Saturday, May 24, 2008


Is anyone else concerned over the recent events of the WORLD ?!?!?!?!? Starting back maybe to Katerina hitting Nawlins,,, to the Tsunami wave that hit Southeast Asia,,, then Major tornadoes in the Mid west,,, and A Cyclone hits Burma,,, and A Major Earth Quake hits China ! Is all this related,, and we awaiting the horsemen of the Apocalypse ?? what next GIANT FROGS ,, GIANT FROGS !! Locust?? or the Ghostbuster version,, of The dead rising from the grave,,,River and Seas boiling , Forty years of Darkness , Earthquakes, Volcano's, Human sacrifice,, Dogs and Cats living together,,, MASS Hysteria !! or Maybe we are in the middle of this thing already and are just missin the point !

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