Sunday, September 29, 2024

SAY WHAT ????!!!

Question :  

“With many jobs being outsourced as we speak, what actions will you take to ensure that our jobs stay in America so we can continue to build the best cars in the world here in Michigan,” asked the voter at the event in Warren, Michigan.

Fat Nixon's Answer  : Yea - this is exaclty what he will do ! 

“So pretty much as we’ve been saying and what I want to do is that I want to be able to — look, your business — years ago, in this area, I was honored as the man of the year it was maybe 20 years ago, oh, and the fake news heard about it, they said it never happened, it never happened ... The fakers back there, see the fake news. But they said. They said, ‘Oh,’ and they looked and it, you know, they said it never happened but I said, ‘I swear to you it happened.’ It did happen, I was man of the year,”  

Saturday, September 28, 2024

And the Sheep will follow along....

 Three days or so ago the Former POTUS made this statement  :

He  scolded those who critique the Supreme Court , saying people should be jailed for “the way they talk about our judges and our justices” 

the Sheep who don't believe he said it.... here ya go...

SO people should be jailed for "the way they talk" - that's not Fascist  - right Sheep ?!?!

Did you suddenly forget about the 1st Amendment - 

And They should be Jailed for the way they talk about our Judges and Justices..

FOR THE Y WAY THEY TALK !! This is a person  (can't say man) that wants to the Potus again,... Now -  Did tRump ever say anything crtical  about any Judges or Justices  ???  well ..... - Hey as they say - I bring Receipts...  and these are just a few examples,,,,

He said about Justice Sotomayor and RBG....

This is a terrible thing to say. Trying to “shame” some into voting her way? She never criticized Justice Ginsberg when she called me a “faker”. Both should recuse themselves..

In February 2020, Trump attacked Judge Amy Berman Jackson, the judge who is presiding over his former adviser Roger Stone’s pending criminal case  - He said this was "a Total Miscarriage of Justice"

 On November 20, Judge Jon Tigar of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ordered the administration to accept asylum claims regardless of where migrants entered the country. Trump called the decision “a disgrace,” attacked Tigar as “an Obama judge,” and critiqued the Ninth Circuit as “really something we have to take a look at because it’s not fair,” adding, “That’s not law. Every case that gets filed in the Ninth Circuit we get beaten.”

November 2018 ... "Justice Roberts can say what he wants, but the 9th Circuit is a complete & total disaster. It is out of control, has a horrible reputation, is overturned more than any Circuit in the Country, 79%, & is used to get an almost guaranteed result. Judges must not Legislate Security..."

July 2018: “I said this could never happen. This is so bad that they should be looking at the judges who signed off on this stuff, not just the people who gave it. It is so bad it screams out at you.”

Thursday, September 26, 2024

 You are for law and order....  You are patriots that uphold the Constitution, and the Laws of this land -  Support the Police and respect the work, the Arrests that they have made,.

here are few Criminals from our recent past.

Steve Bannon - Political strategist under Trump  = Guilty 2 counts of Contempt of Congress

Michael Flynn - Former White House Security advisor - Pled Guilty to Lying to Congress - Fired by the Justice department .

George Papadopoulos, security adviser for the Trump He pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to the FBI 

Peter Navarro - Trump Trade  Advisor - Convicted of Contempt of Congress

Michael Cohen - Trumps Lawyer and Fixer - pleaded guilty to campaign finance charges and lying to Congress, among other crimes.

Paul Manafort - Trumps Campaign manager - convicted of tax and bank fraud felonies 

Donald Trump - Libel for Sexual Abuse and Defamation - and founf guilty of 24 Felony counts - falsifying business Records. 

