Tuesday, January 28, 2020

So bad things happen to good people ??

Like we did not already know this,,,,   there are many Dirt bags, Criminals and near Criminals in many sports,,, Basketball football baseball,....  and the guy that pays the price so to speak is one of the Best people that ever played the Sport - Kobe Bryant (his Daughter ) and a others die in a Helicopter Crash.  Unbelievable.  Very sad - in that he leaves a family behind, wife Teenage daughter, and 2 younger children.  I think the one thing that I always got from watching him play a little, is that he seldom if ever trash talked.... I have said before thatI hate all the posing and flexing after every Football play, pointing at the stands after every Basket that you score,,, He never seemed to be on that side of the game... He - Like Jordan - beat you with his skills - not his mouth.

I gotta work today... and then I get several days off in a row - I  am finishing up a wood project - a Bench with cubbies under it for storage and Grid back that then gets hooks to hold coats , hats, etc... , that I will post up some pictures when I'm done  - but so far it looks pretty good... not that it is wholly news worthy , but the Kreg Pocket hole Jig that I bought,  really changes the game with it comes to these type of wood projects looking good or looking average .... as you would need nail or screw holes everywhere on the Showing face of a project and it would not be held together with the strength that Pocket Screws and Glue provide.... well worth the $100 + dollar price tag  for this and the Clamp that goes with it... again - not CNN or Fox news worthy.

Ok - it's now nearing 6AM in the East and I gotta "bounce" as they say !!!  I'll dial up a few females today for you  - 

you Know I love live music - so here is Brandi Carlile and The Story on Willie's Austin City Limits

Lyrics below

and Tedeschi Trucks Band - Let Me get By !

Susan and Dereck have the IMHO the Best Band that is touring today  ......

I told you that times are a-changin'
I've got a body to move
If you're just willing to stand there
With nothing to say or to prove
Even a king gives sometimes
Even if he don't care
Forget what we said last December
'Cause It's been a hell of a year
We'll leave all the words with the summer
Remember what brought us up here
Somewhere the sky is crying
I'm where the air is clear
Let me get by
(If you're just gonna stand there)
Let me get by
(Get out of my way)
Let me get by
'Cause time won't wait
The message that came in a bottle
Said you sure got a problem with me
So we made you a bed out of roses
But you were the Prince of the Pea
Even a king gives sometimes
Even if he don't care
Let me get by
(If you're just gonna stand there)
Let me get by
(Get out of my way)
Let me get by
'Cause time won't wait

All of these lines across my face
Tell you the story of who I am
So many stories of where I've been
And how I got to where I am
But these stories don't mean anything
When you've got no one to tell them to
It's true, I was made for you
I climbed across the mountain tops
Swam all across the ocean blue
I crossed all the lines, and I broke all the rules
But, baby, I broke them all for you
Oh because even when I was flat broke
You made me feel like a million bucks
You do
I was made for you
For you
You see the smile that's on my mouth
It's hiding the words that don't come out
And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed
They don't know my head is a mess
No, they don't know who I really am
And they don't know what
I've been through like you do
And I was made for you
And all of these lines across my face
Tell you the story of who I am
So many stories of where I've been
And how I got to where I am
But these stories don't mean anything
When you've got no one to tell them to
It's true, I was made for you
It's true that I was made for you
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Phillip John Hanseroth

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Say What ?? Sure hope he is wrong

At a recent gathering of the Tribe - I was discussing birthday parties and prospective gifts that we could get with my Grandson....  He told me in no uncertain terms that He was on the only that was having any more birthdays - that I WAS NOT HAVING ANYMORE BIRTHDAYS !    Questioning him several times he was adamant that was the case.  Only he was having  birthdays,  I was never having another one !!  Geez - I hope he is wrong,   But that said - and you already know where I am going here....  that If there is a Choice of him or me  that would have more birthdays,,, let it be him - Given a choice -  I would trade me for him and any of my Grandchildren & Children without thinking about it....

Now let's really get down to it,,,,, and maybe you only get these thoughts as you age,  and you see / hear of others having life  issues that they have to deal with, and one day ............ me.. or you..  So - If I look at the Gathering of the Tribe that we had recently - there is ONE special person in that group - a strong person  (I hope)  but there is one person in that group (Or any Group) that will do something even if it's not their choice - they will have an accomplishment that they might not want and not hope for for sure. What is it  ??? what will that one person do ??? They will outlive all the others. They will bear witness to everyone else's death.

