Thursday, October 3, 2019

Speak Truth to Power

This country is lipping into a very dangerous time - from the President's impeachment,  the Congressional inquiry as an Impeachment inquiry - the Whitehouse doing everything it can to obstruct Congress from doing their job, The POTUS trying to gain the identity of the Whilstleblower - when that person(s) identity is protected under the LAW ! You remember the Law  ??  If there is nothing to hide then why not release all information.

The Potus - Clearly asked the President of the Ukraine to look into a political Rival - Joe Biden - the Transcript of the Conversation says EXACTLY THAT !   So if and more like when someone tells you that not what it says -  they are in Denial - tell them to go read it again - and imagine that it is another president saying it - Like Obama - or Clinton - cause they would be running around with their Hair on Fucking fire if it was either of those guys - but cause they are all scared of tRump = Scared he will call them names - like Moscow Mitch Mconnell and Lenigrad Lindsay Graham ...   And his supporters can not say anything "bad" against him , as it might mean they have been incorrect to support this monster for President.  And need to continue to support him to the END !

One of the things that should scare the shit outta you is that a Political pole that asked self identified Republican supports about the Phone call and the Ukraine thing.  Nearly 50% of them said that the name Biden was never mentioned , never said by the POTUS in that phone call,.

Here is a Direct Quote from the POTUS - from what the Whitehouse released...
"There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me."

SO - don't you tell me that that all this talk about  - Fake news,  Press is the enemy of the people , only listen to what I say say is true has no impact on what people think. 

- IT might get old - It might get tiresome - but you need to continue to Speak Truth to Power - not get into fights .... but A) know the Truth -  & B) Speak the Truth.

Here is a U2 Video & Eddie Vedder / Pearl Jam - "Just Breathe"

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