Thursday, June 1, 2017

Great days ahead,,,, ,,, I hope

Thursday - spending the day with the Grand Sons in Yonkers, should be a great day of Bubbles, sand castles, dodge ball, baseball, Star Wars, Paw Patrol ,,,, etc,,,

Friday - kinda open,,, morning bike ride - 9 am - 9:30 at route 55  if anyone is interested in riding along,  as the wife works all day - I have a list of things that need doing.

- Lawn mowing & Super Weed trimming job.

- Re checking the wiring harness and Blower fan on my AC/Heat in the car.

- Some point gotta go to the HVFCU.

- a reroute of the Leader and downspout on the Shed.

and we will see if the weather cooperates with any thing else,,  Feel free to stop by and help !! yea right,,,

let's try some Joan

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