Saturday, January 27, 2018

Butt Seriously

#1 - Music Stores - Internet  Spotify Itunes, etc - or brick and mortar types  - do not only have only  a  ME or YOU version of music - they tend to have nearly every Genre of Music is because ART is subjective - but You Knew that.....    a Band that your friend would wait in line to get tickets and go see in concert might be the same one that If they were playing down the block and handing $10 to everyone entering you would not walk down there.  Age or Music type - Rock, oldies, Rap , classical does not matter,,, the same song that I love - you might  be a hater of, 

Now this is nothing new -  and you know it already,,,maybe I just needed to restate the obvious ,,,

- #2 Item for this morning is - as I stated on FB -
Surely not EVERYBODY was Kung Fu fighting...

#3 - I can't get into politics right now - I'll reserve comment at least for now - as to if tRump testifies or Not,,,,  Hey so New york State  Department of Labor wants to meet with me..  they sent a letter and they Emailed me online in my personal message inbox under the Department of Labor's unemployment pages,,  I got 3 forms to complete about who I am and who I am not,,, and a work history, and if I have been collecting monies from anyone during this time .   I am hoping that I can convince them that as a seasonal worker - no one is going to want to take th etime to train me for a month ,just to have me leave a month or two later..  

Oh and let me say that I will be going back to work at my part time seasonal Job - even though it will mean working 24 -32 hours a week and collecting $100 - $200 less PER WEEK working than I would get If I just stayed on unemployment !!   Now look - I don't want nor need any Applause for that,,, it is Just what is right. If you can work - you do.  and in case you are wondering why my weekly rate is pretty high,  Its because the State goes back 18 months in their formula to determine the weekly they capture my Full Time job at GF in that time period ,, next year will be very different...

#4 - Medical update - My God Damn toe still hurts like of the Hell !!  The pain is farther back in the foot - - I am wondering if they captured that in the x-rays, maybe something is broken there.  While he is checking my finger at my Monday appointment  he can reassess that foot. Speaking of the finger  - it is healing nicely - Stitches are starting to pull a little as the incision heals,,, they come out on monday ,,, and whoosh - no more  bump... I am wondering what the biopsy will show ??  what the heck was it - I am going with calcium deposit ...  we will see.

Today's songs are at the ends of their musical spectrum - I found the Eagles CD - Long road out of Eden,,,   so you get No more walks in the woods  and some ROCK with Green Day...  Are we the Waiting.....

Sunday, January 21, 2018

OH NO - Not another one !


Fuck the Government shutdown, and who is to blame - at least for  today !

SO I have especially good news today, - I have another Grandson!   That's 3 in case you are counting... Theodore Henry came into this world on Friday About 2pm,,, 7 lbs 3 oz,,,,  Mom  & Baby are both doing excellently - passing all their post Birthery Examinations !   He had a bit of a delicate start , as he was very blue according to reports - having the umbilical around his neck - but a little bit of rubbing and massaging his butt and back - and Poof ! Breaths and pinkied right up! So - just a few seconds  of Mom and Dad holding their Breaths until he took his !

Friday, January 19, 2018

Smile !


So  - when did we last speak ??

It's been quite the few weeks,,, my S.O. had shoulder surgery, so we have been having like a "camp out" in the living room every night as she has to sleep sort sitting up. The Cats have been loving this ,,, they have been sleeping on top of the quilts on top of her,,,   This is the Scene from the LR on a nightly basis.

In the midst of this ,, I  think - i kinda lost the timeline here- but I managed to break a Toe, got my fat ass thru the doorway,, but not that little toe - So - i been hobbing around with that very fashionable hard sole shoe,,, very nice...  and yesterday I had that growth on my right  index finger surgically removed.

Typing is now a bit of a challenge - I'll update what the hell it was when the Biopsy results come back.

Two projects in the Planning stages... Headed to Vegas to do a Stone veneer Fireplace wall and Mantle installation,,, Mantle worries me because of the Weight. It's a Vintage REAL barn Beam. 6 feet long and 7 inch x 7 inch - weighs 50 pounds.

