Greeting Fellow WEB LOGGERS !!! and Bloggers !! I wish to share a bit about my new running buddies,,, there are three of them,, Ok,, one is not so new,,,that would be MR I-Pod NANO - he has been with me for mile after mile,,, although I do not take him racing (ha racing !) ... The 2nd running buddy is the Deer FLY ! This guy has taken to following me,, at my same rate and Pace,,, I pick him up on Townsend Blvd,,, where it heads past the Firehouse, and goes out along Route 84 , toward the Parkway; he Touches me,, my arms,, face,, bit me a few times he has, and the faster I run - which ain't that fast .., the faster he goes...what a guy ,,, just want to run with me regardless of my pace - BASTARD !! He has a special skill also,, he can fly Right past your face - many times with out you being able to "get him" Bastard ,,again !!
Here is my THIRD running PAL !! the ALL American Horse FLY ! he just flys near ya,,, buzzes your face,,, bites the Arms, and Back of the leg,,, wants to join in all the running fun,, no matter what ,... I always wonder "what were these Flys doin 5 minutes Before I arrived" ??,,, and where do they go when they are Done harassing me.. do they laugh when you swing wildly at them and miss,,, ???
No matter ,,, give me a 35 degree day with cool air, and a little snow, and poof,, I love running in the cold,,,,, when Mr. FLY is - exactly where I do not know,, or care to find out !!
Ok,, so -------- SIX Feet !!!?? from 6 people or 3 ?? hummmmmmmm ,, how exactly does this happen,,, and IF its a boating Accident (Well this is not a boat accident! It wasn't any propeller! It wasn't any coral reef! And it wasn't Jack the Ripper!) or a Plane crash - then how is it that only the FEET are washing ashore !! Can you explain that ??? I bet not.
FROM CNN NEWS.... -- Investigators are pursuing a variety of theories in their quest to unravel the mystery of six human feet that have washed up on the shores of British Columbia in the last 11 months.The sixth foot turned up Wednesday -- a right foot in a man's size 10 black Adidas athletic shoe, police said. As in the previous cases, however, immediate answers as to the foot's origin eluded detectives.
"We are exploring the possibility that it could be people who may have drowned," said Annie Linteau, a spokeswoman for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. "It could be missing fishermen. It could be the remains of people who may have died in a plane crash."
When asked about the suspicion of foul play, Linteau noted that the first four feet contained no tool marks and were therefore deemed not to have been severed.
It's too early to say how the foot found Wednesday was separated from a body, and Linteau did not address the question of how the fifth foot came to be detached.
"It is certainly a very unusual situation," she said. "We have to explore all avenues and investigate all theories."
The coroner's office plans to examine DNA from the foot found Wednesday to try to identify the person to whom it belonged, she said. The authorities also are combing through missing persons reports and trying to determine when and where the shoe was manufactured and sold.
Just a few items worth noting,,, at least to me....
This one you can file under the OMG department.... IDIOTS !
ARYADA, Colorado (AP) -- Police in a Colorado town say they've caught two "thong bandits" who used women's underwear to disguise themselves during a convenience store robbery.Nineteen-year-old Joaquin Rico turned himself in Friday, two days after 24-year-old alleged accomplice Joseph R. Espinoza turned himself in.A surveillance video released last week by police in Arvada, Colo., shows two unarmed men inside the convenience store. They stole an undisclosed amount of cash and cigarettes in the May 16 robbery. One man wore a green thong and the other wore blue. Each thong barely covered the man's nose, mouth and chin and left the rest of his face exposed. One also wore a pink backpack in which he stuffed the stolen
Hilary is done,,, too bad,, I thought that she would do a great job as Prez,,,, neither of these other Bozo's impress me,,, although,, I have see enough of the Republicans for a while,,, so probably vote for Obama... What will Letterman do without his nightly Pantsuit joke ?
And a couple of videos for a Saturday Morning !!
Wish I could Dance like this !!!