πŸ’€Fucking weird to think that huh .??πŸ’€

While we are discussin Choices,..... am I making the right Choices ?  Is this what I thought I would do in retirement??  this is where and how I would live??? Admittedly - I ain't the type to rest ,,, I have a hard time relaxing.... I need to be doing something... working on something - fixin something.  am I making the right Choices ?  should we be traveling more???  Going south for the Winter ?? North for the Winter?? Spending some of the $$$ that we took a lifetime to save on a new house? another house, a Vacation house ?  am I making the right Choices ? Shit - If I die tomorrow  , did I do what I wanted to do ?  I like the part time job I have,, I think my wife likes hers. Our schedule is reasonably flexible...If we left this spot it would impact the time (what little time) we get to spend with the Grandchildren.  I don't know or have an answer here....    I joked with my F.A. adviser a few years back as she showed me a chart with our investments,  and several lines as to potential increases/decreases  etc,,,, and I asked where the "y" axis line ended ???  She said that is the one variable that we don't know. yea - a lotta help she is that's the KEY piece of data you need to plan..if the Axis ends in 2 years - I can live like a King ! if it ends in 30 years (yea right)  - I'm in trouble and need to start eating PB&J at every meal starting today !!😎😎😎

All right let's talk politics.....I heard two guys talk that I think have excellent point about BOTH SIDES ! Not sure who the 2nd guy was ,,,BUT I'll get to him in a minute.... 

1st - the Governor - or maybe he is the Ex Governor of Ohio .... John Kasich  - he said he was a t a dinner with colleagues from his party and hed asked what he thought was a simple , straightforward question,,,, and all he got was Crickets = Silenco = No real answers. 

He asked - "Where are the Dissenters"  ??   He said - "am I to really believe that ALL the Republicans think THIS way ,, and all the Democrats think THAT way. " Where are the ones brave enough to offer a dissenting opinion instead of the Party line. That there MUST be GOPS that think the POTUS is guilty as Sin and there MUST be DEMS that think he did nothing wrong. Kasich essentially said that until those folks - if we any Brave folks on either side - those with Balls, that we are Screwed.  I think he is right .

and the 2nd person railed against the fact that these Senators that SWORE and Oath to preside over this Impeachment Trial in the Senate - as Senators and Representatives of our country cant Fucking seem to stay seated and listen to the Information presented. We are not asking them to dig a ditch for hours, work out side in the Cold, Run a Cash register,  Wait tables. Pick up garbage. We are asking they SIT and Listen !! and you can see that some of them can't stinking do that !! It's Shameful !  HOW the hell can you render an opinion or a VOTE if you don't listen to the Sides present their Case ! DAMN ASSHOLES - this is why we need  TERM LIMITS - get these Clowns that have had this job for years - this job that pays them $174,000 per year..  and are in line for pension of nearing  $100,000 a year of they last two terms (12 years) ,, plus a Healthcare plan way better than yours. I would think they could SIT and LISTEN !!

Ok - that's about enough of this ... gee this one was kinda a Downer !!!!  Next time I'll be more UP BEAT !!!

This is the Band SNOW PATROL !!  and Chasing Cars ..... 

I heard this song as the BackGround music the other night at Stop and Shop !!

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

And I'll go with "In your Eyes" Peter Gabriel..

Ok - you talked me into it,,,,  one more   - I think I have posted this before - They opened the show at Bearsville Theater with PowderFinger a few years back -  and hey Margo is my Girl !!

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Women support him although he vilifies them at every turn. Uses terms to call them names, like Pocahontas. Says that You can just grab them by the P****Y if you want to.
He looks to repeal Row .v Wade. And Limit Women's rights,,, and while I understand that this resonates with those anti Abortion folks,,, Are they not smart enough to see that this is his way of Limiting peoples rights,,,, and maybe , just maybe - he will come after a right that they have and cherish next.. 

Veterans and military support him. Although he dodged service in Vietnam by having a Doctor lie  and say he had a bone spur in his heel  that has disappeared with out surgery. He has discredited many Generals and military advisors because they  disagree with him.

People of Religious background support him. Although he is  Liar, a Cheat, He has been married 3 times, and even though married has had multiple affairs during the times he was married.  He lies about Everything, he simply makes things up. he told us his father was born in Germany - His father was born in the Bronx, in NY.

He is not as rich as he says,  it's one of the reasons that he dos not want his taxes made public. He give NO money to Charities - thats another reason to not let us see his taxes. He is invested  (deeply) and he owes loans to foreign  banks,  another reason.

He bashes his predecessor nearly every chance he gets. The Things he said that President Obama did while in office - Vacations, time off, golf, Trump does to a 10 x degree,,,, he has stayed a Trump owned property about 30% of the time he has been on office - what a boom for his properties. to have him, the press core and the Secret Service all being paid for by you - the tax payer - to stay at a place he makes money from.  He has spent Millions of OUR tax dollars flying to and from the WH. His budgets and Spending have thrown this country into the highest debt in our nations history, and we may never recover.

Remember this : "The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe because its handle was made of wood and they thought it was one of them." 

A good Economy is no excuse for supporting a Mad Man !

