (pretty sure my Wife ignores what I saw any way - ha) But at least you get to interact with someone.... And I don't really feel like cooking anything So I been going for Salads, and Cottage Cheese,..,..  I got some Chicken all cooked,,, but IF I eat anymore Chicken - I'm gonna start growing Feathers. !!! If you need to know - I'm making a meat loaf today... and some potatoes,,, might even do that On the Smoker Grill.....  over Broiled the glaze on the meatloaf,,, but not bad,,,and it was delicious,,,, so there's that ! 

Let's turn  to a little politics -  you can skip this part of you don;t care to read it...

I think there are 2 issues that have me wondering  as BOTH cannot be true - and I don;t see Anyone else discussing this....

1st - the Attack on the Capital Building - that now has many many people arrested and facing Federal Charges. Plus the House of Representatives has delivered article of Impeachment against the Former POTUS  to the Senate... 

So the Terrorists that invaded the Capital of our country  this say that they were acting on the Words

of the then President Dump. That they were literally following his instructions,.   What words ?? What did he say ...

  • Starting in December, Trump repeatedly encouraged his supporters on Twitter to show up for a “big protest” in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6, the day that Congress accepted the Electoral College votes.

  • At a Georgia rally Jan. 4, Trump told supporters “we’re going to take what they did to us on Nov. 3. We’re going to take it back.” 

  • In his speech before the riot, Trump praised supporters for showing up to “save our democracy.” He told supporters “we’re going to walk down to the Capitol ... You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

  Whats that sound like to you ?!?!?  

BUT the POTUS - Dump - says and his defense team - say that was all covered under the 1st Amendment - Free Speech - that he did no such thing

Can't have it both ways = saying that NO I did not say anything that indicted this RIOT  and the RIOTERS  defense is that they were acting on those Words,

2ndly - You cannot take credit for a Vaccine again the Virus that YOU said was a Hoax ! That it  Infected 15 people back when and that it was going to Zero - that we should drink disinfectants or Shine Lights down our Throats to combat the "rona virus... Mocked people for wearing masks, Ignored Science , and now you wanna take credit for a Vaccine to battle something YOU said did not Exist - FUCK YOU! 

And while we are drifting thru this nightmare - and the INSANE has been normalized.... we are surprised by nothing, that it takes a while for things to sink in...  Let me go back to the RIOT at the Capital. That the Sitting president said hHE was gonna walk to the Capital with the Terrorists.  that His attorney - Rudy - said it would be "Trial By Combat" and the Dump Jr said , warmed up the audience by warning of challenges to Republican members of Congress who did not back the pro-Trump efforts: “We’re coming for you,” he said.  NO ONE elected Rudy or Dump Jr - so he is responsible for that they said and did on his behalf.

Now- let this sink in ,,, The Capital of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was attacked during a Joint session of Congress - all the Representatives, and Senators in attendance Plus the Vice President of the US.  A huge target !!  and who attacked them ??  A  Horde of Murders and Gang members coming  from Mexico and South America  ??  The Muslims ???  ISIS terrorists,,,   Radicalized Islamics, ???  Antifa supports,, the BLM supporters ????  

NO - it was The Followers of the President  of the United States...

Think about that......,. Think about it  - outside the context of the former POTUS....  

It's not Possible,.... Right,,, I mean WTF???  Can you een imagine this happening in any other administration ???  Obama, Bush , W, Clinton , Reagan - No you can't now way,, but Dump made the Surreal - Real .....  and Damn near destroyed the Republic. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Good (an A$$hole ) to the Last Drop

 a FuckTard to the End....

