- A Kitchen that will restock itself - I do not mind the shopping part , I despise the dragging the Shit in from the car to the Counter to the Fridge/Freezer/Shelves in the Pantry (why is it a Pan tree When there ain;t never been a Pan in there !!) or Downstairs to the added storeage for the Bulk stuff we buy from the SAMS.
- Communicating with Thought - humm as long as I can control who sees what thought, I'm all in. Just imagine being able to see/hear everyones thoughts !! UGH
- Zoos that will have Dinosaurs and Wooly Mammals, etc,,,, Yea that would be great - Cloning ! As long as we skip the Jurassic Park Stuff !
- CGI Will Replace many Actors - They will be able to CGI ANY actor - Present of Future - So seeing the likes of Garbo and Gable in a Future Star Wars movie would Rock !
- Food will change - We will start eating stuff grown in Swamps and the Ocean - Not seaweed exactly but like that
- Pills will be able to detect disease - Maybe not cure you - but detect issues long before they / and you become critical.. there is a Down side that I think will be a a reality - that many of our present day - Antibiotics will cease to work , we have become so Pill-Centric that there will be "antimicrobial resistance" ... so as the Ghost busters line goes - "The usual stuff is not working" !
- We discover Aliens - (or they discover us ) other intelligent life forms - yea that might not be too hard given the current levels of Dumb-ass-ery that goes on .... but I mean other as in Outer Space. And it opens many other planets and Worlds to us.
- Robot Butlers !! Ok - I don't need a butler , but a house cleaning BOT that is more than Roomba ! and one to mow, the lawn, rake the leaves, etc, etc,,, Where do I sign ?!?!?
- Self driving Autos - yea yea, I know we sorta have them,, but they will be so prolific that driving your own car will be passee and thought to be too dangerous.
- Garbage will disappear - Everything will be consumed by "earthworm" type creatures that will recycle it into soil. So you can stop bitchin about the plastic bag ban that just went into affect in this county TODAY !
- Mail will be sent and Packages delivered by Drone - Now this one is already been tried,,, just gotta figure out where to drop these things, and what happens if no one os home to receive them - will this just make for a Porch Pirate explosion !
- Flying Cars ok so for you that are afraid of Flying - this is really gonna screw you up ! but just imagine - traffic jams in the Sky ! and Red Lights hanging from clouds ,,,,, boggles the mind ,..
- a Population Decrease - YA - this will actually be a thing.... it is said for Earth to sustain,, it needs women to have like 2.3 babies. To account for themselves, their mate, and children that will not have any children. There could be a day - in the not so distant future that there won't be enough people to perform the jobs, man/woman the armies, protect the populous. We will need AI and Robotics to do these things. As the unemployment rate decreases - we might see this happen shortly in the US.
All right - listen I can't keep up with these Predictions for the Future ! I gotta go to work !!
a Quick shout out to Don Imus - RIP....
I don't wanna work !!!
and of course,.....
I know there are a few of my Friends that are dealing with Serious personal & Health issues as we start into 2020.... I am not a religious person, but I would still pray to the Spiritual side of being that everything works out for the best and things work out well with you guys !
This one is from those Northwestern Mutual commercials. It's the Avett Brothers
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