Saturday, January 27, 2018

Butt Seriously

#1 - Music Stores - Internet  Spotify Itunes, etc - or brick and mortar types  - do not only have only  a  ME or YOU version of music - they tend to have nearly every Genre of Music is because ART is subjective - but You Knew that.....    a Band that your friend would wait in line to get tickets and go see in concert might be the same one that If they were playing down the block and handing $10 to everyone entering you would not walk down there.  Age or Music type - Rock, oldies, Rap , classical does not matter,,, the same song that I love - you might  be a hater of, 

Now this is nothing new -  and you know it already,,,maybe I just needed to restate the obvious ,,,

- #2 Item for this morning is - as I stated on FB -
Surely not EVERYBODY was Kung Fu fighting...

#3 - I can't get into politics right now - I'll reserve comment at least for now - as to if tRump testifies or Not,,,,  Hey so New york State  Department of Labor wants to meet with me..  they sent a letter and they Emailed me online in my personal message inbox under the Department of Labor's unemployment pages,,  I got 3 forms to complete about who I am and who I am not,,, and a work history, and if I have been collecting monies from anyone during this time .   I am hoping that I can convince them that as a seasonal worker - no one is going to want to take th etime to train me for a month ,just to have me leave a month or two later..  

Oh and let me say that I will be going back to work at my part time seasonal Job - even though it will mean working 24 -32 hours a week and collecting $100 - $200 less PER WEEK working than I would get If I just stayed on unemployment !!   Now look - I don't want nor need any Applause for that,,, it is Just what is right. If you can work - you do.  and in case you are wondering why my weekly rate is pretty high,  Its because the State goes back 18 months in their formula to determine the weekly they capture my Full Time job at GF in that time period ,, next year will be very different...

#4 - Medical update - My God Damn toe still hurts like of the Hell !!  The pain is farther back in the foot - - I am wondering if they captured that in the x-rays, maybe something is broken there.  While he is checking my finger at my Monday appointment  he can reassess that foot. Speaking of the finger  - it is healing nicely - Stitches are starting to pull a little as the incision heals,,, they come out on monday ,,, and whoosh - no more  bump... I am wondering what the biopsy will show ??  what the heck was it - I am going with calcium deposit ...  we will see.

Today's songs are at the ends of their musical spectrum - I found the Eagles CD - Long road out of Eden,,,   so you get No more walks in the woods  and some ROCK with Green Day...  Are we the Waiting.....

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