If this was your  child or grandchild - I hope that you would straighten him/her out... this behavior is NOT the way we do it...  You strive fro what you want , you play the Game the right way, you take every legal avenue to win,,, but sometimes the other person is the winner,.... you learn for that and  in the end - if/when you lose,...  you shake the other persons hand and congratulate them. You do not shun them,.. you do not slither away  - like the Snake you are.    If you are the POTUS - you put Nation, and Republic over personal issues, and personal gain,,,   

This presidency has  always been about a Culture of Personality - TRUMPS ... Caring little or nothing for the people of the United States.... only about himself... Lies, Lies, Lies from the Beginning, culminating by inciting an insurrection that led to the Attack on the Capitol of the United States... say that again !  inciting an insurrection that led to the Attack on the Capitol of the United States.. Is this where you thought his presidency was headed ?  Are you going to take down your T 2020 flags and posters ??  it's not 2020 ,,, and tRump is/will be a citizen again in less than 5 hours... Praise Jesus ,,,

I was glad to see that none or none of the news agencies I watch ,,,, Did not show his farewell address - Oh yea - FOX did .... but thats not really a news network anymore - it's an Opinion center,,, I hope that after today they do not cover or report on what the A$$hole is doing, or saying,  unless - of course - they put him in handcuffs !!! 

Friday, January 8, 2021

I have no Words...

 What is there to say ???

The events of Wednesday will be remembered for Decades !  No one - and I mean no one - could have thought or prepared us for the fact that the biggest threat to our Democracy would have been the President of the United States ! Now - you snowflakes that support him  - continue to support him and By the Fucking way believed all his  rhetoric, Lies, and bullshit over the Past 4 years are - in my opinion - Complicent  in the Actions of those who stormed the Capital .  I believe that YOU KNEW he was wrong,,, you knew he was a LIAR - and now - now that this coup has failed, has been condemned by all corners of the country and the world are you saying that OH  you are so upset , feel so betrayed ,,, BULLSHIT ! 

IF Any - of the actions or words of this Mad Man over the past years had been spoken by Obama or Clinton - you would have come unglued ! But because it was the CHEETO man  - you looked the other Way - When it Was the BLM protesters you thought it unlawful,  When people went to the Streets to march in support about black people being killed - you turned away,,,,  BUT NOW that they have stormed the Capital - you have this BS righteous indignation - Spare me. 

That - ok I won't say the Word - Laura I on Fox news had the nerve - the nerve to play video of Protesters  over the past few years and compare them to what went on on Wednesday .,,,  She needs to be FIRED immediately ! 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

this is the END

 We are witnessing the final days of the Democracy.

 History will  note  that it was not the Presidents actions - which are criminal in nature -  that led to the Country's demise, but the Silence, and Sedition of the people that believed his ranting, his lies and supported him in these efforts without saying that it was wrong that really caused the downfall of the republic.  

It will be a very interesting day in United States..  So - the People of the US voted back on November 3rd ...

Here is the Process in summary

  • Voters voted in their states on or before Election Day, November 3.
  • States counted ballots and settled election disputes in court on or before December 8.
  • Electors cast their votes for the winner of each state on December 14. and they sent their Certified Votes to The Congress.
  • The votes will be counted in Congress on January 6. There are "tellers" appointed - 2 Senators, 2 Representatives. there can be (will be)  objections.
  • Then the Vice Presidents announces the Results. 
  • Joe Biden will be sworn in January 20 at noon.

Ok,, I am at least concerned that there will be some last minute Bullshit. However; I do not think it will change the outcome.  IF Pence thinks he has any political future...  he might wanna keep the Senate Vote in Georgia in mind if he decides to support Rump and not do his job as VP. Even of the Democrats do not win the two seats,... the Vote is extreemly close,, so that you might be lookin ahead 4 years ,,, and that he (Pence) will need Georgia to win the Election on 2024...

Republicans need to keep in mind this FACT - and I know they don't always deal in Facts,,,, but...  The GOP has only won ONE Popular election for President in the last 32 Years !!!  W beat John Kerry in 2004 ..... so before they go down the path of Delegitimizing the Electoral college process - they wanna keep in mind that Gore would have been the POTUS and the Incumbent in '08 not W ...  SO they may not have even won that election,,,,, They are now the party of Minority Rule,,, and instead of thinking that you can just say the election was a Fraud,, and that the other guy cheated... they might wanna start to think WHY so many people Voted for Democrats !