Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Once upon a time

Hey - greetings - Is this all you have to do - really - Reading this dribble is all you have ....

Ok,,here goes..

once in a while we get lucky and a remake  / redo goes really well....   Not everything did on this one,,,but - we really made an upgrade from what was there...  and as we say  it's BTW.... Better Than it WAS !!!

The porch itself was a challenge,,, really first time doing everything in Vinyl....the replacement windows went better then I though,,, I figured when the old framing came out the whole block assembly would fail,,,, but it did not  - and I places Several Tapcons into the Cement to hold those windows.   I made that screen door - thank you very much - Pocket screws and all.... and it FIT !!

Probably need to do something hide the Red Brick underneath,,, someone - years ago - cut out the Block in order to install a new Oil tank in that basement area,,, and they used old redbrick to reseal the hole - anyone read Poe's the Cask of Amontillado ???  Kinda same deal with out the Murder part !!

Was I spose to leave a video - ??  Ok  - I am super excited - we are going to see Hot Tuna -

Jorma Kaukonen (guitarist/vocals) he is 78 years old  and Jack Casady - he is just 75 (bassist). 
Former Members of Jefferson Airplane - and yes they play at Wookstock in 1969 !!

Here is Come back Baby.... 

Here is Jorma with Susan Tedeschi and the Tedeschi Trucks Band - We saw this show at SPAC a few years ago !!

Jefferson Airplane - At Woodstock - the were planned to go on at like 10PM - but they never took the stage till between 5am and 6am - hence Grace Slicks comment about Morning Maniac Music ..

Oh BTW - Grace Wrote White Rabbit when she was just 17 years old - WOW

I really hope you listen to and enjoy these,,... 
Check out Hot Tuna - both Acoustic and Electric

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