Saturday, September 14, 2019

the Life you chose....

Who is actually happy ??  People with Money - heck I can show you folks with lots of Moola that are miserable - how can it be ???  I always think that if I had that kinda money - I'd Burn mine - and man would I be pleased with myself !  you know that part is not true - you can't buy yourself into happiness.  You can always find someone that you think is happy ,, and you find that they are really not ,,, when you see - fakey fake smiles and videos on the FB pages - that behind that are struggles. 

I know for me - I try to take things in short Terms - a Work shift .... and then getting home - showering, and sitting on the couch with a big ole cup of cold water or Juice - probably closely followed by MY cat - the only one in 40 years that has ever like me best !
Or finishing a project - thru things I don;t really want to do - but if I put it off,,, or just procrastinate - it's worse - So I try not to think about too much to do at once ... Small victories. 

There is a song Lyric that says " Are you livin the Life you chose ...? or are you livin the Life that chose you ?" I really think its the latter,,, cause the life we would have chosen is simply not real - so we live with the  life that Chose US ... and make the best of it that we can - celebrate small even short times, and minimize the Bad stuff,,, even of the bad stuff ain't so Bad,..  but as you are going thru it you think HELL NO - I ain't gonna survive this - or I can not handle that ! Bullshit - we can take what we would not believe possible.  We survive what others think we cannot - and we would not think others can withstand. 

So it's a Cold World out there and tomorrow we are going out there Again ! 

Chin up - Fuck them - and let's keep pushing thru the storm - the Eye and the Calm are in the middle of the Hurricane !!

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