CLAPTON IS GOD !! I read an interview years ago in Rolling Stone,, Clapton said he was uncomfortable with the whole "Clapton is God" thing ,until he saw this photo... the Dog peeing on the wall, he said, put it into perspective,,,,
Is it me,,,, I think so,,, There is simple Physics of attraction,,, Magnetism,,, Animal magnetizm or opposite poles attract, or the kind that I have - I am - and rememberr that this is hard to admit in public or say outloud,,,
"I am an ASSHOLE MAGNET " - I must be,, everywhere I go I attract them,,, The gas station,, I get behind some BOZO that can't seem to negotiate the Gas pump,, even though we nbeen doin this self service thing friggin FOREVER !! Or maybe I'm safe in the Cafeteria,,,, for a Coffee, and Bagle,,, NOPE !! there he is ,,,, He toasts the Bagel,, then proceeds to butter it,,, and takes 25 trips from the Bagel to the Butter (and that was the ones that I counted) in order to get each side of the Toasted treat buttered just like he likes it ,, Only to smash them together, then sorta squeeze them into a napkin to Remove the BUTTER he just spent 5 mintues applying like Bondo to a wrecked car.. !! - Exactly what the hell is that >!>!>!>!> Let's try the REC center,,,, perhaps we get away from them there.,...In a Bay of ~75 lockers ,,, 1/2 up and 1/2 down,, there are 3 Locks ,,, the rest of the Lockers are Empty,,, there is my lock - 3 lockers in on the top section just in on the rightside. there is one across the way from mine,,, and OF COURSE there is one RIGHT NEXT TO MINE !!! Then , we happen to get back there at the same Time,,, I move across the aisle and sit on the other bench ,, thats not good enough,,, HIS GYM bag needs to be on the bench with me... Please !
We have all seen 'em out of their element,, the person in front of you at the Stewarts,, you are buying a coffe, and they are getting enough Lotto tickets and Win for LIFE so that everyone in Paraguay can have one !! Its the Clown that that needs to count out his change - mostly Pennies - to but 3 packs of Camels. Stop at the light and then turn right on RED ,, I think NOT - why STOP ?? Thats for everyone Else ! not me,,, And I can park in that handicap space ,, I'll just be a minute in the store, frig the guy with the Walker ,, he can just wait,,, anyway he is not gettin the very important stuff that I AM,, he is just gettin things for him !!
YUP - AssHOLE MAGNET - That's me,,, do have similar signs of the same disease ???
On to Today's Video and Music selections,,, My Two - would be Girlfriends !!!
A question that has plagued mankind for years,, or at least that 4 year old in the back seat !! Are we there yet ?? Where will we be when we get there... perhaps we don't want to go,,,, I always liked that bumper sticker.,... "Where are we going?? and Why am I in this Hand Basket ?" We need to slow down, easier said than done,, Seems that our lives go by ,, day after day at the speed of light,,, children that started College just yesterday it seems have graduated,, The baseball season starts,and is already a third over,,, I was just in my 20's a few years ago,, and now ,, Good God , I'm 52 !! So as Andy said,, "get Busy Livin,, or get Busy Dyin.... That's God Damn right....." Ok,,, so come up with a few things to do that really help you - sorta relax,, take it all in,,, Go have a nice breakfast at an outdoor cafe,,, or sit and watch the traffic go by for an hour,,, anyway,,, JESUS - I am late !!! Gotta go ... so much for my big friggin advice ,, huh !!
Do some people say that all the time,,, and act like they are from Brooklyn, or the Bronx,,,, How you Doin ?? How you doin ?? Do you really care ??? I really doubt it !
My Friend Charlie passed away of Cancer ,,,, he had been ill for a few years,,, He was one of the Best Engineering managers that I have worked with, and a good Person (that's more important) , and he will be missed by this Company,,to say nothing of his friends, and family...
If you learn more from BAD runs than you do from GOOD runs,, then after yesterday and today,,, I should be a A F#%$ING GENIUS !!
Hoban's Law of Metals Bare feet magnetize sharp metal objects so they always point upwards from the floor-especially in the dark.
Today's sign the Apocalypse is upon us or Maybe more aptly named "YOU CAN'T MAKE THE STUFF UP"
BEIJING - Families who lost their only child in China's devastating earthquake will be allowed to have another baby under clarifications made to the nation's "one-child" policy, state press said.
Chinese officials issued guidelines following the quake which allow distraught couples to have another child provided they apply with the government's family planning agency, the Chengdu Evening News said late Monday. The guidelines do not alter China's controversial "one child" policy - which generally permits urban families one child and rural families two if the first is a girl - but clarifies existing regulations.
And............Today's Video Entries........... Talkin CATS !!!