Monday, May 19, 2008

I don't like Monday's

Like Mr Geldoff ,,, I don't like these things either,,, except that it is the Start of a new week,,, for some,, but for my schedule,,, its just another day,,, Work,,, run,, home, Cat Pans,,, Clean , dinner, Yankees lose, sleep, Repeat - with very little change... So,, since when do I think that things should be different,,, Kid rock started the day,,, with Rock and Roll Jesus,, and Down to New Orleans,,, that gets you goin a bit,,, All right then,,, Let's try to be Joey Rammone today , and Hey-ho- LET's Go, Hey-ho- LET's Go,

Hey ho, let's go Hey ho, let's go Hey ho, let's go Hey ho, let's go

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