 As much as tRump says he is ahead - the GOP candidates words and actions speek a different Story.

tRump and Vance are offering wild Carrots to many groups -  Non taxed tips,  or Overtime and Social Security) but cannot explain for a minute where they plan to make up that revenue - and BTW - you are special kind of  Ignorant if the you think that increased  tariffs are something the Exporting country / Business will just absorb - and not pass that onto the Consumer - DOH !   and now the threatened John Deere with a 200% tarriff if they move part on Manufacturing to Mexico..  yea - that'll help our our farmers !!  and by the F-ing way - Do we have amnesia ??  He was the guy who ended NAFTA and put in place the USMCA...  It  creates a new incentive to build cars and trucks in North America. It requires 75% of a vehicle’s parts to be made in one of the three countries – up from the current 62.5% rule – in order to remain free from tariffs when moving between the three signatory countries.  Mexico and Canada are on the list  - so is his position that he is disregarding that agreement ??? 

and while they are doing that they are Threatening Election workers,  They are Threatening Jews- saying that if he is not reelected in the Fall - it will be the fault of the Jews, and they continue to Double and triple down on their clams about Springfield  OHIO - evne though it has caused countless and needless threats to schools and administration building with bombs and even though Vance said outright he would and did make up a story to reach his constituents.  AndI  expect that this will all get worse - they wil. ramp up the Rhetoric - even though they said it needed to be toned down in the wake of the last threat to the Former POTUS .  They ahve a mess on their hands in North Carolina with Robinson - the GOP Candidate - claiming he is a "Black Nazi",  would  "buy a few slaves"  himself and "Loves porn " BTW - the GOP is now saying that the NEVER HEARD OF HIM !   and also. Hispanics and Immigrants are always a good whipping post for the GOP ... so expect they are the next and continuing target . with the roundup of millions of Immigrants and deportation of them. yea - what could possibly go wrong with that plan ..

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Start me UP !

 I have not kicked the Habit of getting up early.... for my job - now 5 plus years ago - was to be in my office by 5:30 - 6:- AM.... so had to be up kinda early to do that.... and ot has rolled over into retirement.  I get 5- 8 hours of sleep a night - sometimes falling off at 8 - 9 pm...  and rising between 4AM and 5 AM

here is the daily routine :

Eyes open - and possible cat(s) right there to greet me -  on the pillow or in my face

- turn on the coffee maker as I head to the Bathroom

- Cat Feeding time - one can split 4 ways   

- Get Tea bag from Cabinet and pull out wifes tea cup - even though it won;' be used for maybe 4 hours

- Empty Cat Litter pans - restock litter as needed  

- pour Coffee and creamer - while resetting Cat food dishes as they try to go eat each others food...

- Time to check on the World - sign into my IMac

    - Check Local and other localales weather - any Hurricanes ? (seasonal) 

    - ESPN-  headline stories - Scores, Yankees news and score - box score from the night Before and                     standings in AL EAST 

    - - Whats' on his mind from last night and answeer his daily survey Question...

    - WMBF  news stories from Conway and the Grandstrand

    - Midhudson and Poughkeepsie Journal news - including OBITS of course 

    - CNN news from over night - anything worth reading about???

    - Facebook , then Instagram - AOL Mail (deleting most) Gmail - deleting most - responding to and             filing some

    - Hudson Valley Credit Union -  Check the Checking account and Charges to the VISA .. Transfer $$

    - Ameriprise account  - I know , I should not look at this every day - can't help it

    -  Ok- onto WORDL -I'm 96 % successful according their Stats. 

        Quordl (wordl with 4 words) I'll say 80+ % success and Sequence - 4 words but only show you one           word at a at time - actually more successful with this than Quardl.

        Connections - oh boy - these are hit or miss - I either see it right away or not at all.                                      70% win rate with 25 % zero errors,  20% - 1 error, 10% - 2 Errors,                                                                8% - 3 Errors and 26 % 4 Errors.  

    - Check out some political posts - Tom Hartmann, Lincoln Project, Meidas Touch network

    - Back to the Book of Faces where I enter my Rant of the day...

Then relax in the Chair or Sofa with a Cat  - Watch soem Reels from FB or Videos on Tiktok...

8AM - off to  Conway Rec Center - Weights, Elliptical trainer. and the 3 + Hours of Pickelball...

That's it - Lunch and see whats on the agenda for the Afternoon ....


The end to the Mist

 It is the ending of Stephen King's  "The Mist" that we may be left with.... Where the Father whispers to his son two words "Hartford" (which is where  they are headed) and  "HOPE"  (which is all he (and maybe WE ) have left .....)