I sincerely do not believe that the Republic of the United States of America can withstand 4 more years of a Trump Presidency. We are not the same Nation now, and 4 more years of this will irreparably damage the Country , the Constitution and the Republic. 

Friday, January 10, 2020

What's in a name ?

Not sure what the name of this person is,, but I bet you know one,,,,

This is the Person(s) that you can email and text to your hearts content, but do they answer ? NO

Do they Acknowledge that they received the Text/E-Mail ?? NO

If you send a Text or E-mail to a group , about any subject,,,  you can bet your Aunt Fanny's ass that they are the one or ones that DO NOT answer.

However; this all changes IF / When THEY need something. Then they will be the 1st to contact you and look for  both text and E-Mail.  So too busy to interact , unless they ant or need, then Whoosh ! Lots of free time. 

ok,, some articles call then " The Unresponder:"   that works .  

- Let's move on,,, I mentioned that there are a few folks that I know who are dealing with literally Life & Death Situations,,,  who are on the precipice of treatment they hope will save their life. That at the end  of that tunnel is a light that leads to the rest of their life. Jesus - what exactly does the feel like - I don't think you know . OR want to ever know. 

There are no words for them that will lift the burden from them, you can be there , you can listen, you can hear them.. Jesus Wept.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
May rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

I'll end today with the great Tom Waits..
Heart Attack and Vine

The Piano has been Drinking

I hope that I don't fall in love with you.

and Darius Rucker / Hootie and Blow fish covering that song.

Joe Bonamassa covering Jockey Full of Bourbon

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Predictions for the New Year - Infinity and BEYOND !!

I totally Stole most of these and added a few of my own  !!

- A Kitchen that will restock itself - I do not mind the shopping part , I despise the dragging the Shit in from the car to the Counter to the Fridge/Freezer/Shelves in the Pantry (why is it a Pan tree When there ain;t never been a Pan in there !!) or Downstairs to the added storeage for the Bulk stuff we buy from the SAMS.

- Communicating with Thought   - humm as long as I can control who sees what thought, I'm all in. Just imagine being able to see/hear everyones thoughts !! UGH

- Zoos that will have Dinosaurs and Wooly Mammals, etc,,,, Yea that would be great - Cloning ! As long as we skip the Jurassic Park Stuff !

- CGI Will Replace many Actors  - They will be able to CGI ANY actor - Present of Future - So seeing the likes of Garbo and Gable in a Future Star Wars movie would Rock !

- Food will change -  We will start eating stuff grown in Swamps and the Ocean - Not seaweed exactly but like that

- Pills will be able to detect disease - Maybe not cure you - but detect issues long before they / and you become critical..  there is a Down side that I think will be a a reality - that many of our present day - Antibiotics will cease to work , we have become so Pill-Centric that there will be "antimicrobial resistance" ... so as the Ghost busters line goes - "The usual stuff is not working" !

- We discover Aliens   - (or they discover us ) other intelligent life forms  - yea that might not be too hard given the current levels of Dumb-ass-ery that goes on .... but I mean other as in Outer Space. And it  opens many other planets and Worlds to us.

- Robot Butlers !! Ok - I don't need a butler , but a house cleaning BOT that is more than Roomba ! and one to mow, the lawn, rake the leaves, etc, etc,,,  Where do I sign ?!?!?

- Self driving Autos   - yea yea, I know we sorta have them,, but they will be so prolific that driving your own car will be passee and thought to be too dangerous.

- Garbage will disappear   - Everything will be consumed by "earthworm" type creatures that will recycle it into soil. So you can stop bitchin about the plastic bag ban that just went into affect in this county TODAY !

- Mail will be sent and Packages delivered by Drone  - Now this one is already been tried,,, just gotta figure out where to drop these things, and what happens if no one os home to receive them - will this just make for  a Porch Pirate explosion !

- Flying Cars   ok so for you that are afraid of Flying - this is really gonna screw you up ! but just imagine - traffic jams in the Sky ! and Red Lights hanging from clouds ,,,,, boggles the mind ,..

- a Population Decrease  -  YA - this will actually be a thing.... it is said for Earth to sustain,, it needs women to have like 2.3 babies. To account for themselves, their mate, and children that will not have any children.  There could be a day - in the not so distant future that there won't be enough people to perform the jobs, man/woman the armies,  protect the populous.  We will need AI and Robotics to do these things.  As the unemployment rate decreases - we might see this happen shortly in the US.

All right - listen I can't keep up with these Predictions for the Future ! I gotta go to work !!

a Quick shout out to Don Imus - RIP....

I don't wanna work !!!

and of course,.....

I know there are a few of my Friends that are  dealing  with Serious personal & Health  issues as we start into 2020.... I am not  a religious person,  but I would still pray to the Spiritual  side of being that  everything works out for the best and things work out well with you guys !

This one is from those Northwestern Mutual commercials.  It's the Avett Brothers