Thursday, January 23, 2020

Say What ?? Sure hope he is wrong

At a recent gathering of the Tribe - I was discussing birthday parties and prospective gifts that we could get with my Grandson....  He told me in no uncertain terms that He was on the only that was having any more birthdays - that I WAS NOT HAVING ANYMORE BIRTHDAYS !    Questioning him several times he was adamant that was the case.  Only he was having  birthdays,  I was never having another one !!  Geez - I hope he is wrong,   But that said - and you already know where I am going here....  that If there is a Choice of him or me  that would have more birthdays,,, let it be him - Given a choice -  I would trade me for him and any of my Grandchildren & Children without thinking about it....

Now let's really get down to it,,,,, and maybe you only get these thoughts as you age,  and you see / hear of others having life  issues that they have to deal with, and one day ............ me.. or you..  So - If I look at the Gathering of the Tribe that we had recently - there is ONE special person in that group - a strong person  (I hope)  but there is one person in that group (Or any Group) that will do something even if it's not their choice - they will have an accomplishment that they might not want and not hope for for sure. What is it  ??? what will that one person do ??? They will outlive all the others. They will bear witness to everyone else's death.

πŸ’€Fucking weird to think that huh .??πŸ’€

While we are discussin Choices,..... am I making the right Choices ?  Is this what I thought I would do in retirement??  this is where and how I would live??? Admittedly - I ain't the type to rest ,,, I have a hard time relaxing.... I need to be doing something... working on something - fixin something.  am I making the right Choices ?  should we be traveling more???  Going south for the Winter ?? North for the Winter?? Spending some of the $$$ that we took a lifetime to save on a new house? another house, a Vacation house ?  am I making the right Choices ? Shit - If I die tomorrow  , did I do what I wanted to do ?  I like the part time job I have,, I think my wife likes hers. Our schedule is reasonably flexible...If we left this spot it would impact the time (what little time) we get to spend with the Grandchildren.  I don't know or have an answer here....    I joked with my F.A. adviser a few years back as she showed me a chart with our investments,  and several lines as to potential increases/decreases  etc,,,, and I asked where the "y" axis line ended ???  She said that is the one variable that we don't know. yea - a lotta help she is that's the KEY piece of data you need to plan..if the Axis ends in 2 years - I can live like a King ! if it ends in 30 years (yea right)  - I'm in trouble and need to start eating PB&J at every meal starting today !!😎😎😎

All right let's talk politics.....I heard two guys talk that I think have excellent point about BOTH SIDES ! Not sure who the 2nd guy was ,,,BUT I'll get to him in a minute.... 

1st - the Governor - or maybe he is the Ex Governor of Ohio .... John Kasich  - he said he was a t a dinner with colleagues from his party and hed asked what he thought was a simple , straightforward question,,,, and all he got was Crickets = Silenco = No real answers. 

He asked - "Where are the Dissenters"  ??   He said - "am I to really believe that ALL the Republicans think THIS way ,, and all the Democrats think THAT way. " Where are the ones brave enough to offer a dissenting opinion instead of the Party line. That there MUST be GOPS that think the POTUS is guilty as Sin and there MUST be DEMS that think he did nothing wrong. Kasich essentially said that until those folks - if we any Brave folks on either side - those with Balls, that we are Screwed.  I think he is right .

and the 2nd person railed against the fact that these Senators that SWORE and Oath to preside over this Impeachment Trial in the Senate - as Senators and Representatives of our country cant Fucking seem to stay seated and listen to the Information presented. We are not asking them to dig a ditch for hours, work out side in the Cold, Run a Cash register,  Wait tables. Pick up garbage. We are asking they SIT and Listen !! and you can see that some of them can't stinking do that !! It's Shameful !  HOW the hell can you render an opinion or a VOTE if you don't listen to the Sides present their Case ! DAMN ASSHOLES - this is why we need  TERM LIMITS - get these Clowns that have had this job for years - this job that pays them $174,000 per year..  and are in line for pension of nearing  $100,000 a year of they last two terms (12 years) ,, plus a Healthcare plan way better than yours. I would think they could SIT and LISTEN !!

Ok - that's about enough of this ... gee this one was kinda a Downer !!!!  Next time I'll be more UP BEAT !!!

This is the Band SNOW PATROL !!  and Chasing Cars ..... 

I heard this song as the BackGround music the other night at Stop and Shop !!

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

And I'll go with "In your Eyes" Peter Gabriel..

Ok - you talked me into it,,,,  one more   - I think I have posted this before - They opened the show at Bearsville Theater with PowderFinger a few years back -  and hey Margo is my Girl !!

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