Then to "short" Isle for a Bath remodel, complete tearout and rebuild. I still need to write up the work plan for the Bath. But that's at the end of February - so I have time.

Hey - The NY State Labor folks have decided in my favor and withdrew the disqualification on my unemployment.  The 2 issues being 1) a compelling reason to leave my job and  2) the amount of monies earned since leaving that job.....  They saw my way on Both issues and withdrew the Disqual.  Should actually be getting some $$$ on Wednesday next - can't wait.

The Government is about to go into shutdown,,, but it is making me nuts to even discuss it. So Fuck it - for now......

Let's post up 2 music videos,,,  One - very sad that Delores O'riordan - Cranberries Fame -  passed away at the age of just 46. So let's hear Linger.

humm,,, what should be our other song ??

Friday, January 12, 2018

EBAY and how it Really works

This is NOT meant to be in any way a negative review on EBAY - really it's not.

It is my experience Buying and selling item sin this service

Ok 1st an Auction is defined as : a public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder.

So, is EBAY and Auction  ? NO - 

Ah- good answer and I think that is the Correct answer.  An EBAY auction is sold to the Highest Bidder when the time for that Auction expires....  Let's look an 2 examples...

You go to your local auction house to bid on a Lamp - the bidding starts at $10 and the bidders in the audience bid and the auctioneer takes bids until there is only one bidder - the Highest Bidder. As each person bids the Auctioneer asks for an additional bid - a higher bid from the audience until there is this last highest bidder who then wins the Auction and buys the item.

You bid on a an EBAY auction. EBAY shows you the time left in the Auction ,,, very important is the TIME ..... because as you are waiting finger poised to WIN that auction ,,, in the last 2 seconds of the auction,,, someone else places a higher bid and wins the Item.   Maybe the highest bidder ,, maybe not ,,,, but time ran out  and the bidding closed. There in lies the difference, EBAY  is an auction of Price and TIME .

Now - yes you could have bid more, - as placing a highest bid and EBAY would bid for you ,,, but the same could happen,,, you get beaten at the last by another bidder and sometimes a program bidder , not a person.  And you might be thinking that the Seller is in Cahoots with a Phantom bidder that bids up the price , and you odnt wanna take that chance. 

In addition,,,, Most of the Bidding that is done on an Item - Again in my experience as a seller and a buyer - is done in the last few minutes of the Auction, even of the auction is 3 , or 5 or 7 days long,,, the bidding is in the last minute or two. 

Now there is an additional way to Bid/BUY - called " Buy it now" ...  The seller can list the Item in the BUY IT NOW category ,,so no need to wait for any Auction,,, you can walk right in and buy the Item for the Price listed,,, and there is even an option to that,, as the seller might list it for BUY it  Now ,, and also give you to opportunity to MAKE an OFFER ,,,  where you do exactly that.   that same  $10 Lamp that is listed for BUY IT NOW , if the Make an offer is active ,, maybe you say I Offer  $7 for it ,, and the Seller can accept or reject the offer.. That can be done automatically on the Seller  side  there is an option for them to automatically accept any offer over X dollars and reject any offer under Y dollars,,,

a few other notes ,,, 

Watch out for the Seller that lists their Item super low,,,, so that when you see it ,, you click the Bid button instinctively ,,, only to find that T-shirt you bought for $2 - has a $15 Shipping fee attached to it. It's a great strategy,,, fols list stuff for low price and make up the Low price in the Shipping fee  where it costs them $3 to ship it and they charge you $15. 

Take note of  where an item is being sold FROM  - sizes in China and Korea are not like in the US.... I bought an 2xl shirt from China once - for this shirt to FIT - I would have had to order a 12XL - as the 2xl was so small...

FORGET the Feedback numbers  - If you give anyone but a 5 star rating they get pissed - so very seldom do you see Critical comments.

