Sunday, January 7, 2018

Having of the no Idea - Do you?

Yoda Speak ??? Maybe

But you - well I don't think you have an Idea,,, what someone thinks of his or her self in many instances define the person that they are and their behavior.  If you think you are overweight as example ... you might keep yourself from certain social situations,,, avoiding parties, dinner invites, saying hello to people you know or used to know when you see them in a store or on the street...  You will never have a photo of yourself,,, that you cant Crop to at least look acceptable (in your eye) .
Destroy things in your former life that remind you of years ago,,,   is this normal tye behavior ?? yes,, i think it is ,,   If you were a singer that could no longer sing - would you put yourself in a spot where you may be asked to ??   If you played an musical instrument,, and now were injured or overcome with Arthritis that ......  would you have instruments laying around the house??  An artist that can no longer paint ??  You get my point ?

It's cold here in the North east and really most everywhere south of the Arctic Circle - a Minus 9 last night,, and day time highs in the teens !!  Yikes,,, Cars have struggling to start, My furnace only stops for a moment or two - to catch its Breath - and then the burner re-fires and starts the cycle all over again. I think I have burned 75 Gallons of heating oil since the 27th of  December - when the tank was filled - thats 11 days ago !  I have had to set to toilet up so that it constantly runs a little water down the drain to keep that pipe from freezing.  I have been working in my shed on a Childs Climber and the next generation of Rustic Cooler and have gone thru 2 tanks of Propane in 2 weeks - just to keep the Temperature to the point I can  continue to work,, All the tool sin my tool box have frost on them  - and I do remember back to my days in the Tire / Auto repair business that it was so cold holding onto the wrenches and Ratchets.  Any how - you get the Idea that it it cold - we are to get respite in the coming week with Temps to the 30's & 40's by Weeks end.

the POTUS has had his mental stability questioned in anew book that quotes many that are near him in the White House. We are coming up on the one year anniversary of his inauguration   soI will put together  retrospective on the goings on since DAY 1  -

Coming attractions :

- Interview and Finger printing at by the DCSO - for my pistol permit - still deciding on the 1st gun,,, by leaning towards a 9mm Sig Sauer -

- Minor operation to have that "lump" on my Right index finger removed

couple of Family projects
- Convert a plain old gas fireplace wall into a Stacked stone and Wood Mantle Beautiful feature.

- A Bathroom build looms in February

All right nuff for Today - In honor of another state Legalizing Marijuana ..

And one by Trigger Hippy ,,,

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