Is it me,,,, I think so,,, There is simple Physics of attraction,,, Magnetism,,, Animal magnetizm or opposite poles attract, or the kind that I have - I am - and rememberr that this is hard to admit in public or say outloud,,,
"I am an ASSHOLE MAGNET " - I must be,, everywhere I go I attract them,,, The gas station,, I get behind some BOZO that can't seem to negotiate the Gas pump,, even though we nbeen doin this self service thing friggin FOREVER !! Or maybe I'm safe in the Cafeteria,,,, for a Coffee, and Bagle,,, NOPE !! there he is ,,,, He toasts the Bagel,, then proceeds to butter it,,, and takes 25 trips from the Bagel to the Butter (and that was the ones that I counted) in order to get each side of the Toasted treat buttered just like he likes it ,, Only to smash them together, then sorta squeeze them into a napkin to Remove the BUTTER he just spent 5 mintues applying like Bondo to a wrecked car..
!! - Exactly what the hell is that >!>!>!>!>
Let's try the REC center,,,, perhaps we get away from them there.,...In a Bay of ~75 lockers ,,, 1/2 up and 1/2 down,, there are 3 Locks ,,, the rest of the Lockers are Empty,,, there is my lock - 3 lockers in on the top section just in on the rightside. there is one across the way from mine,,, and OF COURSE there is one RIGHT NEXT TO MINE !!! Then , we happen to get back there at the same Time,,, I move across the aisle and sit on the other bench ,, thats not good enough,,, HIS GYM bag needs to be on the bench with me... Please !
We have all seen 'em out of their element,, the person in front of you at the Stewarts,, you are buying a coffe, and they are getting enough Lotto tickets and Win for LIFE so that everyone in Paraguay can have one !! Its the Clown that that needs to count out his change - mostly Pennies - to but 3 packs of Camels. Stop at the light and then turn right on RED ,, I think NOT - why STOP ?? Thats for everyone Else ! not me,,, And I can park in that handicap space ,, I'll just be a minute in the store, frig the guy with the Walker ,, he can just wait,,, anyway he is not gettin the very important stuff that I AM,, he is just gettin things for him !!
YUP - AssHOLE MAGNET - That's me,,, do have similar signs of the same disease ???
On to Today's Video and Music selections,,, My Two - would be Girlfriends !!!
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