In November of 2024 we will have a choice - a vote in the Presidential election.
a Vote for a Republican - a Far right conservative - a Vote for Trump .... and you wont need to vote in another election in your life time - the constitution will be dismantled, and the power of the Government will be consolidated under the Executive branch. Good bye - to the United States of America - over and OUT !
Don't know what that is . ??? Better wake the F up.... IF - and I don't think it happen - IF Humpty Trumpy is reelected POTUS this is the agenda - the far right Conservatives will put forth.
2025 does few things,,,,
Project 2025 seeks to place the entire Executive Branch of the U.S. federal government under direct presidential control, eliminating the independence of the Department of Justice, Federal Communications Commission, Federal Trade Commission and other agencies.
It will install heads to Federal agencies based on poliitcal affiliation and have no regard for personal qualifications.
Say "so long" to religious freedom - it seeks to establish one religion - Christianity - as the Religion of the USA. The words directly from Project 2025 reads “When the Founders spoke of “pursuit of Happiness,” what they meant might be understood today as in essence “pursuit of Blessedness.” That is, an individual must be free to live as his Creator ordained…” Forget about the 1st Amendment that says - “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.’
the Project labels LGBTQ community as pornographic in it's existence - so that memebrs of that community can be jailed for being alive. And that any art - can be described as Porn - aka - Michaelangelos's David .... and the displayer charged under that "new" law...
It plans to revamp the veterans administration - changing disability ratings for future claimants to save money, transitioning essential healthcare for veterans to private, for-profit corporations, and removing the VA’s leadership, replacing them with political appointees to serve an agenda.
Another point of it's agenda is to have the government to stop regulating nuclear power, toxic waste, workplace safety, food safety, pharmaceuticals, air pollution, child labor laws, or any essential activities keeping people safe. And dismantle clean water, air, and energy safeguards. Chapter 18 seeks to limit workplace protections enforced by the Department of Labor.
another is to vastly limit immigration from what they determine as "objectionable" countries - and you can read that as a BAN on immigration - like wha the Dump administration tried to do to Muslim countries and was declared unconstitutional .
Don't believe this ??? GO Google it for your self. Read their agenda - they make no secret of what they will do..... I will restate - we have a Presidential election in approx one year. You will have a vote in that election that will mean something ... if we - as the citizens of this country make the WRONG choice and reelect Donald Trump , You won't need to vote in another election in your lifetime ... You may not like the Democratic choice. But for 2024 - there is only one choice and that is to NOT Re- elect TRUMP.
Liz Cheney warns us.....
“He cannot be the next president because if he is, all of the things he attempted to do but was stopped from doing by responsible people around him — at the Department of Justice, at the White House counsel’s office — all of those things he will do. There will be no guardrails,”
So we are facing a moment in American politics where we have to set aside partisanship, and we have to make sure that people who believe in the constitution are willing to come together to prevent him from ever again setting foot anywhere near the Oval Office
Trump is the single most dangerous threat to our democracy and our country since the CIVIL War and maybe in our history.
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