Friday, May 16, 2008

ITs the weekend - or damn near

so,, what to say,,, Life is moving forward,, and it friggin raining outside,, Gas it workin to $4 per gallon,, the Prez "dub-ya" has asked the Saudis to increase oil product,, guess he went tot the 5 minute university cause he remembers "Supply .vs Demand"

I personally am kinda down today,,, just Life Kickin my ass,,,, and lots to do,,, checkin out a few of my fav Vids on
Check out Lew Black ,,,, or or WC Fields,,,, if you can't find Fields funny then you do not know WTF is funny !!!

and the question is what came 1st ,, the sucky pitching or the sucking hitting !! Can they get a hit with 2 outs and men on Base ,, I think NOT !!

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