We will look back at these times and realize what they had in mind - what the Plot was,,,, that they had learned from the previous time what worked and what did not. Not tRump - hs is too stupid  - but his Sheep in the CULT are not as stupid.  They saw that even the  armed insurrection - that they plotted with members of  Congress ,  the attack on the Capitol - did not work....   it needed to be more subtle - more widespread,... they tried with 60 + law suits across the county that were all thrown out.  They tried by attempting to assault (HANG) Mike Pence. However they had a new plan., 

1st they needed judges (up to and includings Supreme Court Justices that could be bought)  that would enact and agree with the plot to overthrow the election,. Then they needed Attorney Generals in key states sympathetic to their cause that could and will support fake Electors  and send them to the House of Representatives. , And legislatures that had enough majorities that they would enact laws to suppress Voter rights , especially those that that believed would not vote for GOP candidates, then Election boards that would enact things to significantly slow down and instill Chaos in the election process... 

And VIOLA ! they have achieved many of these Goals. They don't really need your vote - they can and will cancel that vote if it does not suit their cause, they will do an end run around the justice system, they will delay and defer election results to support  their means - DO you think that  Georgia Hand Counting Votes in the 21 century  is reasonable - even after both parties testified to that Election Board that it was not possible given the short time to the election to retrain the Election workers, and that enacting this process could mean that the results would not be known for weeks after election day - HELL - that music to the Ears of that Election Board - it was better than they even thought it could be - CHAOS , DELAY in the results - Counts and Recounts that would give tRump a chance to file suit after suit in every state he lost ,,,,get his time to use those Judges and Attorney Generals that he put in place and paid off , to rule in his favor...  

the time to Disenfranchise YOUR VOTE....  

Time to Destroy the Democracy ....

While on one had I think that the margin of victory for Kamala Harris will be a factor - aka - harder to steal a kick ass win - and on the other hand I think it won't matter. Those determined to reek Chaos will do so - regardless of any actual outcome.... 

Friday, September 20, 2024

Complete and utter BS

 As part of the Chaos strategy to ensure election victory of one kind or another , and the end to Democracy - ok - Democratic Republic. The latest that Moscow Mike Johnson and Pervert Hoover have come up with is the  SAFE ACT - and tying that to funding the Government. 

Their narrative of illegals voting is Complete and utter BullShit , but plays n to the MAGA politics of  hate and fear.  It is a Fix to Problem that does not exist ....  let's look..

They claim that the Democrats are registering Illegals by the 10's of Thousands, but can't show one ounce of Proof of all this Fraud.  And have never shown Voter fraud in any numbers  that has affected any -- ANY election - EVER ! They say that the SAFE ACT will prevent Illegals from registering... ah - ha,.... ok   They want to shout about  306 Illegals registered in Oregon -  306 and out of that 306 -  2 - read that correctly TWO voted  because they were mailed a ballot and did not know better than to return it...  How many people voted for POTUS in 2020 in that state you ask ??? 2,298, 831 - so you can see that stopping those 2 votes should be what the Congress of the US should see as a Priority. (Sarcasm)

  But wait - The Brennan Center for Justice found that 30 -  WHOA _ hold the phone ! THIRTY non citizen voted in the 2016 Presidential election , in addition to that  Trump's own Election Integrity Commission disbanded without so much as a report on any Voter fraud - even though he claimed that 3 Million non citizens voted in 2016.

keep in mind that Illegal voting can get you years in Prison - and is an easy way for Non citizen to be detected - and thus prosecuted for that crime.  What does it get them do you ask - not a damn thing - this is not robbing a Bank getting you lots of money (potentially) - it's one vote - One vote . 

So - what's this all about ???  First,  it places the enforcement of the  SAFE ACT in the hands of  a future POTUS  (say tRump) - not the states - so any voters in any state the the POTUS sees as problematic could be removed from that states voter registration - that alone could flip states to Red ... and   It's about Disenfranchising another group of voters that the GOP just might have  pissed off - and the GOP is now  scared that they won't vote for a Republican....  who are these people - WOMEN .

yup - while they are off - trying to get states to require ID - knowing that is that case - States can decide on their own what to accept or  not for ID - say College ID would not be allowed but Hunting lisc would be... and forget that some people have neither - and no drivers license or Passport.

"And what will the law require citizens who want to vote do? Lacking a passport or other proof of citizenship with their married names, they must produce both a birth certificate (with the seal of the state where it was issued; no copies allowed) and a current form of identification — both with the exact same name on them. That could instantly disqualify about 90 percent of all married women without Passports or other ID that matches their birth certificate ..."  re: T. Hrtman

- there are a few states that see Marriage as legal name change. 

