So - when did we last speak ??
It's been quite the few weeks,,, my S.O. had shoulder surgery, so we have been having like a "camp out" in the living room every night as she has to sleep sort sitting up. The Cats have been loving this ,,, they have been sleeping on top of the quilts on top of her,,, This is the Scene from the LR on a nightly basis.
In the midst of this ,, I think - i kinda lost the timeline here- but I managed to break a Toe, got my fat ass thru the doorway,, but not that little toe - So - i been hobbing around with that very fashionable hard sole shoe,,, very nice... and yesterday I had that growth on my right index finger surgically removed.

Typing is now a bit of a challenge - I'll update what the hell it was when the Biopsy results come back.
Two projects in the Planning stages... Headed to Vegas to do a Stone veneer Fireplace wall and Mantle installation,,, Mantle worries me because of the Weight. It's a Vintage REAL barn Beam. 6 feet long and 7 inch x 7 inch - weighs 50 pounds.
Then to "short" Isle for a Bath remodel, complete tearout and rebuild. I still need to write up the work plan for the Bath. But that's at the end of February - so I have time.
Hey - The NY State Labor folks have decided in my favor and withdrew the disqualification on my unemployment. The 2 issues being 1) a compelling reason to leave my job and 2) the amount of monies earned since leaving that job..... They saw my way on Both issues and withdrew the Disqual. Should actually be getting some $$$ on Wednesday next - can't wait.
The Government is about to go into shutdown,,, but it is making me nuts to even discuss it. So Fuck it - for now......
Let's post up 2 music videos,,, One - very sad that Delores O'riordan - Cranberries Fame - passed away at the age of just 46. So let's hear Linger.
humm,,, what should be our other song ??
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