Wednesday, September 16, 2015

See the Light

A new twist in the ever continuing ideas of what is going with these legs,,,  NOW maybe not RLS at all,, but a Peripheral Nerve damage issue caused by Lyme disease that has gone not diagnosed  until  few months ago. The Treatment,,, intravenous antibiotics for month,, - every day for 30 days,, dont know how that all works as yet,, but some  CUT DOWN,, hum,, that don't sound fun to walk around with a  PICC line in ya,, to be tapped at any time,,, but given the affect (effect?) that this what ever the F%$^ disease has had on my life,,I am willing to do head stands while they do the treatments,,,   or anything else that might help..  SO I'll  let you know when I start, and how its going along the way,,, I am really hoping that this MD is correct...

1st Yankee game with my Son, and Grandson,,,,  always a dream of mine, so thanks for letting me live long enough to cross that one off,,,, Tanaka pitched a great game,, and the Yankees won 5 - 0,,,  P had Fries, and crackers, and Ice Cream, and was good as Gold,, for nearly 3 hours,, ,, on the way out on the Great Hall I stopped to point out Mickey,,and Whitey, Yogi, Donnie Baseball,, Big Dave, and Thurmon,,,   brought  tear to my eye,,  funny,,I doubt if he will remember,,, BUT I will NEVER forget,,,

Thought we were exempt from issues for a while after joining a new company,,  but not so,,,, Guess the man was correct,, you cant change the laws of Physics or Economics,,, so we will just have to deal with what we have to deal with,, do extremely difficult things , and then move on,, exactly as we  (I) have before,, its what it means to be a manager,, its what others don't get ...  Its what will keep us up nights, even more then we already are,,,, it is what we will think about for weeks and weeks leading up to the actual event,, and what we will try to forget , an hour after its over,,  so,, buckle up,, it will be a bumpy ride from here for a while,,,

Later Dudes,,,

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