The National Organization of Women. - says that Voter ID laws disproportionately target Women voters - and by Coincidence  - the GOP recently has pissed off Millions of Women voters !  So - Pervert Hoover and Moscow Mike want to attach the SAFE ACT to the bill that refunds the Government - so they - the. GOP - will try to blackmail the Democrats into disenfranchising millions of voters, and  Just like the claim that Haitian immigrants are eating the pets of people - THIS CLAIM OF VOTER FRAUD is Complete and utter Bullshit. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

What's F'd up today

 I will get to the latest assassination attempt later ....

First let's look at what Tom Hatrmann has up today 

1) Trumps people will attempt to reek chaos in this years election - maybe no tdireclty steal it - but  their strategy could be that they will sow enough doubt and fake claims of voter irregularities, fake electiors (maybe that is stealing it) not certifying the state votes. This plan that will not have any candidate get the required 270 votes - will put the election into the House of representatives and there the states get one vote each and because Moscow Mike will not allow the new Congresspersons to be sworn till after his Coup is completed - if the Democrats can win enough states for a Majority - then the majority of the states  will vote  for Tump..

2) a Guy names Leonard Leo has vowed to crush Liberals. he Claims to be a Christion - but pushes policie s that Jesus would ahve flatly rejected.  He is in the bacjground of Packing the Courts will those judges favorable to his cause - and block out hose Females, blacks, Hispanic and "queer" employees. And pushes to devour corporations that do not comply with his vision, BTW - gave $1.2 Billion that Billion - to the GOP ..

3) Germany has Walked back Trumps debate statement of them going back to Fossil fuels - Germany tried - meaning non Fossil fuel - and within one year are back to building enery plants,. WRONG !  says who ?? the  Germans ! the said. " Like it or not , Germanys energy system is fully operational, with more than 50% renewables, We are shutting down, NOT BUILDING Coal and Nuclear plants. Coal will bew off the grid by 2038 and PS we don't eat Cats and Dogs " Mic drop !

4) Should we allow Ukraine touse our weapons to strike Russia - inside Russia. This being a war of aggression and that theonly talking point Putin has left is the threat of Tactical Nukes - to stop the Ukrainan army from attacking inside Russia - when most of those in the know - know that if Russia does - NATO member or not 0 Nato would need to respond by wiping out Russin military presence in East and South Ukraine,

5) The parents of an 11 year old killed when his school bis was accidently hit by a car driven by a Hatian immigrant has had enough. Trump and Vance have used the incident to discuss immigration policy in political speech and ads, The Boys father has come out and said - that this is the Last thing they need - to have te relive that incident in the political arena, and that they need to stop  making it seem as if his boy Aiden would have appreciated the Hate speech. He says that morally corrupt politicians - Moreno, Vance, Chip Roy, Trump, have spoken his sons name for political gain. to please not assassinate his sone further by their Cruelty and recklessness. "Have you no sense of decency  ?" - I think we know that answer.....

6) Trump brings a 9/11 truther and self proclaimed White Supremist to the Sept 11 memorial event.

Laure Loomer - who has been traveling and seen with trump now on several occasions, She has said that 9/11 was an "inside job" perpetrated by our government.  and Trump brought Vance - . BTW - Trump does not attend this memorial in NYC - until now and so -of course he makes it a Campaign stop by bringing his running mate and NUT JOB like Loomer with his . 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Model

A model to follow : 

Run on  a platform of Christianity, and Extreme  conservative policies, wanting to Restore Christian purity, using a slogan of Making _________ Great Again,  Holding rallies with his supporters, Campaign on Building a wall to keep "brown Skinned people out and calling those seeking asylum Rapists and murderers,  Plan to alter the Constitution to all for mass Gerrymanderings and control of Voting rights and elections, Packing the Courts to uphold all Serious Legal challenges against you  and find on your behalf, Require "Consevative" sex education, and teaching "Gay is Bad" , abstinence only, Criminalizing any positive potrayal of LGBTQ people on TV , equating Homeosexuality with Pedophilia, and penalizing the  openly gay.....

