I will get to the latest assassination attempt later ....
First let's look at what Tom Hatrmann has up today
1) Trumps people will attempt to reek chaos in this years election - maybe no tdireclty steal it - but their strategy could be that they will sow enough doubt and fake claims of voter irregularities, fake electiors (maybe that is stealing it) not certifying the state votes. This plan that will not have any candidate get the required 270 votes - will put the election into the House of representatives and there the states get one vote each and because Moscow Mike will not allow the new Congresspersons to be sworn till after his Coup is completed - if the Democrats can win enough states for a Majority - then the majority of the states will vote for Tump..
2) a Guy names Leonard Leo has vowed to crush Liberals. he Claims to be a Christion - but pushes policie s that Jesus would ahve flatly rejected. He is in the bacjground of Packing the Courts will those judges favorable to his cause - and block out hose Females, blacks, Hispanic and "queer" employees. And pushes to devour corporations that do not comply with his vision, BTW - gave $1.2 Billion that Billion - to the GOP ..
3) Germany has Walked back Trumps debate statement of them going back to Fossil fuels - Germany tried - meaning non Fossil fuel - and within one year are back to building enery plants,. WRONG ! says who ?? the Germans ! the said. " Like it or not , Germanys energy system is fully operational, with more than 50% renewables, We are shutting down, NOT BUILDING Coal and Nuclear plants. Coal will bew off the grid by 2038 and PS we don't eat Cats and Dogs " Mic drop !
4) Should we allow Ukraine touse our weapons to strike Russia - inside Russia. This being a war of aggression and that theonly talking point Putin has left is the threat of Tactical Nukes - to stop the Ukrainan army from attacking inside Russia - when most of those in the know - know that if Russia does - NATO member or not 0 Nato would need to respond by wiping out Russin military presence in East and South Ukraine,
5) The parents of an 11 year old killed when his school bis was accidently hit by a car driven by a Hatian immigrant has had enough. Trump and Vance have used the incident to discuss immigration policy in political speech and ads, The Boys father has come out and said - that this is the Last thing they need - to have te relive that incident in the political arena, and that they need to stop making it seem as if his boy Aiden would have appreciated the Hate speech. He says that morally corrupt politicians - Moreno, Vance, Chip Roy, Trump, have spoken his sons name for political gain. to please not assassinate his sone further by their Cruelty and recklessness. "Have you no sense of decency ?" - I think we know that answer.....
6) Trump brings a 9/11 truther and self proclaimed White Supremist to the Sept 11 memorial event.
Laure Loomer - who has been traveling and seen with trump now on several occasions, She has said that 9/11 was an "inside job" perpetrated by our government. and Trump brought Vance - . BTW - Trump does not attend this memorial in NYC - until now and so -of course he makes it a Campaign stop by bringing his running mate and NUT JOB like Loomer with his .
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