Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Sad news

This post begins with the news of the Passing of my Mother-in-Law - Nancy Jo Cote at age 79... she was overtaken with the Alzheimer's about 9 months ago. Seemingly the cruelest of diseases that start with forgetfulness  and confusion to the disease destroying the mond,, then the body.... leaving the family only to watch the degradation of  their loved one until the disease finally takes their life.

9 months seems a long time,,, but this is quick progression of the symptoms.  While many variations are know - This was clearly late onset as Nancy was in her 70's - and the guess is that this was the Lewy Body variation because it progressed so rapidly ... but no matter.

Nancy jo was married to Joe for nearly 60 years,,,  they shared a life that Started in Florida when joe was in the Navy, and progressed thru the years. They owned many many homes, refurbushing them and then moving to the next one. They once bought a house at the entry of a cul de sac only to sell it and but eh one at the end of the Same Cul De Sac a few years later.  Much of their life centered around boating, they owned near 3 dozen boats - Most named  "NANJO".  and there also, seemingly as the got one fixed up and set up like they wanted it,, they sold it and moved to the next one.  Joe owned a real Captains License and worked at many marinas. After his retirement from IBM And hers from Nursing at Vassar college they traveled back to Florida on their boat making that trip thru the Intercoastal waterway, to Fort Myers, Florida  - certainly the trip of a lifetime.  I first met them when they moved to Poughkeepsie when Joe joined Troop 2 as Assistant Scoutmaster. he brought a love of outdoors and their entire family was into the environmental movement,  with their home as "home-base" of the Recycling efforts of the troop that made u s money to purchase Tents, and camping equipment. I am not sure home many people would have put up with literally tons of Broken glass, aluminum cans and Newspaper being stored in their basement !!  During that time The Cote's fostered many babies,  that were between one care agency and being adopted to a forever home. Of Course they took on babies that needed special or extended care.  They moved to Virginia and I lost track of them for many years until they moved back (IBM = I've Been Moved)  to Poughkeepsie, and then I had the fortune to pick up their oldest daughter from the airport - she had stayed behind in Virginia to complete her nursing school - hummm - I think it was less than 2 years later we were married. Later in life the Cotes became involved in the Dutchess county SPCA, and Nancy fostered  many many Many kittens,,, one again the more difficult ones ,, that needed to be fed via eyedropper every two hours morning noon and night for weeks.... They adopted a dog  - Jade - with severe physical problems with walking - standing, etc, they have a cat - Trouble - with 3 legs.

At My Father's funeral - REV Ben Le'fevre asked the question of "how are thing with Frank Hoban today and went on to cite all the positives of his life - and not that we are not grieving the death but reminding us of the Life .  I would do the same here,,,, Nancy Jo is in no more pain and confusion, but at peace. Now I don't care what you believe of what happened to the spirit or Soul or if they are reincarnated,  but you know that the body is at rest. She has a loving husband of 60 years, 4 Children - Nancy, Susan, David and Gary. She was blessed with 6 Grandchildren  - Ryan, Sam, Daniel, Kim, Stephanie, DJ, - 3 Great Grandchildren - Patrick , Olivier,  I don't  recall DJ 's sons name right now...
She has a brother - Don, and sister in law - Casey,, Nieces and Nephews. She leaves a legacy of Giving and Caring for those that needed the most help   quietly reminding us that life is precious. So things are good with Nancy Jo today.  Of Course we are sad she is gone but we have a memory of her life as wife,  mother, grandmother, great grandmother,  sister, etc etc....

I believe that as  every person that is taken from us that we absorb the burden of their life - it is up to us to carry that on. Up to us to take up the slack in the line, So that they are remembered thru our actions, our life then being more that what we do, but what all those who came before did.  With each passing that responsibility gets heavier.

About 10 years ago Nancy Jo, and Joe ,, Nancy and I went to a concert of Pete Seeger and ARlo Guthrie at Beacon high School,, Now Nancy and I have seen Pete and Arlo 10 time - maybe more - this was the Best show of them together that we ever saw - Pete - in his eighties - at the time was on fire. It was a great concert. They played for nearly 2 hours and then performed 2 encores,  Although this version is from the 70's you get the Idea...

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