Think you know who this is  ????  well maybe you do - but it is NOT TRUMP ...

it's Viktor Orban ,....   yes - that  Viktor Orban - the Guy who was Trump BEFORE Trump .  that visited Trump at Mar-o-Logo a few months back - most likely carrying a message from Putin to Trump or Vice Versa - the Same Viktor Orban that Addressed CPAC in Texas,  and gave a major speec h to the GOP in August of 2022,, he hosted a CPAC meeting in Budapest - he is the Only European leader that supports Putin in his invasion of Ukraine - Which may be the reason in a recent debate that  Trump refuse to say that he thought Ukraine should win the war with Russia -  . He has been interviewed on Tucker Carloson and Carlson spent a full week in Hungary,   He regularly is quoted by  and praises FOX Entertainment ( i ain't callin them news) and far right wing Radio Hosts.  Steve Bannon celebrates him by calling him. "Trump brfore Trump" 

  And we can see now that Trumpism is not indistinguishable from Orbanism. 

So if you want to see what Trumps and the GOPs vision is for America - Just check out what Orban has down to Hungary in a few short years after Decades od Democracy in that country...

Controls the Courts 

Destroyed the Media - so that all parrott Orban talking points

Transformed the government from a Democracy to an Autocratic Oligarchy rule of single party Neo - fascist rule - the Rich win the poor are powerless

Remember Charlottesville where Trump applauded neo- Nazis ?? - same thing happen in Hungary when over 500 torch carrying "Patriots" held a rally in front of  the homes of the countries largest minority groups home saying "we will set  your home son fire". = yea - Fine people - on both sides - 

Orban hands Government contracts to Business men on his side , and has driven those who oppose him out of  business and in some cases to prison or having to flee the country...

He has promoted that the government have it own Media and kept other journalists - Especially American media outlets   - (not Fox) from attending or reporting on the Government and the Progressive media is essentially banned .

Orban in his speeches to the CPAC in the US and Hungary has touted that the Republicans need to "take control of the Government"

He dismantles the Science Academy in Hungary - calling climate change a"Left wing trickery - made up by Obama " 

Got himself invited to the White house in 2020  - and became one of 2 sources of info on how Zelensky was trying to sabotoge  Trump.

Marginalized women say that "politics is built on character assasination that women cannot endure - AND has driven the Parliment in the country - with 133 members to having just 11 Women members.  Institied laws virtully banning abortion...

Has Armies and Police forces that report to and take direction directly from Orban.

The movement towrd Fascist and Neo fascists in growing and Orban is front and center in that movement - following Putin, Un, and Xi   - Trump is eager to follow them down that path - and destroy this country...  he holds control of the GOP  party to institute his deranged policies and - and controls  FOX to spread his message- 

Want to see what Trumps vision for America is - check out Viktor Orban and Hungary 

Friday, September 6, 2024

This is Jeopardy !!!

Ok - I will give the answer and YOU try to guess what the Question was - GOT IT ???

Ok -  ready  ??  here goes..................

Answer. ....  “It’s a very important issue,. But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, that — because  child cre is child care . It’s something, you have to have it in this country. You have to have it, But when you talk about those numbers, compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to, but they’ll get used to it very quickly, and it’s not going to stop them from doing business with us, but they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country,” 

Monday, September 2, 2024

A few things,

 Ok - so there is a video of Trump doing an interview at a moms for liberty event -  where he claims that there are transgender children that go to school and come hone a few days later with an operation, that the School decides to perform on them - and the School (not the parents have decided on) 

SO - " A few days later the child comes home with an oeration- the school decides whats gonna happen with your child".  #1 - the Parents never wonder where the child is "for a few Days"  #2 - What school has the ability to perform operations  " where ? in the nurses office??  and then the he says that #3 - 15 years later the child asks what the hell happened to me ?? ok - 15 years later ?? if it was a1st grader - age 6 they are now 21 ..... so this all happened around the year 2000 ??  and onlt he knows about it ?!?!?  WTF !

