Tuesday, June 6, 2017

What up dog ...........

And the beat goes on ,,,

the legs have started once again to offend me,  seems every night there is a full out attack on them.  Not sure of something change with me or I am not taking the medication as directed,, so Starting today will be orte cognisant of the times of application and dosage to see if that affects the out come..

Have not gotten to ride - what will now be 3 days.... ugh,,, need to get back to that,,, between working & weather - no time...  Will hope for tomorrow morning, as Thursday will again be with the Kids,,, and Friday  - now that should be the day.

The POTUS continues to be a joke,,, Tweeting about TRAVEL Ban , while the Justice department makes the Case in court that this is not a Travel Ban.  Sean Spicer has disappeared to who knows where,,, if I were him,, I'd be leaving for a remote island somewhere rather than answer anymore questions.  The White house now parades out Sarah Huckabee Sanders to take the flax from the press core. The press knows Spicer is in the WH and she acknowledges that is true,,, but can't answer why he is not doing the briefing.... good god,.... can we get to the important stuff and stop with the BS ..

More terror attacks, the POTUS attacking the Mayor of London in the face of that attack. 

Was invited via Email to a Lunch and 1/2 or so acoustic show at Utopia Sound studio at the home of WDSt in Woodstock. The show was Barns Courtney - his name is Barnaby - so yep Barns is he real name.... he was excellent. he can sing , he can play,, he was very witty when talking to MK and did a really good 1/2 of music. You might know "Glitter and Gold"  or "Fire" from an EP he has out.  26 year old kid so he has some time to grow into being a performer,,, it was a great mid day - and got to see the Day time DJ's - Jimmy Buff, MK and Greg Gattine......  so check out Barns and maybe be the 1st on your block to intoro your friends to him.............   some great lyrics

Do you walk in the valley of kings?
Do you walk in the shadow of men
Who sold their lives to a dream?
Do you ponder the manner of things
In the dark

Let's move onto the sleeping, Still can not get past 5am or so,... and wake up regularly at 2:30 - 3am -and am ready for the Day....   not sure why. my normal day has me exhausted - from work -yea even a marina job is work.. or plumbing at the sons house or catching up around here,,, so who knows when and even If I get back to what you would think are normal sleeping habits.

When I do get back to the Bike - and you might want o join me ion the Hudson valley rail trail... I am normally at Morgan Lake trail head around 8-8:30 am time and then go back East out to route 55 by 9-9:30am or so,,, I usually go West 1st toward Highland , but that side of the river the trail is rally beat up and not smooth to ride on, so I don't go far.  I then go back East - Recrossing Morgan Lake, and Overrocker road, and RT 55,, Crossing Titusville road by Golds Gym,  good spot to stop in back of the GYM for a rest. thats about a 20 miler , then Diddle road and maybe all the way to Hopewell Jct - although i admit I have only made it that far 4 or 5 times,  Hopewell is nearing 30 + miles,,, so git yer bike and let's go !!!   Hey did I say I got these bike shoes and Pedals that you lock in to ,, what a difference,,, to you push down with one foot while pulling up with the other,,,  Definitely can go faster with this setup !!

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