Remember - you are reading text written by a member of the NRA, a Gun Owner with a License for a Concealed Carry pistol permit.
DO I have a solution,,, NO.. Saying we need to keep the guns out of the hands of "crazy" people is obvious. How do we Identify these people ? We have constitution that has language hat protects all of us from Government interference into our private lives. a First amendment that allows freedom of Expression. So there is a fine line to be walked when investigating our lives. However. If there is chance that you have a friend or relative that you REALLY think is a bit off the rails... you need to step up and Identify that person to the local authorities. Are you ratting them out ?? Imagine IF they are the next shooter and you did not say anything. ?? Now this is the Rarest of occasions,.. right - there are about 300 million people in the US - and even of - God Forbid - we had a shooting a week - that would be 52 people out the 300 million - yea - most likely you don't know someone like this.
A few things that I think could be done..
- Universal background checks - not just state be state BUT federal.. and a Review of those Licenses across any database that might ID someone with a Mental Health issue.
- A restriction of Assault type weapons. No one really needs multiple AK47's... but keep in mind these latest shooting did not involve that type of Weapon.
Just an observation : They are reporting that the Dayton gunman was taken down in 24 seconds of him firing the 1st shot. WOW - 24 Seconds, hard for me to think that 1st responders can act quicker than that - and still 9 dead and near 30 wounded.... shows what a semi automatic weapon can do in an extreemly short period of time.
Weekend was a blah- got a few things done , but this is why I don't mind that much that I work weekends. We never seem to do anything of any significance that would keep me from working.
Yanks sweep the Sox to about end Boston Chances to win the AL east. and put a real hurtin on their Wildcard hopes. While every team does it ,,, Pitchers and Catchers and Hitters all think that the strikezone the Ump is calling is not in their favor, but I got a laugh out of Cora and Sale arguing and getting tossed the other day. Yea - maybe a pitch or two could have gone the other way for Sale , but he really lets himself off the hook for shitty performance saying that it was the Ump ... BTW - Mr Sale is 5 and 11 with an ERA of 4.68 - must be a lot of BAD umpires !!!! Idiot.
Here are the Stones and Gimme Shelter
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