- in addition Mr Im so smart - that I don't know anything about it .,,.. and take no responsibility for it .... starting with Project 2025 - that even though he had the writers of that piece of crap on his private plane and met with them - the does not know them - and knows nothing about it... oh yea .... and then he blames the Gold star family that invited him to Arlington Cemetery for the issues of his disgraces the Graves and Sacrifices  of the heros buried there...  1st it was the workers - Trump claims "there are bad people that we're dealing with" they - the Cemetery worker.  And then - nope not my fault - they asked me to go to Arlington and I did and while I was there."   yup not MY fault .... waas he not the POTUS for 4 years. ???  and he does not know this !! 

Lastly today he suggests he was on the Olympic trials swim team ! WTF - and that when one swimmer passed the other they go Wind burns - so that they had to be taken from the pool.. Wind burns ?? in the water ???  is this the WET Water ???

and lastly - he claimed people do not eat bacon anymore because of Wind..

“You take a look at bacon and some of these products. Some people don't eat bacon anymore. And we are going to get the energy prices down. When we get energy down — you know, this was caused by their horrible energy — wind, they want wind all over the place. But when it doesn't blow, we have a little problem.”

But - go ahead - do the Thats not what he said - then you will see the video of him saying exaclty that BS - then it will be - well "that's not what he meant" = then you will hear it so many times and you will understand that is exactly what he meant. then we will get all the WHTABOUTISMS- what about Hunters laptop ?? HIllary's emails ???  Blah Blah Blah - When - when will y'all get tired of defending all the lies that come out of his mouth  ???

I thought that it would be the end

 When he said he could grab women by th Pu$$y - I thought that would be the end

When he said John Mc Cain was not a hero - I thought that would be the end

When he was responsible for the Inserrection at the Capitol - I thought that would be the end

When he was indicted on 91 Felonies - I thought that would be the end

When was for libel for Rape and defamation - I thought that would be the end

When he was found Guilty on 34 Felony counts - I thought that would be the end

When he was found libel the 2nd time of defaming the women he was found responsible for raping - - I thought that would be the end

When he called the Military "Losers and Suckers"  - I thought that would be the end

When  he praised Putin as smart - - I thought that would be the end

When he mixed up Biden and Obama in serveral speeches - - I thought that would be the end

When he said we should inject dieinfectant in our veins to combat Covid - I thought that would be the end

When he suggested dropping NUKE into a hurricane - - I thought that would be the end

When he started to sell Bibles, sneakers, playing cards, etc - I thought that would be the end

When he described a HOT PARTY to the Boy Scouts  - I thought that would be the end

When he continues to whine and whine and whine about how he is treated and could not give a crap about anyone else - - I thought that would be the end

When he met secretly with communist leaders - I thought that would be the end

When he invited the likes of Viktor Orban to Mar a Loser- O - I thought that would be the end

When he called White Supremists "Good people" - - I thought that would be the end\

When he Threatend to pull the US out of NATO - - I thought that would be the end

When he tried to bar journalists from the White House press briefings - - I thought that would be the end

When he quoted Benito Mussolini  - and then said he knew who made the statements - - I thought that would be the end

When he trampled on the Graves and disrespected the Dead at Arlington Cemetary - and then blamed the FAmily of the fallen soldier - - I thought that would be the end

When he pulled us out of th Paris Climate accord - - I thought that would be the end

When he said he would replace the Affordable Care act in two weeks - but did not do it in FOUR YEARS- - I thought that would be the end

When he overrode the Nations security experts and gave them the  top secrets of the Country - - I thought that would be the end

When he asked an Attorney General to "find him votes" - I thought that would be the end

When the United Nations general assembly laughed at him - - I thought that would be the end

When he bragged that someone gave him a Purple heart - - I thought that would be the end

When he would not go to a ceremony honoring the Americans that died in WWI and then agains not go to Arlington on Veterns days because it was Raining - - I thought that would be the end

When he continues to LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE - - I thought that would be the end

When his Cabinet members bergan to resign over his treatment of Americans, and his prsise for Foreign leaders - like UN,  Putin, Orban - I thought that would be the end

When over 238 Form GOP staff and cabinet members came out in suppirt of Harris / Walz and said that they of course had ideolical difference with the Democrats  - “That’s to be expected. The alternative (trump) , however, is simply untenable.”  I thought that would be the end

When he said that General Mark Miley should be put to death.

When he Mocked a handicapped reporter , Called others Horse face, and Pocohontos, and every other Slur he could think of -  I thought that would be the end

I am hoping that these and other behaviors WILL BE THE END