Thursday, October 14, 2010

All over the place

Greeting,,,,, Met with Brian, and Coaches yesterday,,, and, Joe and I have agree on this rotation... and this also means everyone on Normal rest .
@ Texas Friday Game 1 - CC - No brainer
@ Texas Saturday Game 2 - Phil Hughes - a righty after the Lefty and really more about switchin Andrew to game #3 and havin Andy, not Hughes for Game 7
In Da Bronx Monday Game 3 - Andrew Eugene,,, the lefty - in Yankee Stadium, and Sets him up in case of Game 7
In Da Bronx Tuesday Game 4 - AJ - I see this as one of two possibilities - he is either HORRIBLE ,or as I expect good- like 7 inning 2 runs 5 hits.
In Da Bronx Wednesday Game 5 - CC - this was always Torre's critical game,,,, think about the possible combinations,,, you are 2 -2 and need to win B4 going back to Texas,,, up 3-1 and can clinch,, Down 3 -1 and MUST WIN !
@ Texas - Friday - Game 6 - Phil Hughes -
@ Texas Saturday - Game 7 - Andrew Eugene...
and don't give me this IF we lose the 2 in TEXAS you are bringing CC back on Short rest into game 3,,to face Lee,,, frig that,,, if you lose 2 in Texas, you need to win 4 of 5 ,, not just survive another day,,,
I am saying Yanks in 5 maybe 6...

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