Sunday, January 12, 2020

Women support him although he vilifies them at every turn. Uses terms to call them names, like Pocahontas. Says that You can just grab them by the P****Y if you want to.
He looks to repeal Row .v Wade. And Limit Women's rights,,, and while I understand that this resonates with those anti Abortion folks,,, Are they not smart enough to see that this is his way of Limiting peoples rights,,,, and maybe , just maybe - he will come after a right that they have and cherish next.. 

Veterans and military support him. Although he dodged service in Vietnam by having a Doctor lie  and say he had a bone spur in his heel  that has disappeared with out surgery. He has discredited many Generals and military advisors because they  disagree with him.

People of Religious background support him. Although he is  Liar, a Cheat, He has been married 3 times, and even though married has had multiple affairs during the times he was married.  He lies about Everything, he simply makes things up. he told us his father was born in Germany - His father was born in the Bronx, in NY.

He is not as rich as he says,  it's one of the reasons that he dos not want his taxes made public. He give NO money to Charities - thats another reason to not let us see his taxes. He is invested  (deeply) and he owes loans to foreign  banks,  another reason.

He bashes his predecessor nearly every chance he gets. The Things he said that President Obama did while in office - Vacations, time off, golf, Trump does to a 10 x degree,,,, he has stayed a Trump owned property about 30% of the time he has been on office - what a boom for his properties. to have him, the press core and the Secret Service all being paid for by you - the tax payer - to stay at a place he makes money from.  He has spent Millions of OUR tax dollars flying to and from the WH. His budgets and Spending have thrown this country into the highest debt in our nations history, and we may never recover.

Remember this : "The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe because its handle was made of wood and they thought it was one of them." 

A good Economy is no excuse for supporting a Mad Man !

I sincerely do not believe that the Republic of the United States of America can withstand 4 more years of a Trump Presidency. We are not the same Nation now, and 4 more years of this will irreparably damage the Country , the Constitution and the Republic. 

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