Friday, August 28, 2015

Who Life is this anyway ??

Who lives like this >???

Not me thats for sure,,, I am betting you said that,,, I said that,,,, but insomnia, obesity, and depression will make you re-think shit in a hurry.

Sleeping on the Floor in the living room on a couch pillow and a quilt the cats use to sleep on...
Eating Potato salad in the middle of the night, Cereal,  a hand full of Chips at 2am, yep - that'll do it!
The Insomnia leads to memory issue,, at least I think thats doing it,,, I don't remember one think to the next,,, ask for something walking out of a meeting at 11am,,, you need to call me at 11:15 and say - so what's  answer  ?? Answer to what  - I ask ,,,, Walk to the Shed  - open the door and stare in like WTF am I doing here ??  Stand for a minute, walk back to the house,,, and OH yea,, crap thats what I needed..

Went to the Doctor , Said I'm feeling pretty Rough,
He said let me break it to you son,
Your Shits Fucked Up.
I said my Shits Fucked up ? I don't see how
He said the Shit that used to work - Don't work now. 

What will I do when the work is done , thatI have been doing for a year ? I need a project to do,,, I'm sorta good at that stuff,,, at least at makin it look good in the end,  AND yes,, I am building that Wonky Playhouse even If no one wants it,, I'll give the damn think away if it comes to that,  yea, like that one,, only a walkway to it,, a rock climbing wall and a cargo net to climb up or down.. Just looks "wonky" is really framed up soundly.

I cant stand this HOT weather - thin people weather, us fat guys just sweat.
Can't wait for 50' and 60's - even 30's would be nice. 

Allright  - all for now,, check back with me later, 

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