Now as a seller - If you don't know the worth of an Item,,, you can list it in an auction,,, and watch that you do a 5 day Auction as the charge you more for a 3 days auction.  You can list is for Auction and let the Market bear the price out... Make sure to check on what your Shipping WILL cost you - so you know pay all your Profit out in boxing and postage. Now if your Item did not sell in the Auction,,,, try listing it as BUY it now ,,with that Make an offer feature.

If you get messages asking about selling the item to someone outside EBAY,,  AKA - after the auction ends,   #1 - might be someone from ebay seeing of you will break the rules and Seller agreement to NOT do that,,, and you ar ejsut asking for trouble,,, now all the risk is on you...

State clearly IF you will or NOT take a return.
Package your Item correctly - Shippers can break damn near everything.
Offer to take any added photos so the buyer can see what they want.
Answer any questions.
Describe the Item accurately - Point out defects up front.
If the item is USED  - It's USED.
Only accept PAYPAL Payments and only PAy with PAYPAL
IF you wish to LIMIT where you will ship the ITEM - NO OVER SEAS
In Seller Preferences - ensure you do this - Block Bidder that : these are all clickable options...
Don't have a PayPal account
Have received 2 Unpaid Item strike(s) within 1 Month(s)
Have a primary shipping address in a location I don't ship to
Have 4 Policy Violation report(s) within 1 Month(s)
Have a feedback score of -1 or lower

All right - have fun and getting buying and selling

and as Tedeschi Trucks tickets for SPAC go on sale at noon today,,,

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Having of the no Idea - Do you?

Yoda Speak ??? Maybe

But you - well I don't think you have an Idea,,, what someone thinks of his or her self in many instances define the person that they are and their behavior.  If you think you are overweight as example ... you might keep yourself from certain social situations,,, avoiding parties, dinner invites, saying hello to people you know or used to know when you see them in a store or on the street...  You will never have a photo of yourself,,, that you cant Crop to at least look acceptable (in your eye) .
Destroy things in your former life that remind you of years ago,,,   is this normal tye behavior ?? yes,, i think it is ,,   If you were a singer that could no longer sing - would you put yourself in a spot where you may be asked to ??   If you played an musical instrument,, and now were injured or overcome with Arthritis that ......  would you have instruments laying around the house??  An artist that can no longer paint ??  You get my point ?

It's cold here in the North east and really most everywhere south of the Arctic Circle - a Minus 9 last night,, and day time highs in the teens !!  Yikes,,, Cars have struggling to start, My furnace only stops for a moment or two - to catch its Breath - and then the burner re-fires and starts the cycle all over again. I think I have burned 75 Gallons of heating oil since the 27th of  December - when the tank was filled - thats 11 days ago !  I have had to set to toilet up so that it constantly runs a little water down the drain to keep that pipe from freezing.  I have been working in my shed on a Childs Climber and the next generation of Rustic Cooler and have gone thru 2 tanks of Propane in 2 weeks - just to keep the Temperature to the point I can  continue to work,, All the tool sin my tool box have frost on them  - and I do remember back to my days in the Tire / Auto repair business that it was so cold holding onto the wrenches and Ratchets.  Any how - you get the Idea that it it cold - we are to get respite in the coming week with Temps to the 30's & 40's by Weeks end.

the POTUS has had his mental stability questioned in anew book that quotes many that are near him in the White House. We are coming up on the one year anniversary of his inauguration   soI will put together  retrospective on the goings on since DAY 1  -

Coming attractions :

- Interview and Finger printing at by the DCSO - for my pistol permit - still deciding on the 1st gun,,, by leaning towards a 9mm Sig Sauer -

- Minor operation to have that "lump" on my Right index finger removed

couple of Family projects
- Convert a plain old gas fireplace wall into a Stacked stone and Wood Mantle Beautiful feature.

- A Bathroom build looms in February

All right nuff for Today - In honor of another state Legalizing Marijuana ..

And one by Trigger Hippy ,,,