Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Are we there YET ??

A question that has plagued mankind for years,, or at least that 4 year old in the back seat !! Are we there yet ?? Where will we be when we get there... perhaps we don't want to go,,,, I always liked that bumper sticker.,... "Where are we going?? and Why am I in this Hand Basket ?" We need to slow down, easier said than done,, Seems that our lives go by ,, day after day at the speed of light,,, children that started College just yesterday it seems have graduated,, The baseball season starts,and is already a third over,,, I was just in my 20's a few years ago,, and now ,, Good God , I'm 52 !! So as Andy said,, "get Busy Livin,, or get Busy Dyin.... That's God Damn right....." Ok,,, so come up with a few things to do that really help you - sorta relax,, take it all in,,, Go have a nice breakfast at an outdoor cafe,,, or sit and watch the traffic go by for an hour,,, anyway,,, JESUS - I am late !!! Gotta go ... so much for my big friggin advice ,, huh !!

Today's video Selections,,,,

Lew Black and the WATER RANT !!


How about a little music !!

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